Look guys...I am no news source....I'm just a guy that lives in Southeast Ohio that enjoys smoking a cigar with the homies on good days...BBC does not know what is going on inside the minds of Israelis or anyone else. Sometimes I don't know that's going on with me. I have found that everything I know is subject to revision, especially what I know about the truth. So please, stop using me as a reference, cause you guys lost me at homemade rocket launchers and such.
This was just a joke! Please do not take it seriously or personally, just thought this soap opera needed some comic relief
Hahaha Damn BBC is located in Ohio?? THE BRITS ARE INVADING!!!
Actually I answered your arguement very well, and you even thought I had too when you tried to call me out to back up my side of it. Then I did back it up with the actual state laws and thats when you said that my comparison didn't really apply. You are changing your story when it seems like you don't have the upper hand. You would make a DAMN GOOD politician! haha
Both before Israel entered Gaza and during a TRUCE where Israel wasn't conducting any attacks...
NO dewd you didn't answer my arguement at all ! You changed the parameters of my arguement and then started talking about State Law in the US ! How did that address what I was talking about in any way? It was more an attempt at deflection.
Yup I have actually seen the stories you linked here, and many others that take a polar opposite view of these statements, so what? I commented in my first post here that my soul ached for the People of Gaza, and regardless of what you think, or say or believe... my soul aches for the People of Gaza.
Actually I answered your arguement very well, and you even thought I had too when you tried to call me out to back up my side of it. Then I did back it up with the actual state laws and thats when you said that my comparison didn't really apply. You are changing your story when it seems like you don't have the upper hand. You would make a DAMN GOOD politician! haha
Both before Israel entered Gaza and during a TRUCE where Israel wasn't conducting any attacks...
NO dewd you didn't answer my arguement at all ! You changed the parameters of my arguement and then started talking about State Law in the US ! How did that address what I was talking about in any way? It was more an attempt at deflection.
Yup I have actually seen the stories you linked here, and many others that take a polar opposite view of these statements, so what? I commented in my first post here that my soul ached for the People of Gaza, and regardless of what you think, or say or believe... my soul aches for the People of Gaza.
Haha, no my friend, anytime I have backed up my point you have "deflected" it and tried to change the rules of the game. Your analogy was about an attack on my home and I told you about a law that said you were wrong. After I did that you told me to back up that law and show you were it said that. And I did... Then you go back and say that the analogy YOU put out there first doesn't apply... Once again, you would make a GREAT politician!!! lol You can't change the rules to fit your line up in the middle of the game... You seemed to think I did have a point when I just told you about the Castle Doctorine, but when I showed you the same thing in the form of proof from the state website you didn't like me calling your bluff...
Happy Friday, everybody! Don't mind me, I'm just here for the entertainment. BTW, BBC... I heard that Maddy says you're ugly and stupid.
and a late-breaking PEFTW! woot!
Point taken,(thanks Dutyje) this is as senseless as the situation over there is, I'm done.
AH HA!!! The FIRST thing I've agreed with you on YET! The entire conflict is pointless, they need to leave each other alone or blow each other off the planet so we can see something else in the news!
Whatever else may be the case, I'm sticking to my statement that neither side wants peace. Not Hamas, and not the Israelis. Hamas continues to wage the kind of war it can fight, and Israel continues to wage the kind of war it can fight. They're both acting immorally and sacrificing their own long-term best interests for short-term political advantage. They fully deserve each other.
I'm sure our new administration will make a big effort at the ever-elusive Middle East Peace. That's admirable, I suppose, but it can't succeed as long as neither party wants peace; part of me wants us to just tell them -- both -- they're on their own until they decide they prefer peace to war. That means no more diplomatic energy spent on it, and no aid to either side. We've always provided lots of defense aid to Israel, but that would stop. If Israel wants to fight, let them do it on their own dime and develop their own weapons for it.
Actually I answered your arguement very well, and you even thought I had too when you tried to call me out to back up my side of it. Then I did back it up with the actual state laws and thats when you said that my comparison didn't really apply. You are changing your story when it seems like you don't have the upper hand. You would make a DAMN GOOD politician! haha
Both before Israel entered Gaza and during a TRUCE where Israel wasn't conducting any attacks...
NO dewd you didn't answer my arguement at all ! You changed the parameters of my arguement and then started talking about State Law in the US ! How did that address what I was talking about in any way? It was more an attempt at deflection.
Yup I have actually seen the stories you linked here, and many others that take a polar opposite view of these statements, so what? I commented in my first post here that my soul ached for the People of Gaza, and regardless of what you think, or say or believe... my soul aches for the People of Gaza.
Haha, no my friend, anytime I have backed up my point you have "deflected" it and tried to change the rules of the game. Your analogy was about an attack on my home and I told you about a law that said you were wrong. After I did that you told me to back up that law and show you were it said that. And I did... Then you go back and say that the analogy YOU put out there first doesn't apply... Once again, you would make a GREAT politician!!! lol You can't change the rules to fit your line up in the middle of the game... You seemed to think I did have a point when I just told you about the Castle Doctorine, but when I showed you the same thing in the form of proof from the state website you didn't like me calling your bluff...
Um Puro, this is in no way trying to keep this thing going. I wish you would go back and read thru these posts from the beggining. I did not ever tell you to "back up that law" as the law you mentioned is not that dissimilar to our own laws on the matter. You did miss the point of that analogy, and that is why I went back to clear up the analogy...not to change or deflect. I think if you re-read what we said you will clearly see that. I was not trying any double talk, or news speak or anything like that. My analogy applied just fine until you changed it into catching someone destroying or endangering your property and your rights in that regard. You know full well what I was saying but you choose to twist my words and then show me how wrong I was. Fine, if that works for you, I sure wont lose any sleep over it. Again my main statement was and is MY SOUL ACHES FOR THE PEOPLE OF GAZA. If you can prove to me that this is also somehow not true, fly at 'er.
" Kill someone who who sets off a home made rocket in the US, even if they have damaged your home car and everything you own and you will go to jail. Do it right now in the Mid East and you are an Isreali war hero,... hmmm"
Actually, that is your EXACT comment... And I replied by saying if someone fires a rocket at my house I will kill their **** dead and no I will NOT go to jail for it because of our laws here. In your origional statement You said NOTHING about this taking place when you aren't home...
"Why don't you start by supplying facts , and dates and useful information, Puro.?
You argue from extremes and provide absolutely NOTHING in factual information.
Are you actually in law enforcement Puro? "
This was your next statement after I replied that this law existed... and I backed it up with FACTS and information just as you requested. I my friend did exactly what you asked and played by the rules YOU set out, but when I did you didn't like the results and changed the game on me. That is back-tracking at its finest...
And I even answered your question that YES I am in law enforcement...
" Kill someone who who sets off a home made rocket in the US, even if they have damaged your home car and everything you own and you will go to jail. Do it right now in the Mid East and you are an Isreali war hero,... hmmm"
Actually, that is your EXACT comment... And I replied by saying if someone fires a rocket at my house I will kill their **** dead and no I will NOT go to jail for it because of our laws here. In your origional statement You said NOTHING about this taking place when you aren't home...
"Why don't you start by supplying facts , and dates and useful information, Puro.?
You argue from extremes and provide absolutely NOTHING in factual information.
Are you actually in law enforcement Puro? "
This was your next statement after I replied that this law existed... and I backed it up with FACTS and information just as you requested. I my friend did exactly what you asked and played by the rules YOU set out, but when I did you didn't like the results and changed the game on me. That is back-tracking at its finest...
And I even answered your question that YES I am in law enforcement...
You say...Actually, that is your EXACT comment... And I replied by saying if someone fires a rocket at my house I will kill their **** dead and no I will NOT go to jail for it because of our laws here. In your origional statement You said NOTHING about this taking place when you aren't home...
You are correct Puro, however I never said they WERE at home either ( in my view of the arguement they were NOT at home, but you are correct I never stated that or the assumption you made), it was you who made that choice because it gave you an arguement to respond to me with. When I made my arguement more clear for you (didn't change it at all) and left you no room to misinturpret my comments you accuse me of changing the rules of the game. Believe me Puro this is no game, people are dying and I do not take that lightly nor as a means of entertainment.
If you feel like I am playing games here to "win" an arguement with you Puro... again you missed my point dewd.
Well in that case your point is totally invalid and has NO bearing on the situation in Israel and Gaza, because NEITHER side is targeting houses or buildings where there is no one home... Your analogy was pointless and incorrect. Since you were talking about loss of life, yes I did ASSUME that someone would be home in the hypothetical house that got hit with homeade rockets. And to clear one more point, most of the rockets Hamas has are not homemade, they are supplied by Iran.
Well in that case your point is totally invalid and has NO bearing on the situation in Israel and Gaza, because NEITHER side is targeting houses or buildings where there is no one home... Your analogy was pointless and incorrect. Since you were talking about loss of life, yes I did ASSUME that someone would be home in the hypothetical house that got hit with homeade rockets. And to clear one more point, most of the rockets Hamas has are not homemade, they are supplied by Iran.
SHAKING MY HEAD. What part of Texas do you work in Puro...I want to make sure I avoid that area if I ever get down there to meet some BOTL in Texas.
No need to get mad or personal, I'm just repeating what you said and making a valid point. If you are going to make analogies ESPECIALLY when citing what you think are laws here in the great U.S.A you might want to have YOUR facts straight and make sense... Because I do, and I will not sit here and let you spout distorted facts without saying anything.
On a lighter note, I would like to start a round of applause for Chesley B. "Sully" Sullenberger, the pilot of US Airways flight 1549! Pretty sharp guy to be able to pull off the landing he did in the water with no engines and make sure EVERYONE was off of that plane! But what did you expect from a fellow TEXAS BOY! haha
No need to get mad or personal, I'm just repeating what you said and making a valid point. If you are going to make analogies ESPECIALLY when citing what you think are laws here in the great U.S.A you might want to have YOUR facts straight and make sense... Because I do, and I will not sit here and let you spout distorted facts without saying anything.
Man if you STILL think that I was trying to tell you about the "laws here in the great U.S.A " you must be **** drunk or something. WTF !!! How many times can you have something explained to you and you still not get it !! As far as my question goes... I was asking for real, as I was going to say that I would not want to get into a situation with you as the Law enforcement officer involved if I had to try and explain anything to you, as it would seem that when I say something... you hear something completely different. That would be a real **** position to be in, if you were trying to explain something to a Law enforcement officer who just did not seem able to get the point and made his own assumptions from which to launch himself off into these little tirades. Get a GRIP
Well when you make a statement about what would send you to jail in the U.S. then yes, I do assume you are comparing what the Israelis are doing, to our laws and criminal justice system here in the U.S... Because that is exactly what you said... I'm not sure how else that could be taken. I understand you were making an analogy, but it was a VERY poor attempt at one and really didn't fit or make any sense. That was my point.
And there is a HUGE difference between me at work dealing with people, and outside of work...
Well when you make a statement about what would send you to jail in the U.S. then yes, I do assume you are comparing what the Israelis are doing, to our laws and criminal justice system here in the U.S... Because that is exactly what you said... I'm not sure how else that could be taken. I understand you were making an analogy, but it was a VERY poor attempt at one and really didn't fit or make any sense. That was my point.
And there is a HUGE difference between me at work dealing with people, and outside of work...
OK, OK, just for you Puro, in my first Post I would like to replace the word US with the word Canadian. Since you (by your reconning) should have no comment on Canadian Law, how about addressing the issue in the statement and not deflecting to a different topics re: laws in the US. Does that help or will you now take this in a new and entirely unrelated direction again. The changes I envision which would be required for you to become someone who could be reasonably dealt with in any capacity would become all the more difficult for someone in a position of authority in my experience. You seem very arguementative just for the sake of a good arguement. How do you become a better listener when you put on your uniform? And I DO NOT mean that as a personal attack Puro.
Oh I'm a great listener, I just don't get your analogy... Whether it be US or Canadian laws... That had absolutely nothing to do with the situation in Israel and Gaza. I love a good debate, but I expect the other party to have valid points and when they do make a comparison actually try to make it relevant to the topic at hand. I felt like you failed with your attempt and I pointed that out... Simple observation.
Might as well get the Castro brothers while we're at it. Then we can have a nice little island retreat pretty darn close and when their soil comes back around (with our help of course) some tasty smokes again from there.
Might as well get the Castro brothers while we're at it. Then we can have a nice little island retreat pretty darn close and when their soil comes back around (with our help of course) some tasty smokes again from there.
Unrelated to the subject of Puro's current rant, but I believe the bank bailout was the subject of a previous one, so this seemed appropriate. A congressman finally asks the Fed, in plain, blunt language, what the hell they're doing with our money:
NO dewd you didn't answer my arguement at all ! You changed the parameters of my arguement and then started talking about State Law in the US ! How did that address what I was talking about in any way? It was more an attempt at deflection.
Yup I have actually seen the stories you linked here, and many others that take a polar opposite view of these statements, so what?
I commented in my first post here that my soul ached for the People of Gaza, and regardless of what you think, or say or believe... my soul aches for the People of Gaza.
Oh I oughta....
he's right! I'm from southeast ohio...what do you expect, really?
Point taken,(thanks Dutyje) this is as senseless as the situation over there is, I'm done.
I'm sure our new administration will make a big effort at the ever-elusive Middle East Peace. That's admirable, I suppose, but it can't succeed as long as neither party wants peace; part of me wants us to just tell them -- both -- they're on their own until they decide they prefer peace to war. That means no more diplomatic energy spent on it, and no aid to either side. We've always provided lots of defense aid to Israel, but that would stop. If Israel wants to fight, let them do it on their own dime and develop their own weapons for it.
Um Puro, this is in no way trying to keep this thing going.
I wish you would go back and read thru these posts from the beggining. I did not ever tell you to "back up that law" as the law you mentioned is not that dissimilar to our own laws on the matter.
You did miss the point of that analogy, and that is why I went back to clear up the analogy...not to change or deflect. I think if you re-read what we said you will clearly see that. I was not trying any double talk, or news speak or anything like that. My analogy applied just fine until you changed it into catching someone destroying or endangering your property and your rights in that regard. You know full well what I was saying but you choose to twist my words and then show me how wrong I was. Fine, if that works for you, I sure wont lose any sleep over it.
Again my main statement was and is MY SOUL ACHES FOR THE PEOPLE OF GAZA. If you can prove to me that this is also somehow not true, fly at 'er.
im off to work.
keep warm friends!
Be well, Kuzi
Actually, that is your EXACT comment... And I replied by saying if someone fires a rocket at my house I will kill their **** dead and no I will NOT go to jail for it because of our laws here. In your origional statement You said NOTHING about this taking place when you aren't home...
"Why don't you start by supplying facts , and dates and useful information, Puro.?
You argue from extremes and provide absolutely NOTHING in factual information. Are you actually in law enforcement Puro? "
This was your next statement after I replied that this law existed... and I backed it up with FACTS and information just as you requested. I my friend did exactly what you asked and played by the rules YOU set out, but when I did you didn't like the results and changed the game on me. That is back-tracking at its finest...
And I even answered your question that YES I am in law enforcement...
You say...Actually, that is your EXACT comment... And I replied by saying if someone fires a rocket at my house I will kill their **** dead and no I will NOT go to jail for it because of our laws here. In your origional statement You said NOTHING about this taking place when you aren't home...
You are correct Puro, however I never said they WERE at home either ( in my view of the arguement they were NOT at home, but you are correct I never stated that or the assumption you made), it was you who made that choice because it gave you an arguement to respond to me with. When I made my arguement more clear for you (didn't change it at all) and left you no room to misinturpret my comments you accuse me of changing the rules of the game. Believe me Puro this is no game, people are dying and I do not take that lightly nor as a means of entertainment.
If you feel like I am playing games here to "win" an arguement with you Puro... again you missed my point dewd.
SHAKING MY HEAD. What part of Texas do you work in Puro...I want to make sure I avoid that area if I ever get down there to meet some BOTL in Texas.
As far as my question goes... I was asking for real, as I was going to say that I would not want to get into a situation with you as the Law enforcement officer involved if I had to try and explain anything to you, as it would seem that when I say something... you hear something completely different. That would be a real **** position to be in, if you were trying to explain something to a Law enforcement officer who just did not seem able to get the point and made his own assumptions from which to launch himself off into these little tirades.
Get a GRIP
And there is a HUGE difference between me at work dealing with people, and outside of work...
OK, OK, just for you Puro, in my first Post I would like to replace the word US with the word Canadian. Since you (by your reconning) should have no comment on Canadian Law, how about addressing the issue in the statement and not deflecting to a different topics re: laws in the US.
Does that help or will you now take this in a new and entirely unrelated direction again.
The changes I envision which would be required for you to become someone who could be reasonably dealt with in any capacity would become all the more difficult for someone in a position of authority in my experience. You seem very arguementative just for the sake of a good arguement. How do you become a better listener when you put on your uniform? And I DO NOT mean that as a personal attack Puro.
do you still get a big ol' shiney silver belt buckle if you stay on for the full eight seconds....;)
kin Jong (mentally) il(l)
Hugo Chavez...
you werent asking me. my bad.
And of course we can't forget Hezbola!