I'm a Starcraft fan! I'd like to get it, but I'm broke That and there's 5 boxes I really wanna get lol. I was more of a Protoss and Terran player. Didn't like Zerg. Everyone and their mother wanted to zerg rush.
The Korean national sport! I used to love playing StarCraft back in the day. I'm considering getting SC II, and if I do, I'll let you know so we can play a few games.
Good to see some SC fans. I'm not that good, but I used to play with my friends until 4 in the morning when I was in high school.
I've seen some of the gameplay trailers for Diablo 3 and it looks pretty awesome. I've never played Diablo 3 but those trailers make me want to get my hands on a demo as soon as one is available.
Big fan of the original and already nerd-stalked SCII's site for trailers and such. I need to wait a few months to play through my current games before I have the budget on another. However, SCII is a big contender.
My Life for Aiur! got the game yesterday actually, so far it's bad ass...played the beta for a few months, and def can tell some differences so far...like for one, it doesn't seem to make my cpu temp go above 200+ degrees!
My Life for Aiur! got the game yesterday actually, so far it's bad ass...played the beta for a few months, and def can tell some differences so far...like for one, it doesn't seem to make my cpu temp go above 200+ degrees!
What's your bnet handle? I'm going to get it soon. Let's play a few rounds.
I'm a Starcraft fan! I'd like to get it, but I'm broke That and there's 5 boxes I really wanna get lol. I was more of a Protoss and Terran player. Didn't like Zerg. Everyone and their mother wanted to zerg rush.
I started off as a Terran player but gradually moved on to Protoss. Never really enjoyed playing Zerg. I've always enjoyed 'toss tech more than sheer numbers.
My Life for Aiur! got the game yesterday actually, so far it's bad ass...played the beta for a few months, and def can tell some differences so far...like for one, it doesn't seem to make my cpu temp go above 200+ degrees!
What's your bnet handle? I'm going to get it soon. Let's play a few rounds.
my handle??? why...its none other than....KRIEG! lol...i know, I'm quite original
I'm a Starcraft fan! I'd like to get it, but I'm broke That and there's 5 boxes I really wanna get lol. I was more of a Protoss and Terran player. Didn't like Zerg. Everyone and their mother wanted to zerg rush.
I started off as a Terran player but gradually moved on to Protoss. Never really enjoyed playing Zerg. I've always enjoyed 'toss tech more than sheer numbers.
I was purely one of the dreaded Zerg players. I mastered that race perfectly, now i don't know ***
Huge gaming nerd but not a Starcraft player. It looks nice for an RTS but I've never found them exciting.
Same. Blizzard doesn't make any games that interest me, but this one will sell well, and make them even more rich.
Not even Diablo? I used to be crazy for that one...
I lost entire MONTHS of my life to the Diablo series... :-D
I played Diablo once at my cousin's and thought it was pretty fun but this was recently and there isn't as many people playing it these days. Above all I'm waiting for the new Star Wars MMO
Huge gaming nerd but not a Starcraft player. It looks nice for an RTS but I've never found them exciting.
Same. Blizzard doesn't make any games that interest me, but this one will sell well, and make them even more rich.
Not even Diablo? I used to be crazy for that one...
I lost entire MONTHS of my life to the Diablo series... :-D
Hahaah - same here! I am ready for number 3 though! I've never done BNET - is it free guys? I might get the game and do some multiplayer stuff but you'll prolly kick my ***...
Huge gaming nerd but not a Starcraft player. It looks nice for an RTS but I've never found them exciting.
Same. Blizzard doesn't make any games that interest me, but this one will sell well, and make them even more rich.
Not even Diablo? I used to be crazy for that one...
I lost entire MONTHS of my life to the Diablo series... :-D
Hahaah - same here! I am ready for number 3 though! I've never done BNET - is it free guys? I might get the game and do some multiplayer stuff but you'll prolly kick my ***...
Battlenet was free last I've used it. So...yeah. Let's get some multiplayer set up when we get the games.
Huge gaming nerd but not a Starcraft player. It looks nice for an RTS but I've never found them exciting.
Same. Blizzard doesn't make any games that interest me, but this one will sell well, and make them even more rich.
Not even Diablo? I used to be crazy for that one...
Still have my diablo II CD, I tried SC once cause all my friends were playing it, and nobody gave me a tutorial, so i decided to make like 3000 tanks cause i didnt know how to make anything else and got attacked by some air support ships and was wondering why cant i shoot them down.I though that my futurustic tanks will have some rockets but i was wrong!I lasted like hour and half building tanks, and like 5 min fighting! Thats the last time i played it!
5,000 Vespene Gas--realmendrilldeep
disable victory condition-- tyuhasleftthegame
Disables Ability Cooldown-- HanShotFirst
Disables tech requirements-- SoSayWeAll
Gives 5,000,000 credits-- whysoserious
granted resources-- jaynestown
Invincibility and increased damage-- terribleterribledamage
Opens cutscene menu-- eyeofsauron
Plays the song "Terran up the Night"-- OverEngineeredCodPiece
Units/Structures no longer cost resources-- moredotsmoredots
Upgrades Weapons, Armor (and Shields) by 1-- IAmIronman
you know you'll look em up so here I just saved you some time lol
I couldnt stand diablo, but star craft was tons of fun, my freinds and I played it at least 8 hours a day at my buddies house every day of the summer it was out. ive heard star craft is the same game play as the origional, just much better graphics and eye candy.
I've seen some of the gameplay trailers for Diablo 3 and it looks pretty awesome. I've never played Diablo 3 but those trailers make me want to get my hands on a demo as soon as one is available.
"Long ashes my friends."
"Long ashes my friends."
"Long ashes my friends."
"Long ashes my friends."
"Long ashes my friends."
"Long ashes my friends."
disable victory condition-- tyuhasleftthegame
Disables Ability Cooldown-- HanShotFirst
Disables tech requirements-- SoSayWeAll
Gives 5,000,000 credits-- whysoserious
granted resources-- jaynestown
Invincibility and increased damage-- terribleterribledamage
Opens cutscene menu-- eyeofsauron
Plays the song "Terran up the Night"-- OverEngineeredCodPiece
Units/Structures no longer cost resources-- moredotsmoredots
Upgrades Weapons, Armor (and Shields) by 1-- IAmIronman
you know you'll look em up so here I just saved you some time lol