French Press Coffee

I know that there are alot of coffee drinkers here and was wondering how many of you use a French Press? I was thinking about picking one up and wanted to ask if there was anything I should look for in getting one.
Also, if you don't have a conical burr grinder, you want to get one, as you want a coarse grinder for press coffee. A blade type grinder relys on the length of time to determine average particle size, but some are still small and some are big. Conical bur you control the spacing of the burrs and get a uniform size that won't clog or get through the screen in your press.
As for the water, you want hot, but just short of boiling, for best flavor
You know about acid loving plants do you ? LMAO
but seriously, my roses love em.
Rhododendrums love the coffee grounds as well.