I think that this forum, unlike most cigars, has a great knack for being self-corrective...
If someone is being obnoxious or hard to understand (and I'm not saying anyone has) then eventually they get called out about it or they realistically go away for no one pays attention to them.
So while I agree that there are certain levels of respect and grammar that need to go on this forum I know that I myself have broken these rules of conduct before (albeit under an influence of good cigars and beer) but at the end of the day most of my almost 300 posts have been in a learning environment and hoping to help myself and others understand cigars better.
Do I let it get to me as much as Shirley? No, maybe he has some deep seeded issues where his wife broke-up with him through text-message, but I DO know that I used to get pissed when there were ANY icons not gray-ed out on the front pages meaning that I have not clicked on them... now-a-days there are several icons that stay fresh for the thread has gone stale to me (and we don't seem to have any great de-railments anymore :P)
In summation... "Me fail english? That's unpossible!"
It's proper English to use an apostrophe in this sentence. The word would have been incorrect without its apostrophe.
You may lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead. Leaders will show the way, while followers will be led.
You're never too old to work on your grammar.
To make twomistakes is to make two too many.
Eats, shoots and leaves. Or is it Eats chutes and leaves? There be some bad grammar and bastardization of the English language on this board. But it still beats ebonics.
I couldn't help but think that same thing as I read the post. Fortunately, I'm fairly confident in my grasp of the English language and my ability to use it properly. And aside from my user name, I'm not much for abbreviations or letter 2 number substitutions (except for that instance to be clever).
LOL! yeah, I think Jules up there says it all... English... Can you speak it? If so then you're allright in my book!
I couldn't help but think that same thing as I read the post. Fortunately, I'm fairly confident in my grasp of the English language and my ability to use it properly. And aside from my user name, I'm not much for abbreviations or letter 2 number substitutions (except for that instance to be clever).
LOL! yeah, I think Jules up there says it all... English... Can you speak it? If so then you're allright in my book!
I couldn't help but think that same thing as I read the post. Fortunately, I'm fairly confident in my grasp of the English language and my ability to use it properly. And aside from my user name, I'm not much for abbreviations or letter 2 number substitutions (except for that instance to be clever).
LOL! yeah, I think Jules up there says it all... English... Can you speak it? If so then you're allright in my book!
That's funny... did you do that on purpose?
With all the grammer talk going on, I couldn't help myself!
Eats, shoots and leaves. Or is it Eats chutes and leaves? There be some bad grammar and bastardization of the English language on this board. But it still beats ebonics.
Train De-Railment Joke:
Koala finishes going down on a hooker and gets up to leave...
Hooker: Wait a minute! You owe me money!
Koala: No I don't!
Hooker: Yes you do! I'm a hooker look at this dictionary under hooker it says "Hooker: Lady who does sexual favors for money" so there! You owe me money!
Koala: Let me see that dictionary... *flip* *flip* Koala: "Eats Bush and Leaves"
So the Koala gets up and leaves....
Eats, shoots and leaves. Or is it Eats chutes and leaves? There be some bad grammar and bastardization of the English language on this board. But it still beats ebonics.
Train De-Railment Joke:
Koala finishes going down on a hooker and gets up to leave...
Hooker: Wait a minute! You owe me money!
Koala: No I don't!
Hooker: Yes you do! I'm a hooker look at this dictionary under hooker it says "Hooker: Lady who does sexual favors for money" so there! You owe me money!
Koala: Let me see that dictionary... *flip* *flip* Koala: "Eats Bush and Leaves"
So the Koala gets up and leaves....
Nice...if I derail your derailment, are we back on track?
I couldn't help but think that same thing as I read the post. Fortunately, I'm fairly confident in my grasp of the English language and my ability to use it properly. And aside from my user name, I'm not much for abbreviations or letter 2 number substitutions (except for that instance to be clever).
LOL! yeah, I think Jules up there says it all... English... Can you speak it? If so then you're allright in my book!
That's funny... did you do that on purpose?
With all the grammer talk going on, I couldn't help myself!
Speaking of grammer... I always loose track of some of those crazy rules anyway... I dunno why there their anyway... What's the point? Its' not like it's important anyway. It shouldn't have any effect on what we say or write, it's just stupid... It's not like your ever going to need grammer. I think I need to go lay down, maybe I'm tired or something cause of not much sleep cause of that bed that i have to replace soon where it's all worn out. It's still better then some though.
You do make one important point with which we are in agreement. People tend to respect the input they receive from those who have taken the time to put up a well-constructed post. It demonstrates that the poster is more engaged in the conversation and understands the subject matter well enough to assemble coherent thoughts into grammatically correct English sentences. I'd hate to see us become grammar ***, but by the same token, as a poster, you must recognize that many times your statements carry a weight that is directly proportional to the apparent time, thought, and effort behind them.
that was my point and yes, i admit that i dont capitalize anything. i also dont use much punctuation and i cant spell. but, (comma) i do take the time to spell out "You're" or "your" or "know" or "you are" and "for" and "be" I look at it in the light of this being a first draft. If you look at my longer "article" posts or my reviews I do take the time to spell check and use proper grammer. this is informal wroting to friends. that is more formal writing to convey a message... text speak is ok when you are texting. we arent. ... i may have a few posts in a row here. I didnt realize my rant would generate this many retorts all at the same time.
... or we all got deraild very quickly... whatever. i just didnt wanna look like a jerk. I just felt like ranting on my hate of text speak. again, not so much because i cant read it but it because it makes you look either lazy or that you are 13 and chatting with your "BFF". I have a hard time respecting that. I can respect people that cant spell (cos i cant) and i still respect people that dont know where the "shift" key is 50% of the time.
on a side note: i cant wait for some of you to meet me in person at kuzipaloza '08. i think you will understand why i type the way i do. with all the "..." and such. I do have a tendency to trai off and start again somehere sorta related. so im just typing how i speak.
I do have a tendency to trai off and start again somehere sorta related. so im just typing how i speak.
Hmm, yes...classic symptomology. By the way urby, that article you linked to was quite hilarious. I was still laughing sometime after I read it... so thanks for causing me to cut myself shaving also. Suppose if I didn't cut myself once in a while though that'd make me one of the Elites and I ain't no elite, me is a reglar.
Heh. Glad to have been of use, dude. I'm not sure why, but this part just leaves me in stitches every time: "Hot for a politician. Or someone you just see in a store."
I do have a tendency to trai off and start again somehere sorta related. so im just typing how i speak.
Hmm, yes...classic symptomology. By the way urby, that article you linked to was quite hilarious. I was still laughing sometime after I read it... so thanks for causing me to cut myself shaving also. Suppose if I didn't cut myself once in a while though that'd make me one of the Elites and I ain't no elite, me is a reglar.
Look on the bright side... At least it's one slice rather than the 3, 4 or 5 you would have got from one of those crazy cartridge razors!
People are hanged. Pictures are hung. (Okay, some of us people are hung, too, but that's a kettle of different colored horses.)
You walk farther down a road, but you take ideas further.
I'm a grammarjack and I'm okay.
Since we're talking about abuse of grammar, I laughed so hard at this that I banged my head on my monitor. (Warning: political humor.)
Urby, the grammar in that thing alone will get me started on a Thursday rant, and I haven't even touched on the evil that is Sarah Palin... but thanks for the new tagline! So tell me .. were you laughing so hard at the writing, or were you laughing so hard at the, um, writing?
Also, did you notice that the articled had been EDITED? This is the published product after two dim-wits got their hands on it. How many editors need to review front-page content for this publication?
So when I read text-speak, I end up reading it as the way the person speaks... this ends up making me believe that they mumble. Sound this out - "i dn wnna hrt u" ... my 2-year-old enunciates more clearly than that.
Also, it takes me longer to read text-speak than actual English words. In fact, many errors slow me down. Although, this depends on the context. If I'm reading a book or a published article, each spelling or grammar (it's grammar, not grammer) error completely interrupts my flow. That's not really the case on the forums because I read it to be typed in the same manner it is to be spoken.
I'm a very slow reader. Text-speak slows me down to the point that I often don't want to commit to reading an entire post. Combine that with my reduced expectations for the quality of the content, and it's easy to see why I just move on. Also, I find it somewhat disrespectful to eliminate a few keystrokes here and there to save yourself time, at the cost of time for all those who would read what you have to say.
...and I haven't even touched on the evil that is Sarah Palin...
i can understand that you wouldnt agree with someone on policy, but that hardly makes them EVIL. you may think she is stupid, unqualified, uninformed, making a series of poor decisions, misled, blind, backwards, backwoods, inept, and a poor speaker. ...but those things dont make her evil.
im not obamas biggest fan. I think he is economicly retarded, misinformed, an eletist, wrong on so many issues, a Marxist, unqualified, wreckless, witless, and a poor speaker off the telapromter, but i dont think he is evil. McCain and Biden are just as bad. but they arent EVIL. each of them, i believe, is trying to come up with a plan that will help the US. they want to run the country the best that they can. there may be a bit of self interest in there but that hardly makes one evil. I hesitate to call anyone evil. ever.
and to almost bring this post back on track, LOL, let me further clarify myself...
I don't care if you can't spell... My own wife is one of the worst spellers in the world... She's constantly asking me how to spell words as she's writing something. Even Microsoft Word occasionally gives up on her and when she right-clicks a red underlined word the paperclip guy just says, "Give it up fool..."
I don't care if you use incorrect grammar... or grammer... or grammor... If you put it's instead of its... farther instead of further... your instead of you're... Everybody makes mistakes... Rather it be because you don't know, or because sometimes the mind wanders and is thinking of other things, or whatever...
I don't care if you use commonly used abreviations or acronyms... If you use LOL, LMAO, BTW, WTF, etc... I use these myself all the time... Pretty much anyone on the planet that hasn't been living under a rock the last 10 years will know what all of the above stand for...
What I think we're all talking about here is a complete mutilation of the english language... Let's think of it another way...
I want to say, "I've been thinking about it, and I really enjoy the maduro wrappers. It's the sweetness I really like." That seems easy enough...
If I write, "I've ben thinking about it, and I realy enjoy the madoro wrapers. It's the sweetnes I realy like." it's no big deal... Everyone can read it and in my book you still have my respect... So what if you mispelled some words... I'm not here to judge your education or why you may or may not be a terrible speller...
If I write, "i've been thinking about it, and, i really enjoy the madoro wrappers its the sweetness i really like" again, it's no big deal... Nobody will struggle to read it and nobody is going to think, "Good grief this guy is a moron..."
If you write, "BTW... I've been thinking about it, and I really enjoy the madoro wrappers! WTF, me? A maduro? LOL... Yeah I know, but it's the sweetness I really like..." once again nobody gives a flying crap... Why? Because once again everyone can read it just fine... They know exactly what you're saying...
IF however you write, "yo iv bn thnkn abt it n i rly njoy da maduro wrap. cuz it b da sweet i rly like 2 b fa real." I think my point is obvious... Sure most people can read it and figure it out... The problem is, after they try to interpret your post their first though is probably, "This guys a freaking tard..."
Let me state it one more way...
One of my passions is bikes... I've owned a bike in one form or another damn near since I could walk. I ride as often as I can, get to the track for track days as often as I can, etc...
My current baby...
Acceleration is all about power to weight... The bike above currently kicks out 166.9BHP at the wheel... Its wet weight is about 437lbs... For those none mathaletes out there, that's about .38 horsepower per pound...
An '89 Ferrari F40 with it's V8 Twin Turbo kicks out 478bhp but weighs 2425lbs... About .20 horsepower per pound...
What's that mean? Provided the power can be put to the ground, that bike will spank the Ferrari all day long... The Ferrari does 0-60 in 3.9s... My bike does 0-60 in 2.2s...
So where's all this going? Sorry, I'm getting there... And yes, this IS a true story...
Not long ago one my ride home from work I pulled up to a stop light... A kid, probably 17 or 18 pulled up next to me in a Ford Probe... As soon as he pulls up he of course starts revving the engine... He wants to race... A quick look reveals some interesting things... First, it had a V-tech sticker plastered on it... (for those that aren't aware, a v-tech is a Honda engine, but apparently simply adding a v-tech sticker to your car can increase horsepower by about 15%)... Anyway... it also of course had NOS stickers plastered all over it... Perhaps worst of all, he had wheelie bars attached to it... (again for those that aren't aware, a Ford Probe is a front wheel drive vehicle...)
The kid himself had the obligatory backwards but off-skew "boy band" hat on, and while I didn't see him out of the car to know for sure, I can pretty well rest assured that he would have had his pants down around his knees...
Now on to the point... You see, when this kid pulled up beside me in his "hopped up" car, I can pretty much tell you what went on in his mind... It probably went something like this...
"Damn yo! Look at dat bike! That thang is WILD... I bet dat *** is fast as hell... My *** is right though, I bet I can take him... I'll pull up beside him and rev my engine... Even if I lose he'll see my bad ass car and I'll feel all good about myself..."
Well, no my little misinformed friend, I wasn't impressed with your car... I laughed at your car, and more importantly, I laughed at you... The moment you revved your engine and showed you wanted to race me I lost ALL respect for you... You were then and forever more in my mind labeled as an idiot...
For those who want to know the rest of the story... When the light turned green I simply sat still and watched as he took off... A drag start it was not... LOL... In fact, I actually sat there much longer than I had planned because I was laughing my ass off... Why? Because as our kid sets off with his 8" diameter exhaust pipe sounding like a bumble-bee that ate way too many pork'n'beans, some guy in an old beat up buick in the far right lane overtook him and I'm sure had no idea he was even part of a race...
You see, when you express yourself in the ways outlined above (e.g. wntn 2 b cool by wrtn like dis) it doesn't make your peers step back and say, "Wow, that guy is really cool!"... Rather it makes them step back and say, "What a friggin idiot..."
Dang, Shirley.. I love your rants. I also love the pics that go with them
I put no effort whatsoever into looking cool or hip or stylish (and it shows). My clothing is all about function. Pants that convert to shorts. Non-cotton shirts. Waterproof shoes when necessary.... etc.
In fact, I'm going to the climbing gym this evening and I will be leaving in my usual sandals with socks on (gasp!). My wife and my climbing partner both make fun of me for doing this, but the rationale is simple. Climbing shoes are very tight, and they get incredibly stinky. When I'm done climbing, my feet give off a stench that would render an elephant unconscious within 10 minutes. I need to drive home. I need my feet to cool off, so I don't want to cram them into some shoes. If I just wear sandals, I'll die on the drive home. I put socks on to control the stink, and I put sandals over them so my feet still get exposure to cool air. I look like a ****, but who am I trying to impress? I'm married. I've got two kids. Everybody already knows I'm a dork.
People are hanged. Pictures are hung. (Okay, some of us people are hung, too, but that's a kettle of different colored horses.)
You walk farther down a road, but you take ideas further.
I'm a grammarjack and I'm okay.
Since we're talking about abuse of grammar, I laughed so hard at this that I banged my head on my monitor. (Warning: political humor.)
Urby, the grammar in that thing alone will get me started on a Thursday rant, and I haven't even touched on the evil that is Sarah Palin... but thanks for the new tagline! So tell me .. were you laughing so hard at the writing, or were you laughing so hard at the, um, writing?
Also, did you notice that the articled had been EDITED? This is the published product after two dim-wits got their hands on it. How many editors need to review front-page content for this publication?
Whew.. ok.. now that I've recovered from my morning stupor, I can see that this was plainly a sarcastic column meant to impersonate the "average" Palin supporter. It's just funny now. Don't scare me like that.
Oh, and before I click "Post" one more thing: PTFTW!!
It's proper English to use an apostrophe in this sentence. The word would have been incorrect without its apostrophe.
You may lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead. Leaders will show the way, while followers will be led.
You're never too old to work on your grammar.
To make twomistakes is to make two too many.
If someone is being obnoxious or hard to understand (and I'm not saying anyone has) then eventually they get called out about it or they realistically go away for no one pays attention to them.
So while I agree that there are certain levels of respect and grammar that need to go on this forum I know that I myself have broken these rules of conduct before (albeit under an influence of good cigars and beer) but at the end of the day most of my almost 300 posts have been in a learning environment and hoping to help myself and others understand cigars better.
Do I let it get to me as much as Shirley? No, maybe he has some deep seeded issues where his wife broke-up with him through text-message, but I DO know that I used to get pissed when there were ANY icons not gray-ed out on the front pages meaning that I have not clicked on them... now-a-days there are several icons that stay fresh for the thread has gone stale to me (and we don't seem to have any great de-railments anymore :P)
In summation... "Me fail english? That's unpossible!"
Eats, shoots and leaves. Or is it Eats chutes and leaves? There be some bad grammar and bastardization of the English language on this board. But it still beats ebonics.
Train De-Railment Joke:
Koala finishes going down on a hooker and gets up to leave...
Hooker: Wait a minute! You owe me money!
Koala: No I don't!
Hooker: Yes you do! I'm a hooker look at this dictionary under hooker it says "Hooker: Lady who does sexual favors for money" so there! You owe me money!
Koala: Let me see that dictionary... *flip* *flip* Koala: "Eats Bush and Leaves"
So the Koala gets up and leaves....
Nice...if I derail your derailment, are we back on track?
How do you make a hormone?
Don't pay her.
You know?
(btw you missed a chance to write "right")
Oh... my girlfriend was right... I am premature
You walk farther down a road, but you take ideas further.
I'm a grammarjack and I'm okay.
Since we're talking about abuse of grammar, I laughed so hard at this that I banged my head on my monitor. (Warning: political humor.)
and yes, i admit that i dont capitalize anything. i also dont use much punctuation and i cant spell. but, (comma) i do take the time to spell out "You're" or "your" or "know" or "you are" and "for" and "be" I look at it in the light of this being a first draft. If you look at my longer "article" posts or my reviews I do take the time to spell check and use proper grammer. this is informal wroting to friends. that is more formal writing to convey a message... text speak is ok when you are texting. we arent. ... i may have a few posts in a row here. I didnt realize my rant would generate this many retorts all at the same time.
on a side note: i cant wait for some of you to meet me in person at kuzipaloza '08. i think you will understand why i type the way i do. with all the "..." and such. I do have a tendency to trai off and start again somehere sorta related. so im just typing how i speak.
...and a big pause to make a point.
pothead.... sheeesh!!
Also, did you notice that the articled had been EDITED? This is the published product after two dim-wits got their hands on it. How many editors need to review front-page content for this publication?
So when I read text-speak, I end up reading it as the way the person speaks... this ends up making me believe that they mumble. Sound this out - "i dn wnna hrt u" ... my 2-year-old enunciates more clearly than that.
Also, it takes me longer to read text-speak than actual English words. In fact, many errors slow me down. Although, this depends on the context. If I'm reading a book or a published article, each spelling or grammar (it's grammar, not grammer) error completely interrupts my flow. That's not really the case on the forums because I read it to be typed in the same manner it is to be spoken.
I'm a very slow reader. Text-speak slows me down to the point that I often don't want to commit to reading an entire post. Combine that with my reduced expectations for the quality of the content, and it's easy to see why I just move on. Also, I find it somewhat disrespectful to eliminate a few keystrokes here and there to save yourself time, at the cost of time for all those who would read what you have to say.
...but those things dont make her evil.
im not obamas biggest fan. I think he is economicly retarded, misinformed, an eletist, wrong on so many issues, a Marxist, unqualified, wreckless, witless, and a poor speaker off the telapromter, but i dont think he is evil.
McCain and Biden are just as bad.
but they arent EVIL.
each of them, i believe, is trying to come up with a plan that will help the US. they want to run the country the best that they can. there may be a bit of self interest in there but that hardly makes one evil.
I hesitate to call anyone evil. ever.
I don't care if you can't spell... My own wife is one of the worst spellers in the world... She's constantly asking me how to spell words as she's writing something. Even Microsoft Word occasionally gives up on her and when she right-clicks a red underlined word the paperclip guy just says, "Give it up fool..."
I don't care if you use incorrect grammar... or grammer... or grammor... If you put it's instead of its... farther instead of further... your instead of you're... Everybody makes mistakes... Rather it be because you don't know, or because sometimes the mind wanders and is thinking of other things, or whatever...
I don't care if you use commonly used abreviations or acronyms... If you use LOL, LMAO, BTW, WTF, etc... I use these myself all the time... Pretty much anyone on the planet that hasn't been living under a rock the last 10 years will know what all of the above stand for...
What I think we're all talking about here is a complete mutilation of the english language... Let's think of it another way...
I want to say, "I've been thinking about it, and I really enjoy the maduro wrappers. It's the sweetness I really like." That seems easy enough...
If I write, "I've ben thinking about it, and I realy enjoy the madoro wrapers. It's the sweetnes I realy like." it's no big deal... Everyone can read it and in my book you still have my respect... So what if you mispelled some words... I'm not here to judge your education or why you may or may not be a terrible speller...
If I write, "i've been thinking about it, and, i really enjoy the madoro wrappers its the sweetness i really like" again, it's no big deal... Nobody will struggle to read it and nobody is going to think, "Good grief this guy is a moron..."
If you write, "BTW... I've been thinking about it, and I really enjoy the madoro wrappers! WTF, me? A maduro? LOL... Yeah I know, but it's the sweetness I really like..." once again nobody gives a flying crap... Why? Because once again everyone can read it just fine... They know exactly what you're saying...
IF however you write, "yo iv bn thnkn abt it n i rly njoy da maduro wrap. cuz it b da sweet i rly like 2 b fa real." I think my point is obvious... Sure most people can read it and figure it out... The problem is, after they try to interpret your post their first though is probably, "This guys a freaking tard..."
Let me state it one more way...
One of my passions is bikes... I've owned a bike in one form or another damn near since I could walk. I ride as often as I can, get to the track for track days as often as I can, etc...
My current baby...
Acceleration is all about power to weight... The bike above currently kicks out 166.9BHP at the wheel... Its wet weight is about 437lbs... For those none mathaletes out there, that's about .38 horsepower per pound...
An '89 Ferrari F40 with it's V8 Twin Turbo kicks out 478bhp but weighs 2425lbs... About .20 horsepower per pound...
What's that mean? Provided the power can be put to the ground, that bike will spank the Ferrari all day long... The Ferrari does 0-60 in 3.9s... My bike does 0-60 in 2.2s...
So where's all this going? Sorry, I'm getting there...
Not long ago one my ride home from work I pulled up to a stop light... A kid, probably 17 or 18 pulled up next to me in a Ford Probe... As soon as he pulls up he of course starts revving the engine... He wants to race... A quick look reveals some interesting things... First, it had a V-tech sticker plastered on it... (for those that aren't aware, a v-tech is a Honda engine, but apparently simply adding a v-tech sticker to your car can increase horsepower by about 15%)... Anyway... it also of course had NOS stickers plastered all over it... Perhaps worst of all, he had wheelie bars attached to it... (again for those that aren't aware, a Ford Probe is a front wheel drive vehicle...)
The kid himself had the obligatory backwards but off-skew "boy band" hat on, and while I didn't see him out of the car to know for sure, I can pretty well rest assured that he would have had his pants down around his knees...
Now on to the point... You see, when this kid pulled up beside me in his "hopped up" car, I can pretty much tell you what went on in his mind... It probably went something like this...
"Damn yo! Look at dat bike! That thang is WILD... I bet dat *** is fast as hell... My *** is right though, I bet I can take him... I'll pull up beside him and rev my engine... Even if I lose he'll see my bad ass car and I'll feel all good about myself..."
Well, no my little misinformed friend, I wasn't impressed with your car... I laughed at your car, and more importantly, I laughed at you... The moment you revved your engine and showed you wanted to race me I lost ALL respect for you... You were then and forever more in my mind labeled as an idiot...
For those who want to know the rest of the story... When the light turned green I simply sat still and watched as he took off... A drag start it was not... LOL... In fact, I actually sat there much longer than I had planned because I was laughing my ass off... Why? Because as our kid sets off with his 8" diameter exhaust pipe sounding like a bumble-bee that ate way too many pork'n'beans, some guy in an old beat up buick in the far right lane overtook him and I'm sure had no idea he was even part of a race...
You see, when you express yourself in the ways outlined above (e.g. wntn 2 b cool by wrtn like dis) it doesn't make your peers step back and say, "Wow, that guy is really cool!"... Rather it makes them step back and say, "What a friggin idiot..."
I put no effort whatsoever into looking cool or hip or stylish (and it shows). My clothing is all about function. Pants that convert to shorts. Non-cotton shirts. Waterproof shoes when necessary.... etc.
In fact, I'm going to the climbing gym this evening and I will be leaving in my usual sandals with socks on (gasp!). My wife and my climbing partner both make fun of me for doing this, but the rationale is simple. Climbing shoes are very tight, and they get incredibly stinky. When I'm done climbing, my feet give off a stench that would render an elephant unconscious within 10 minutes. I need to drive home. I need my feet to cool off, so I don't want to cram them into some shoes. If I just wear sandals, I'll die on the drive home. I put socks on to control the stink, and I put sandals over them so my feet still get exposure to cool air. I look like a ****, but who am I trying to impress? I'm married. I've got two kids. Everybody already knows I'm a dork.
pi... HA!
Oh, and before I click "Post" one more thing: PTFTW!!