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Puro's Rants



  • jlzimmermanjlzimmerman Posts: 282
    "Health-care overhaul legislation being drafted by House Democrats will include $600 billion in tax increases and $400 billion in cuts to Medicare and Medicaid, Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charles Rangel said."

    "The soon-to-be-delivered estimate on Democratic healthcare reform proposals is expected to be so expensive that lawmakers are talking about changing the chamber’s normal accounting procedures. Some Democrats are arguing behind the scenes that they should not use the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office’s (CBO) cost estimate, as is custom. Instead, they would use cost estimates from the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB)."

    Yeah, hide the real cost of all this from everyone. Nice.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    Yeah, hide the real cost of all this from everyone. Nice.
    a few senators think the cost of the health care will cost more than 1.5 TRILLION
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭

    Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif., a leader in anti-smoking campaigns, said the bill was "truly historic and puts us one small step away from finally acting to address the tobacco epidemic in our country."


    what happened to personal responsibility? there isnt a single person out there that doesnt know that cigarettes are bad for you. if they choose to smoke them anyway its not the governments fault or problem. and it shouldnt be.

  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭
    When are these people going to learn that "Tax and Spend" DOES NOT WORK!!! You can't spend your way to long term recovery from an economic downturn. Period. If you don't believe it look at the billions of dollars that are being pissed away and Industrial production tumbled a larger-than-expected 1.1 percent in May as the recession crimped demand for a wide range of manufactured goods including cars, machinery and household appliances. Jobs are not being created, we just lost a few less jobs than we did the month before... When will the left learn that the only way to truely grow the economy is to LEAVE the money in the hands of the people who earned it so it can be spent and saved and honestly put to work for the good of our country and not for the good of the democratic party???
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭

    Well I guess a few of the Democrats are starting to see that MAAAAYYYYBEE this isn't such a hot idea... As if that was ever a question. We already have Universal Healthcare in this country, the government wants Universal Insurance... But don't they blame the insurance companies for the current out of control costs of healthcare??? This is like putting out a fire with gasoline!
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭

    Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif., a leader in anti-smoking campaigns, said the bill was "truly historic and puts us one small step away from finally acting to address the tobacco epidemic in our country."


    what happened to personal responsibility? there isnt a single person out there that doesn't know that cigarettes are bad for you. if they choose to smoke them anyway its not the governments fault or problem. and it shouldnt be.

    I agree, I wish they would stop meddling in this. There comes a point, my GOD, we are told time and time again that smoking will cause cancer, how many f'ing times!!!!! I am not happy with this, I am so not into this tobacco fetish.

    On to healthcare. Okay so this is just so stupid. There needs to be another option in this country and the insurance companies need to be put down. Apprx 30 percent of the costs we pay go to the insurance companies for bonus's for exec's, ads, and what-have-you. As our premiums go up, so do the salaries of the CEO's. It's pathetic. When you go to the hospital for something, oh say abdominal pains (like my wife did a few months ago), what do they do, well they do every F-ing test known to man!!!! and what does it do, ah ***! The f'ing bill was in the thousands of dollars, yes the insurance covered a good portion of it, but still it was spendy. And why, well after many tests that were hundreds of dollars and several hours of our night, and many drugs later, nothing was fixed and we still had to pay even though I said I didn't want her taking all these tests. No, no-one listened. No-one knew ***, just keep doing tests. I talked to our family doctor and he was telling us that a simple blood test and ultra sound would have nailed down most of the common issues. That's exactly what I told the damn ER doctor. Our family doctor is a D.O. and after he did some more aligning on her the pain went away, well it was a rib or ribs that were out of adjustment and pushing on her lower organs. Wow!

    The point I'm trying to make is that the insurance companies have us by the balls. They tell us where we can go, if we go out of network we get royally screwed, they keep raising costs, they make hospitals and doctors go through many hoops and accountants, the fees for this admin is in the millions, yeah we can choose certain plans and if you go through your work then you choose what your work has, so you really don't get choices, just pick and do what they want. If health care was really as costly as what we pay then maybe but they take so much off the top and make the rates soar by greed and continual wast of manpower, I mean it doesn't need to take multiple people and companies to file a claim.

    The single payer was a great idea and if there hadn't been so many damn amendments to medicare it would be a much better system. Medicare part D was f'd over by the Bush administration and now thanks to them the govt lost the power to negotiate pricings and they even wanted to privatize it!!!!! So now that system is hurting. These companies need to be put on a leash and having a single payer program would do that and give the people of this country a choice to have a health system much like congress and govt employees, which I loved when I was in the military. The public option which seems to be the new idea is still better but for some reason these damn f'ing representatives are mucking it up. It will cost money, but for GOD's sake we are spending more money on health care than any other nation, and we have millions of people uninsured, people actually loose their assests, their homes, their lives to medical costs. It's outrageous. I have insurance, and it's not too bad but I would love to have a system where I wouldn't get fingered all the time, and especially my work. Business's would have a much better time without having to keep spending millions in it. Again the option should be there. I really don't know what the damn problem is with having a option to have a plan that is either govt or public, it's only a option and one that will give people more of a choice. However it's hard to pass these kinds of changes when you have a organization that fuels the massive amount of money that is being pumped into congress and the senate. It's freakin sad.

    Oh it does get a little funnier, Right Wing leader rush seems to want to make things easier for people, no need for health care, let's have doggie-care. yes, we can handle our health-care like we do our dogs, when they get sick, we pay for it, and if it's too much, well bye fido, we'll put you down. yup, very easy, and very humane. rush is full of great ideas. I would be too if I made 40 million a year and could look from a pedestal and leave my humanity at the door.
    BTW it should be noted that many of the people who are all worried about the amount of money health care reform will cost, I bet most of them voted for the war in Iraq, and the bail-outs. Well let me see, if the false war in Iraq was not carried out, I'm sure we could have afforded health care... hell with a portion of that money we could of have done it, but I guess it's better to have a war, because wars help the population. Now we are stuck with two wars, so that is nice. I'd rather the trillion plus dollars used in Iraq and Afgahnistan (I'm putting this in there because the US has been there for 7 years not doing a god-damn thing, albit the first 6 months after 9-11- yeah I was there) on health care and improving the manufacturing and roads and other things in this country. Wow what a concept.
  • WafflebobWafflebob Posts: 118
    I definitely have to agree with Phobic on the cost of the war vs. the cost of healthcare. I find it kind of sad that we balk at forking out a little cash so that everybody can afford to medical help but we're perfectly willing to drive ourselves into incredible debt in order to invade another country. I guess we'd rather have our citizens die slowly and painfully of curable diseases than rumored WMD.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭
    Yea, the war bla bla bla... The approx cost of the war so far is $830.2 billion where as they are already saying the health plan will cost OVER a trillion dollars... And you know they always low ball the figure so it won't scare people. There already is Universal Healthcare in this country and I don't understand why people say there isn't. By law you CAN NOT be refused treatment because you are unable to pay for it. Even Phobic said in his post that insurance companies are one of the main reasons for the problems and high costs of the medical industry... Then why the hell would you want a government run insurance company that will increase insurance coverage and make the costs go even higher?? Once again that is like tring to put out a fire with gasoline.
    I'm not saying nothing needs to change, but the path that is being proposed will do more to damage things than it will to help.

    They OBC (ABC) GIVES the President all the time he wants to sell this load of crap to the American people, but a group that is against the healthcare reform plan tries to BUY air time, and they flat out REFUSE to sell it to them. This is sad and it is sounding more and more like the State Run Media of Hugo Chavez by the day. Even the former editor of the San Francisco Chonicle made the comment that Obama and the media need to "get a room." And he is a very liberal person... It's become way too obvious, at least during the Clinton years CNN tried to hide it a little.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭
    Ok, I know I give the President a hard time and I am to say the least, NOT a fan. lol I know you are all shocked! But this is taking it WAY too far and these people ALL need to get a life. The people from PETA have got to be some of the most out there nut jobs on the face of the planet!


    This is just insane that they would waste the time it took for them to even mention this! I think I'm going to go club a baby seal now to release a little of my frustration over this...
  • VulchorVulchor Posts: 4,848 ✭✭✭✭
    Ok, I know I give the President a hard time and I am to say the least, NOT a fan. lol I know you are all shocked! But this is taking it WAY too far and these people ALL need to get a life. The people from PETA have got to be some of the most out there nut jobs on the face of the planet!


    This is just insane that they would waste the time it took for them to even mention this! I think I'm going to go club a baby seal now to release a little of my frustration over this...
    Puro, I dont even have to open the link to know you are talking about the d@mn fly incident. My like for Obama or not, I wish I could throw a bucket of pigs blood on nearly every member of PETA....while eating a steak. I laughed my @ss off about this story for about 2 minutes yesterday, then nearly killed myself for the rest of the night to think I live in a scoiety where not only people give a $hit about this, but also in one where it is newsworthy.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭
    Another point about Obamacare, is the fact that it will be 10% paid for by the government... Now the one major problem I see with that is THE GOVERNMENT HAS NO MONEY! They don't make money, the only money they have is what they take from us. So they are going to put us even deeper in the hole that the President has already dug for us. If something isn't done to stop this insane pace of spending we will end up being the United States of China by the end of his 4 years.
    The government has taken over the Banking industry, the Auto industry, the tobacco industry, and now moving for the insurance industry and the entired medical system... Kinda already sounds like the United States of China...
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭

    Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif., a leader in anti-smoking campaigns, said the bill was "truly historic and puts us one small step away from finally acting to address the tobacco epidemic in our country."


    what happened to personal responsibility? there isnt a single person out there that doesn't know that cigarettes are bad for you. if they choose to smoke them anyway its not the governments fault or problem. and it shouldnt be.

    I agree, I wish they would stop meddling in this. There comes a point, my GOD, we are told time and time again that smoking will cause cancer, how many f'ing times!!!!! I am not happy with this, I am so not into this tobacco fetish.

    On to healthcare....
    i found it interesting that you changed the subject FROM anti-tobacco legislation TO health care.
    because the reason they want to cut down on tobacco is to get the cost of health care down.

    Ive been thinking about this quite a bit as of late:
    If i was a politician that was trying to get as much power as i could, there would be two things that i would try to regulate the use of and run.
    1) Health care
    2) Carbon Emissions

    why those two things?
    because if you controll those two things EVERYTHING else in the country i was running can be regulated on the basis of how it impacts that. there isnt a single thing that we as people do that isnt part of those two things. New taxes could be/will be imposed because it will "bring down the cost of health care" or "help control carbon emissions"
    once those two things are government run, our entire lives are run.
    Okay so this is just so stupid. There needs to be another option in this country

    there are 1,300 entities offering healthcare plans in this country. we have many options. If the government takes over we are likely to lose many of those options. this will give less choice because many of the options wont be able to compete with the government.
    and the insurance companies need to be put down.
    by whom? the government? isnt an oppressive government controlling everything that can take over any company at a whim what we dont want? isnt that what the US Constitution was designed to PREVENT?

    Apprx 30 percent of the costs we pay go to the insurance companies for bonus's for exec's, ads, and what-have-you. As our premiums go up, so do the salaries of the CEO's.
    i would like to see a link that shows these stats you just listed. I would also like to put it in perspective of advertising cost of companies in the non-health care related fields. i have a feeling that this would be the same for just about any product out there. that does not make health care evil. it makes them a business.
    When you go to the hospital for something, oh say abdominal pains (like my wife did a few months ago), what do they do, well they do every F-ing test known to man!!!! and what does it do, ah ***! The f'ing bill was in the thousands of dollars, yes the insurance covered a good portion of it, but still it was spendy.
    they do every test known to man because doctors fear malpractice. they have to be 100% sure they know what it is before they do anything so they dont lose their ability to practice medicine if they are even slightly wrong.

    so to you it might not do anything, but to a doctor, it is saving their livelihood.

    it also seems to me that insurance made this doctor visit affordable to you. it wasnt cheap, or easy, but you did it. now think about how much it would cost if you opted to not have insurance. could you afford that?
    And why, well after many tests that were hundreds of dollars and several hours of our night, and many drugs later, nothing was fixed and we still had to pay even though I said I didn't want her taking all these tests. No, no-one listened. No-one knew ***, just keep doing tests. I talked to our family doctor and he was telling us that a simple blood test and ultra sound would have nailed down most of the common issues. That's exactly what I told the damn ER doctor. Our family doctor is a D.O. and after he did some more aligning on her the pain went away, well it was a rib or ribs that were out of adjustment and pushing on her lower organs. Wow!
    you own your body. you have every right to turn down medical tests. the problem here is not the insurance. its the people at the emergency room.
    ...and the malpractice suits forcing their hands.

    The point I'm trying to make is that the insurance companies have us by the balls.
    my balls are currently not latched on to. i pay about as much for health insurance as I do for my cars. thats not too much. ... and my insurance company knows i smoke cigars that hardly sounds like "by the balls"
    ...and we just discussed how in a medical emergency you were able to get your wife in and pay for it with out losing your house. I doubt you ( or I ) could do that without insurance.
    They tell us where we can go, if we go out of network we get royally screwed, they keep raising costs, they make hospitals and doctors go through many hoops and accountants, the fees for this admin is in the millions, yeah we can choose certain plans and if you go through your work then you choose what your work has, so you really don't get choices, just pick and do what they want.
    ... and you think the GOVERNMENT is going to be any different? the government is going to be WORSE. Politics will determine what treatments you can get and how much you can get. The government cost effectiveness will eliminate options. it will get BAD. you cant choose where you go under medicare what makes you think you will be able to chose where you go under any other government program ?
    the only person that should chose what kind of medicine you should be able to get is YOU. you own your body.

    with private health insurance they tell me where to go and what i can take. If i dont like those options, i switch providers, or i do my best to pay out of pocket. that isnt "by the balls" at all.
    If health care was really as costly as what we pay then maybe but they take so much off the top and make the rates soar by greed and continual wast of manpower, I mean it doesn't need to take multiple people and companies to file a claim.
    the government takes close to 30% of my income and greedily wants to run my life with regulations. they waste manpower at an exponential rate. they waste money at an amazing rate. somehow this is ok? actually, according to you, its preferred to RAISE TAXES to waste even more money.

    The single payer was a great idea and if there hadn't been so many damn amendments to medicare it would be a much better system. Medicare part D was f'd over by the Bush administration and now thanks to them the govt lost the power to negotiate pricings and they even wanted to privatize it!!!!!
    so you are saying that socialism that has always in the past failed, will work this time?

    and the bush administration didnt "f" it over. it was hemorrhaging money almost since its inception. this article written in 2000, before the part D plan was passed (or even thought of), talks says "Career physicians are quitting—as they have in Britain, Canada, and every Western country which has socialized its health care system—in frustration with the health care bureaucracy and the impossible financial conditions to which they are subjected. As one physician said, “When Medicare pays you 45% of your charges and your overhead comes to 65% what are you going to do?”"


    that article also alludes to government cutting costs by cutting quality.

    this article talks more of the costs of medicare and how it is out of control
    The public option which seems to be the new idea is still better but for some reason these damn f'ing representatives are mucking it up.
    its interesting that if the average American were asked his opinion of congressmen, among the more polite terms you'll hear are thieves and crooks, liars and manipulators, hustlers and quacks. But what do the same people say when our nation faces a major problem? "Government ought to do something!"
    this is exactly how we lose out rights over time.
    It will cost money, but for GOD's sake we are spending more money on health care than any other nation,
    we ARE spending more on health care than any other nation. we also have more doctors, more equipment, more advancements, more locations, more choices, and more people than any other nation. not to mention our doctors are more productive because they dont have a set number of appointments/hours-to-be-worked dictated by government regulation.

    Briton is cost cutting so much (because their health care is failing) that the doctors' morale is "terrible" "The result of this survey shows how demoralized so many doctors are feeling and how they believe constant government reforms and targets are taking them further away from their initial vocation -- to treat patients."
    and we have millions of people uninsured, people actually loose their assests, their homes, their lives to medical costs.
    but giving it to them for "free" is just going to raise the cost for the rest of us and is unsustainable.

    Oh it does get a little funnier, Right Wing leader rush seems to want to make things easier for people, no need for health care, let's have doggie-care. yes, we can handle our health-care like we do our dogs, when they get sick, we pay for it, and if it's too much, well bye fido, we'll put you down. yup, very easy, and very humane. rush is full of great ideas
    if you were listening to the show you would know better than to print this. this is taken so far out of context that im not even going to try to tell you how wrong it is. you missed the point.
    I would be too if I made 40 million a year and could look from a pedestal and leave my humanity at the door.
    classic class envy

    BTW it should be noted that many of the people who are all worried about the amount of money health care reform will cost, I bet most of them voted for the war in Iraq, and the bail-outs. Well let me see, if the false war in Iraq was not carried out, I'm sure we could have afforded health care... hell with a portion of that money we could of have done it, but I guess it's better to have a war, because wars help the population. Now we are stuck with two wars, so that is nice. I'd rather the trillion plus dollars used in Iraq and Afgahnistan (I'm putting this in there because the US has been there for 7 years not doing a god-damn thing, albit the first 6 months after 9-11- yeah I was there) on health care and improving the manufacturing and roads and other things in this country. Wow what a concept.
    not quite...
    the cost of the war when i typed this was just shy of $870 billion. over the last 8 or so years. that is a lot of spending. the new taxes being proposed will be about $600 billion in new taxes and about $1.6 TRILLION over the next 10 years. that is more than double the cost of the war.
    ... and this is if only a third of the nation is covered.

    and when was the last time you heard of any government proposal coming in UNDER budget?
    ...link me if you find one.

    come to think of it, the government turns no profit on any of its ventures. they just run in a deficit.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    Ok, I know I give the President a hard time and I am to say the least, NOT a fan. lol I know you are all shocked! But this is taking it WAY too far and these people ALL need to get a life. The people from PETA have got to be some of the most out there nut jobs on the face of the planet!


    This is just insane that they would waste the time it took for them to even mention this! I think I'm going to go club a baby seal now to release a little of my frustration over this...
    Puro, I dont even have to open the link to know you are talking about the d@mn fly incident. My like for Obama or not, I wish I could throw a bucket of pigs blood on nearly every member of PETA....while eating a steak. I laughed my @ss off about this story for about 2 minutes yesterday, then nearly killed myself for the rest of the night to think I live in a scoiety where not only people give a $hit about this, but also in one where it is newsworthy.
    i thought PETA stood for
    People for the
    Eating of
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭
    Just a couple notes Kuzi, I believe Phobic jumping to health care was because my post right below the one you put up was about health care. Just guessing but that is probably why he jumped subjects.

    Also "my balls are currently not latched on to." Liar! You are married right? haha
  • VulchorVulchor Posts: 4,848 ✭✭✭✭
    Ok, I know I give the President a hard time and I am to say the least, NOT a fan. lol I know you are all shocked! But this is taking it WAY too far and these people ALL need to get a life. The people from PETA have got to be some of the most out there nut jobs on the face of the planet!


    This is just insane that they would waste the time it took for them to even mention this! I think I'm going to go club a baby seal now to release a little of my frustration over this...
    Puro, I dont even have to open the link to know you are talking about the d@mn fly incident. My like for Obama or not, I wish I could throw a bucket of pigs blood on nearly every member of PETA....while eating a steak. I laughed my @ss off about this story for about 2 minutes yesterday, then nearly killed myself for the rest of the night to think I live in a scoiety where not only people give a $hit about this, but also in one where it is newsworthy.
    i thought PETA stood for
    People for the
    Eating of
    HAHAHAHAHA, Kuzi----I HAVE THAT D@mned shirt that I work out in-----Gotta love it.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    Just a couple notes Kuzi, I believe Phobic jumping to health care was because my post right below the one you put up was about health care. Just guessing but that is probably why he jumped subjects.

    Also "my balls are currently not latched on to." Liar! You are married right? haha
    this shows a fundamental misunderstanding of my relationship.

    ya doody-head
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭
    Just a couple notes Kuzi, I believe Phobic jumping to health care was because my post right below the one you put up was about health care. Just guessing but that is probably why he jumped subjects.

    Also "my balls are currently not latched on to." Liar! You are married right? haha
    this shows a fundamental misunderstanding of my relationship.

    ya doody-head
    Hahaha Sorry, I didn't mean to misrepresent you.

    So what are your thoughts on Obama's ABC infomercial coming up Kuzi?
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    its to be expected out of government run media. thats why i dont watch ABCObama. the media, at all times, should be the enemy of the state, not its bed partner.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭
    Yea, it's kind of sad when Mickey Mouse is Obama's PR guy...
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭

    I do not believe in violence against women, but I wish someone would have smacked this bi*ch in the mouth. Get over yourself Babs!
  • Matt MarvelMatt Marvel Posts: 930

    I do not believe in violence against women, but I wish someone would have smacked this bi*ch in the mouth. Get over yourself Babs!
    How ridiculous. You're right, she does need to get over herself. It sounds like she was a little rude about it too.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭

    I do not believe in violence against women, but I wish someone would have smacked this bi*ch in the mouth. Get over yourself Babs!
    when i grew up "ma'am" was a sign of respect.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    its to be expected out of government run media. thats why i dont watch ABCObama. the media, at all times, should be the enemy of the state, not its bed partner.
    no fox news is much better....
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭
    If I was a member of congress I think I would rather be called ANYTHING but a Senator... With as corupt as most of them are I'd rather just be called an a$$hole! lol
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭
    its to be expected out of government run media. thats why i dont watch ABCObama. the media, at all times, should be the enemy of the state, not its bed partner.
    no fox news is much better....
    Yes, Fox News is MUCH better and if you did a little bit of research on the actual FACTS and not what you here on the left wing blog sites you would see that... But here let me help you out.



    Here is the more complete report.


    Hell even OReilly had Obama on before the elections and was very polite to him and gave him a chance to tell his side of things. If was a very fair interview. A HELL of a lot more fair than anything that was given to Palin.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    its to be expected out of government run media. thats why i dont watch ABCObama. the media, at all times, should be the enemy of the state, not its bed partner.
    no fox news is much better....
    you just have alot of hate built up dont you ?

    fox new was critical of bush. fox new is critical of Obama. I dont really watch Fox news but yes they are better. why? because Fox new will let opposing opinion on. ABCObama wont. they wouldnt allow people to buy air time in comercial form to have a different opinion aired. hardly "fair"

    this shows that a government entity cannot remain "fair" or balanced

    if you notice when i link anything its almost NEVER Fox news. i find my news in other places.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭
    its to be expected out of government run media. thats why i dont watch ABCObama. the media, at all times, should be the enemy of the state, not its bed partner.
    no fox news is much better....
    you just have alot of hate built up dont you ?

    fox new was critical of bush. fox new is critical of Obama. I dont really watch Fox news but yes they are better. why? because Fox new will let opposing opinion on. ABCObama wont. they wouldnt allow people to buy air time in comercial form to have a different opinion aired. hardly "fair"

    this shows that a government entity cannot remain "fair" or balanced
    100% Correct! They are GIVING Obama all the airtime he wants, but they wouldn't allow the opposition to even BUY airtime to give their views...

    Also ABC has covered the Obama Healthcare plan with an overwhelmingly positive outlook.

  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭
    With so many people thinking this new Healthcare bill is going to be so freakin wonderful... If it passes we all better get ready to pay for it. Here are a few items on the table to help handle the approx $1.4 TRILLION price tag that will no doubt fall far short of actually covering all of this.

    The tax options include:

    -- Increasing the price of soda and other sugary drinks by 10 cents a can.

    -- Applying a potential 2 percent income tax increase to single taxpayers earning more than $200,000 a year and households earning more than $250,000.

    -- A new employer payroll tax could target 3 percent of employers' health care expenditures.

    -- Taxing employer-provided health insurance benefits above certain levels -- a less likely option but one that still is in the running.

    -- A National Sales Tax, of up to 1.5 percent or more.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    and this again is if only a third of the now uninsured take advantage of it.
  • Jetmech_63Jetmech_63 Posts: 3,451 ✭✭✭
    Ever see the movie Demolition Man? Where Sly Stallone is frozen for like 40 or 50 years, gets unfrozen and the world has outlawed cigarettes, tobacco, swearing, salt, firearms......i dont know why that movie just popped into my head.
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