Thread for the "Liberals"

I dont consider myself one...but have been called one enough I figured might as well make a thread for the few of "us" here. Since many threads are decidely slanted to the right, "we" can keep all out ideas and political topics neatly packed into this one thread instead of topic by topic...which often get bashed. "We" will also use it as a place for some of "our" more irreveant and non sensical rants, so please do not take it all at 100 % gospel value (I added this after my first post) .All people are of course welcome to participate, just figured this would be a nice way for "us" to advance "our" agenda....LOL. Hope this turns out civil, I do not intend it be to otherwise.
Now, with Obama, they're being held by a progressive president and a progressive Congress. There never actually was a surplus. What you're referring to is CBO's estimate/prediction, based on past data, projecting a potential surplus if certain things remained constant. CBO reached the "surplus" projection/prediction by assuming that
1) Tax receipts, based on the boom years in the 90's, would continue forever
2) Congressional spending would be frozen at 90's levels and wouldn't rise.
As you can imagine, both assumptions are faulty since it's stupid to assume that the good times will continue forever, and that Congress will never increase spending. Not sure what you're complaining about - neither one of these is funded properly, and both are set to go belly-up in the next decade or two. It's simple costs vs tax revenues - they don't add up. There's just too much cost and not enough money to pay for it, so somethings gotta give. Either taxes go up to cover the cost, or benefits get slashed - either way, the money's gotta come from somewhere.
1) Guantanamo still being open, despite Obama's pledge to close it?
2) Obama's health care plan, which will use force US citizens to endorse/buy a commodity, even if they don't want to?
3) Obama's promise that if the stimulus was passed, that unemployment wouldn't rise about 9% (original promise was unemployment would be 7 or 8% with stimulus, 9 or 10% without)? Obama just last week (in an MI speech) declared, that it's because of the stimulus that unemployment hasn't risen to 15%.
2. I dont beleive the "if they dont want to" argument. This is used by people with money as a grandiose idea, but not applicable to the people it helps----who want insurance but cant afford it. Remember, part of health care being high is the fact of all those w/o insurance and someone having to foot the bills.
3. That was a promise that should not have been made, because there is no way to make sure it could be kept and no way to foresee the future. This being said...we also do not know what unemployment would be now without the stimulus...possibly more.
Also, the stimulus has created a great deeal of wealth as many corporations are making larger profits with more money now in reserve than ever...however no jobs are being created. It seemed to be an altruisitic idea gone arwry by not remembering if there is more money to be made by keeping less people to do more work----thats the way it will be done. Whats the incentive to hire someone when you can have 4 people do the work of 5, and make them aware than they can be replaced at anytime by others who need jobs and will do more than is paid for??
Wow, that's a pretty Marxist statement(that was not an insult, nor stated with any form of malice). Whether a person can(rich) or can not(poor) afford this new healthcare plan, the standard of treatment will still be the same. If i dont want to buy into Obamacare, i shouldnt be forced to. I should be able to take my money to a health care program of my choosing for whatever reason i choose, be it a better standard of care, more appointment options, convenience etc. Thats not a "grandiose idea", it's Capitalism.
On a semi-related tangent, i'm disgusted and insulted i am "forced" to pay into social security. I have investments, i have a retirement plan, i dont need government involvement yet they take MY money every pay day for a program(seperate of taxes) that i neither support nor approve of. It should be an option, not a mandate. We can thank FDR for that great socialist program that is now too big to go away. And it can be easily proven how SS in the next 10 years is going to become a huge detriment(like we needed another one) to the national budget.
1. They can't afford it because they aren't making money
2. They have no clue what the new tax laws are going to be by the end of the year, due to health care reform taxes incoming, and due to the Bush tax cuts expiring. So even if a business is making money, they don't know if they are going to continue to make money in the next 6 months. So why bother hiring new people?
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
when their side does something it is good but if the other side does something then it is the work of Satan himself.
i have a hard time getting worked up over pundits doing what they get paid to do.
if problem solving is what you seek, then the calling of names will never help, but only hinder.
I understand that you (Vulchor) have a need within you to try and keep things light and therefore use sarcasm and other tools to make you feel like you are "lightening up" the mood.
what you fail to realize is that this sarcasm does, in fact, set people off. if it is intended or not does not matter because it does. people view this as name calling and that is where the productive and intellectual conversation stops.
If you seek a decent debate about actual solutions sarcasm and jokes pointed at a view different than yours must be left out or you face the inevitable outcome of a mud-fight
this name calling and sarcasm has already started in this thread so i will decline to be a further part of it even though you (Vulchor) have touched on a few topics that i agree with you 100%
as you know, i find almost any name calling distracting.
i hope you get out of this thread what you are looking for.
Vulchor you mentioned an "agenda" - what is your agenda? What are you liberal about?
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
As far as this thread, it is what it is. I am not looking for anything. Most threads dealing with anything political here are just a way for like minded people to find other like minded people to reinfirce what they believe. Some are p!issing contests, and a few are well rationed debates where no one can admit their opinion may be wrong on either side of the topic. As I stated...for this is what it is.
As far as my "agenda"...I have none really. It was more just a joke about the things in quotes. I dont think of myself as a liberal, but have been labeled so by some (not just here, not bashing anyone) and I hear on all sides of the aisles about "the gay agenda, the republican agenda, the pig man's agenda lol" so I just use the term in jest more than anything.
I agree with you that certainly some of the reason for not hiring, and moreso in some industries, is due to what you say. Good point for some, but not all industries is that the case. I do realized everyone from Joe Schmoe to the biggest of corporations is "afraid" right now...for different reasons certainly, but your point is taken bro.
You knew when you made this thread what kinda responses you'd get, and you started the thread off with a provacative statement. It wasn't humor you were attempting, it was an outright insult, like saying "Hey, I want a civilized debate, but anyone who doesn't like what I say is a ****" - that's not humor, it's just an outright, rude insult that shows a lack of class and manners
Depending on your age and your internet savvy, you may or may not know what it means when I tell you "Fail troll is fail"
People can so easily be distracted from what's really important or what the main topic of a discussion is by just a little deflection. Not saying it is done on purpose (ok yes I am) but it sure does seem to happen a lot in these discussions.
I personally don't hope Obamacare fails. I hope to God it doesn't. But the realist in me knows it will.
I'd like to know where you got your "quote" from....... The only other definition I've ever seen or heard for a teabagger, is "one who who carries large bags of tea for shipment"....... I doubt that is what people are referring to ;-)
My theory behind the surplus not leading to expansion of industry and more jobs being created is a little different than yours. I honestly don't think major corporations are using the stimulus as a way to make more money with less work force. From an economic standpoint, that's just a band-aid. Any smart CEO would know that a bigger workforce will lead to a bigger return. My belief is that most corporations are sitting on their collective hands in light of Obama's new Financial Reform Plan. Political tides effect Wall Street the same as anything. More regulations means more fees, penalties and taxes paid out to the government. Most companies are willing to wait out the political storm and see what happens this November or even further into 2012.
And as far as questioning urbandictionary being a reputable source, I think you already know the answer to that one. I'm pretty sure that no one would have bothered to come up with an alternate definition if no one took offense to it in the first place. I don't know, were people walking around before the Tea Party movement referring to "Noobish behavior" as teabagging? Maybe. I don't know for sure. But I suspect that this "new" definition has something to with a certain somebody using the term on record......