well... Yeah I work tues - Sat. Sun and Mon I have off. How late do you all plan on smoken'? I could drive on up when I get off work though that's a bit of a drive and I get off around 4ish... It would be 8 at the earliest. Unless I hit super easy traffic...
I'm good to go late if everyone else is down. I didn't have any hard time set to wrap it up. Jimmy usually goes to bed earlier than me, but it's all good as far as I'm concerned. I could go until around midnight, I still have to set up the stage at the church after that, but doing that real late is normal for me...BTW we live on our church property and are the caretakers if you were wondering. It's a really sweet setup :^)
Man, it's tempting but I would hate to drive 4ish hours only to hang for about 3 or so then drive all the way back. We'll have to do this on another date and hopefully one I can come too.