Why are we here

No, this is not a deep or religious question. Im glad we are all here and enjoy the forums but I sometimes wonder why we are not out iwth our families, friends, etc on a Fri nite. For me its just some down time at work. Curious mind just had to ask.
C: Why are we here?
H: Because we walked here.
C: No, I mean why are we here on Earth?
H: Because Earth can support life.
C: No, I mean why do we exist?
H: Because we were born.
C: Forget it.
H: I will, thank you.
C: (sitting behind box labeled "swift kick in the pants, $1.00)
H: How's business
C: Terrible
H: I can't imagine why
C: Me neither. Everyone I know needs one.
beyond that...
this is my free time and relax time after work. Typing, researching, discussing, debating, etc are all ways that i like to relax. cigars and this forum bring all of that to my life.