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My Son Is Back!

YankeeManYankeeMan Posts: 2,654 ✭✭✭✭✭
My son touched down at Pope Air Force Base next to Fort Bragg Thursday evening, his tour in Iraq has ended. I was not able to go see him because this is finals week at school and I had too many classes to have someone cover for me. My wife and younger son were there to greet him.

He will be up here next weekend and I plan to have a COA America I have been saving for this special event. I thought that would be appropriate.

Thank you all for your kind words and support during his deployment. And for all the BOTL's who are serving or have served, a big Thank You for what you do!


  • firetruckguyfiretruckguy Posts: 2,522 ✭✭✭
    AWESOME!!!!!!! I bet is great having him home again!
  • Smoke=FireSmoke=Fire Posts: 692 ✭✭✭
    Damn great news, and no mistake! I'm glad to hear your son made it back. Enjoy that cigar, but more so the company you share it with. ;)
  • SgtRickSgtRick Posts: 75
    I know he is very happy to be home.
  • Great to hear. I'm always glad to hear a soldier coming home safely.
  • jsnakejsnake Posts: 5,979 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Glad he is safe back home!
  • wwhwangwwhwang Posts: 2,878 ✭✭✭
    Glad another vet is back home safely! I think I'll get a CAO America later today and smoke in you and your son's honor.
  • Awesome news. Glad he is back.
  • t_evan50t_evan50 Posts: 1,725
    Thats great news. Tell him the BOTL thank him for his service.
  • jlmartajlmarta Posts: 7,881 ✭✭✭✭✭
    +1. And a big AMEN to that.


  • RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Posts: 2,915
    AWESOME ! Glad he Came Home Safe! Good Blessings for him and your Family
  • cabinetmakercabinetmaker Posts: 2,560 ✭✭
    Good to hear! Thank him for his service for me!
  • The SniperThe Sniper Posts: 3,910
    Good to hear! Thank him for his service for me!
    +1!!! God bless, and hope its one helluva party when he gets there!!!
  • laker1963laker1963 Posts: 5,046
    That's great news Yankeeman. Probably the best night's slepp in a long time coming up for you and the wife. Enjoy that CAO America bro, good choice.
  • undulacundulac Posts: 1,129
    Tell him thank you.
  • Poker_SlobPoker_Slob Posts: 1,269 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Great news Yank!! Thanks for sharing with us, and tell him how happy we all are for you and your family.
  • illinoisgolf99illinoisgolf99 Posts: 1,507
    glad hes back, thank him for his service!
  • roland_7707roland_7707 Posts: 2,833 ✭✭✭
    Congradulations. Im glad he is home safe.
    One God, One Truth
  • stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Posts: 4,317
    Awesome bro...
  • kaspera79kaspera79 Posts: 7,257 ✭✭✭
    Great to hear Yankee, ... and thanks to all the young men and women who serve so selflessly
  • ENFIDLENFIDL Posts: 5,836
    Glad to hear this brother! Give him a huge thank you from all of us here! I'll be lighting one up in his and your family's honor! Well as soon as I'm not sick I will....lol
  • sumixamsumixam Posts: 23
    Great news!!
  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,188 ✭✭✭
    That's great, I'm glad he made it back, and that's def something to go smoke and celebrate!

    "Long ashes my friends."

  • ThewelderThewelder Posts: 682 ✭✭
    Great to hear and if he came through Al Asad for customs I may have seen him. Tell him thank you for us
  • gmill880gmill880 Posts: 5,947
    Great News !!!
  • YankeeManYankeeMan Posts: 2,654 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thank you all for your kind words and support. He is indeed safe and sound, although 20 pounds lighter! I'll get to see him Friday night. I can't wait!

  • cooch36cooch36 Posts: 714 ✭✭
    Glad he's back! Thank him for his service to our country for me please (for real).
  • jship079jship079 Posts: 621
    Congrats, My close friend is a chaplain as an MP in the army he touched down the same day its a wonderful feeling for family to make it home safe.
  • LukoLuko Posts: 2,003 ✭✭
    what a great thread to read...very happy for you and your family. And very thankful for his service.
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