Too Much Bureaucracy?

Here's my attempt at a political thread, though this is more of a survey than anything else.
However you identify your political leanings, I think something that everyone can agree with is that any bureaucracy runs the risk of being inflated, thus reducing efficiency and increasing costs. The question is, which government programs or agencies should be discontinued/disbanded?
However you identify your political leanings, I think something that everyone can agree with is that any bureaucracy runs the risk of being inflated, thus reducing efficiency and increasing costs. The question is, which government programs or agencies should be discontinued/disbanded?
Still thinking about your question though. I'll post something once I have a thought together - nobody hold their breath!!
Not a program or agency, really, but I think Congress should be severely limited in its powers and rights. If the Constitution is a powerless joke anywhere in America, it's in Congress. They have the power to give themselves a pay raise (which they do every year), target specific groups for extra taxes and limitation of rights, divert tax dollars to whatever program they wish with no consequences, and destroy the economy by strangling companies with taxes, restrictions, and regulations so that no one hires anymore. In many ways, Congress is much more powerful than the President and the Supreme Court, since they can override presidential vetoes, shoot down programs or bills that the president wants, hinder the president's existing programs by cutting off funding and support, ignore the president altogether, and the supreme court doesn't rule against congress most of the time.
Anyone that thinks that Congress was meant to abuse any of these powers or make up their own powers by our founding fathers was lied to in school.
I would start by outlawing labor unions in the public sector.
But anywhoos...... I think one thing that needs to be mentioned is that the looming bureaucratic expansion of Health Care will definitely NOT be a good thing.
But in any case, taxes need to be reworked, tort reform needs to be effective (any system that allows people to sue endlessly without penalty or reason is broken), and Congress needs to be separated from anything monetary. It's the biggest black hole for our tax dollars, anyway. More tax dollars for continuously diminishing rights = Wtf?
I'm with you on saying taxes need to be reworked and your comment for tort reform couldn't have come at a better time. Out-of-control lawsuits have raised the cost of goods and services for everyone and have flooded the legal system with frivolous cases.
So the start of 2009 I get married to an american woman. We start the whole "green card thing". I have to pay a butt load of money to get the paperwork and get it through the INS. They said 30 days and we will have you a temp work permit till the green card is sorted. Safe to say it takes 9 months for the temp work permit. The whole time I am not working for nearly the first year of our marriage. I get offered good jobs that I can't take.
the problem was some A**hole at the INS got my paperwork. cashed the checks and lost a few of the sheets. Over the 9 months they lost everything at least once apart for the money I gave them.
All we ever heard was it's someone else fault. First they tried to blame me. saying I didn't send in all the stuff needed. I had photo copies of everything I sent ,recorded mail, and the checks where attached to each form.
That is out tax money hard at work.
i DO agree though that state programs like the one in arizona will result in less INS. that program may have flaws but it is way better than the state without it.
this, IMHO, is the root of the problem.
more worried about what they can give the people to keep themselves in office than what is good for the country.
Anyways, not many people will remember that before Roland Burris was appointed to Obamas Senate seat, that there was a vote on the state floor to hold a special election for the vacant seat. Most in the House and Senate were in favor, so were the citizens that were polled. However, the Speaker of the House, Mike Madigan, somehow shot it down completely, for fear of losing a valuable Senate seat to a Republican. So there's a great example of politicians taking care of their own and doing what's right for them in spite of the will of the people.
+1 to all of this. Also google Todd Stroger while you're at it - total tool.
If I had an area to look for waste - I'd go straight to Judicial. The whole legal system really. It's like a gang of thieves. Good beat cops are NOT being put in a position to uphold the law. Bad beat cops seem like tenured professors. When the system isn't working at it's most base level, I think it's obvious how much work needs to be done. Unfortunately it does make one cringe to think how much will need to be spent by congress in the way of committees / hearings just to look at it.