New dad and freaking out!

My wife and I reciently found out that we are preganant. Which is very cool. but im still freaking out. i was wondering if any of the other dads on here had that same reaction and how they delt with it. also and advice or nifty tips would also be appreciated. thanks.
One God, One Truth
if you think you're freaking out now, just wait till your wife goes into labor
"Long ashes my friends."
The good news is, that is all worth it and not really bad at all....just different and once you adjust (which doesnt take long) all the fear or nerves will be gone. There is no manual, you learn as you go...and Im sure you will do just fine. Enjoy the 9 months now too BTW....they are not as bad as sitcoms try to make them to be, and were a really fun time for my wife and I.
It is a crazy thing, and a miracle at that, and no advice or books or preparation can prepare you for everything ahead of you in the next 9 months and beyond. That said, you will do just fine!
Here's a recent pic of her being the happiest baby ever:
Oh and to the guy that said you don't have to talk into the belly, I literally talk right into her belly button. My old lady hates it, I think it's funny as hell LOL. Yes I have issues lol
"Long ashes my friends."