Ok, I have a question for you Urbi. I saw in another post of yours you made the comment "ask me about my stance on immigration" I was just wondering what your opinion is. I am in a suburb of Dallas called Farmers Branch. You may or may not have heard of it, but they have made the national new with their Illegal Immigrant policies here in the city. The big push is to make it illegal for anyone to rent to, or employ illegal aliens within the city. Its been a HUGE ordeal with law suits and protesting non stop. I was just wondering what your thoughts on that would be...
I don't have much of an opinion on the specifics of how to handle the presence of large numbers of illegal immigrants. I just don't know enough about all the ramifications of the various approaches.
In general, I think illegal immigration should be prevented, and anyone present in this country illegally should not be rewarded for having broken the law. This is -- or was until recent years -- a country held together by the rule of law; it's one of the core principles of our nation, and the continued health of our nation depends on widespread respect for it. The problem with illegals is: you can't demonstrate your respect for the rule of law by violating the law.
Put differently, you can't join the social contract by violating its terms.
So if there are people here illegally who want to become citizens and work to improve their lives and their families' futures, I'll be happy to have them . . . once they go back to their country of origin and show respect for the law and for the very notion of citizenship by immigrating here legally. Until then, whatever they may contribute, however hard-working and productive they may be, it's all built on a foundation of disrespect for the rule of law and for the will of the people, and that's deeply offensive.
I don't have much of an opinion on the specifics of how to handle the presence of large numbers of illegal immigrants. I just don't know enough about all the ramifications of the various approaches.
In general, I think illegal immigration should be prevented, and anyone present in this country illegally should not be rewarded for having broken the law. This is -- or was until recent years -- a country held together by the rule of law; it's one of the core principles of our nation, and the continued health of our nation depends on widespread respect for it. The problem with illegals is: you can't demonstrate your respect for the rule of law by violating the law.
Put differently, you can't join the social contract by violating its terms.
So if there are people here illegally who want to become citizens and work to improve their lives and their families' futures, I'll be happy to have them . . . once they go back to their country of origin and show respect for the law and for the very notion of citizenship by immigrating here legally. Until then, whatever they may contribute, however hard-working and productive they may be, it's all built on a foundation of disrespect for the rule of law and for the will of the people, and that's deeply offensive.
Well I'll be damned! We found something we totally agree on! It irritates me that they want to come over here but have no respect for our laws. I agree that if they wish to take the legal steps to become a citizen of our great nation then I welcome them with open arms. Being in TX many of my closest friends are Mexican and they too understand this point of view. This is one area that I disagree with McCain on. He authored an Amnesty Bill that I think was horrible idea and President Bush supported it and similar Bills.
Yup. I expect everyone -- from the newest citizen all the way to the president -- to respect the rule of law. The lack of it in the current president, his vice president, and so many of their advisers is, by far, the single biggest issue in this election, even though both major candidates largely ignored it.
I don't see how Pres. Bush didn't respect the rule of Law during his presidency. It's not like he commited Purgery... *cough* clinton *cough* ... Sorry about that. The only way I can truely see he didn't have respect for the rule of Law was before his presidency with his admitted drug use. In that case Sen. Obama has had no respect for it either. If you agree with the war on drugs or not, it is the illegal in this country and laws were made to be upheld...
Yup. I expect everyone -- from the newest citizen all the way to the president -- to respect the rule of law. The lack of it in the current president, his vice president, and so many of their advisers is, by far, the single biggest issue in this election, even though both major candidates largely ignored it.
with a Democrat run congress and Senate, if any laws were broken that warranted Impeachment then he would have been. Many tried, but they couldn't because nothing could stick.
i too expect everyone to follow the laws. Furthermore, i expect the President of all people to uphold the constitution, not try and make laws to get around it.
the constitution is there to limit the Federal Government. It already too big/powerful as it is. I have a feeling that it will continue to grow and will consume every American out there unless another party can step up, or unless there is another bloody revolution.
The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions, that I wish it always to be kept alive. and When the government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. Both Thomas Jefferson
with a Democrat run congress and Senate, if any laws were broken that warranted Impeachment then he would have been.
Except that, as everyone knows, that is false. Before the Democratic majority in the House was even sworn in, the Speaker of the House announced she would brook no impeachment proceedings. Wisely, I think.
As everyone also knows, it would have been futile to bother bringing charges in the House, because the Senate was divided 50-49, with one Dem in the hospital for most of the term, the 1-vote majority consisting of Joe Lieberman, and the Senate GOP voting in near-absolute partisan lockstep to support anything and everything the president did.
There's also the fact that this has been the weakest Democratic congressional majority in history. They rolled over for Pres. Bush at an alarming rate. I know conservatives like to point out that the only thing less popular than Pres. Bush is the Dem congress. This is true. However, if you look at the internals of those polls, you find that the reason the congress is so unpopular is that it's incredibly unpopular with Democrats, specifically because it has been so weak-kneed.
with a Democrat run congress and Senate, if any laws were broken that warranted Impeachment then he would have been.
Except that, as everyone knows, that is false. Before the Democratic majority in the House was even sworn in, the Speaker of the House announced she would brook no impeachment proceedings. Wisely, I think.
As everyone also knows, it would have been futile to bother bringing charges in the House, because the Senate was divided 50-49, with one Dem in the hospital for most of the term, the 1-vote majority consisting of Joe Lieberman, and the Senate GOP voting in near-absolute partisan lockstep to support anything and everything the president did.
There's also the fact that this has been the weakest Democratic congressional majority in history. They rolled over for Pres. Bush at an alarming rate. I know conservatives like to point out that the only thing less popular than Pres. Bush is the Dem congress. This is true. However, if you look at the internals of those polls, you find that the reason the congress is so unpopular is that it's incredibly unpopular with Democrats, specifically because it has been so weak-kneed.
Ok, so you have argued with me and with Kuzi, but I'm still yet to hear what Law President Bush broke... I'm with Kuzi on this one, if there were legal grounds for an impeachment they would have tried. Yes there were many people who didn't agree with the choices made, but they weren't legal arguments.
You're confusing 2 quite different issues, Puro: disregarding the rule of law, and violating the law. We started off talking about the one, then you switched to the other. Then kuzi introduced yet a third issue: whether or not congress would've commenced impeachment proceedings.
I'll let what I've said stand on its own, regarding the first and the last. I just don't have time to also discuss the middle one.
I'm just trying to ask how President Bush has disregarded the rule of law. Did you mean by the immigration issue or something else? I was just trying to get some clarification on your statement.
WOW! Perfect place for that and I just cannot believe the ignorance of this woman! The sad of it is that many people will vote for Sen. Obama because they truly believe that and they believe thats how it should be!
I didn't hear her say that. She does say that she won't have to worry about paying for gas or her mortgage. I think she was implying that she believed that Obama would create an economic climate in which she wouldn't have to worry about these things because she could afford them, not that somebody was going to pay them for her.
Yes compared to Bush, get ready to have our rights stripped away one by one, and all the rights in the world being given to illegal aliens and everyone on welfare.
Yeah I just don't see that, obama isn't illegally taping phone conversations, backing blackwater, making me strip search at the F-ing airport, invading countries on the basis of LIES, the list goes on. Puro you aren't by any chance an avid Fox News watcher are you? All in all I guess we will see what happens..
but he will try to take away the guns, or a good amount of them
he will try to get the "fairness doctrine" with will limit what a private company can say...There is talk on Senate sites about expanding the Fairness Doctine to include non-broadcast media which could mean US. this forum, and other forums that have thoughts that dont lean to the left
he will raise taxes on EVERYONE (if you dont think that look at his senate voting record) thus controlling our money more than we are controlled now
he will try and bankrupt the coal industry via cap-and-trade. even if the industry doesnt fail electricity cost will skyrocket because over half of the nations electricity comes from coal. oh, and remember SCHIP with the tobacco tax that could be up to $10 a cigar? that will probably make a come back.
and If bush was the liar you take him for, he could easily have had chemical weapons planted in Iraq so they could be 'discovered. ' ... Instead, he owned up to the fact That the intelligence was faulty. ...intelligence that almost the entire world agreed on and not just gatherd by us.
I doubt that obama will do those things you mentioned, but like I said time will tell. If you think bush isn't a liar than that's cool. we all have our own opinions. I have hope that this election will help this country turn on a right course, though we will find out in a few years.
I doubt that obama will do those things you mentioned, but like I said time will tell. If you think bush isn't a liar than that's cool. we all have our own opinions. I have hope that this election will help this country turn on a right course, though we will find out in a few years.
I doubt that obama will do those things you mentioned, but like I said time will tell. If you think bush isn't a liar than that's cool. we all have our own opinions. I have hope that this election will help this country turn on a right course, though we will find out in a few years.
Well Bush's lies were the same intelligence that the great **** Clinton had... Funny that no one claimed they were lies when Slick Willy said the same things... Hmmmm...
And yes... You can COUNT on a tax increase across the board by 2010 if not sooner... Yes time will tell.
Oh, and Kuzi, GREAT prediction on the markets reaction after election day! I guess the great "savior" didn't excite Wall Street like everyone else said he would...
As I have said on other topics, the chances of bush's socialist policies passing are slim to none. I have never seen such dramatic reactions about an election. The president does not have that much control, prey obama surrounds himself with sound and logical minds.
Well come 2010 if this forum is still around we'll see and we can talk about it then. I think my words are dwarfed in this thread, seems to be a lot of unfounded things being thrown out, which none of them really are justified, more or less predictions, some may come true, others may not. I consider myself middle of the road, but there are some real right minds here which I feel sort of clouts a friendly discussion.
As I have said on other topics, the chances of bush's socialist policies passing are slim to none. I have never seen such dramatic reactions about an election. The president does not have that much control, prey obama surrounds himself with sound and logical minds.
I once thought that, but I mean Clinton got impeached for lying about a BJ, Bush, well let's just say nothing has happened. Eh, I hope things will get better in any light.
As I have said on other topics, the chances of bush's socialist policies passing are slim to none. I have never seen such dramatic reactions about an election. The president does not have that much control, prey obama surrounds himself with sound and logical minds.
I once thought that, but I mean Clinton got impeached for lying about a BJ, Bush, well let's just say nothing has happened. Eh, I hope things will get better in any light.
No, that isn't a prediction, that is a quote from Obama. He has already said he will not uphold the Bush tax cuts. Which WILL be an across the board tax increase for the entire nation.
The difference between Bush and Clinton was that Clinton lied under oath. Bush just relayed the SAME faulty intel that Clinton had. It wasn't anything he made up and dreamed up, it was the exact same crap from the previous 8 years.
And as to your comment about being strip searched at airports, how can you even complain about something like that. If we are all slightly inconvienenced so that some nut job doesn't fly a plane into a building killing thousands of people then I'm gonna strip my blinding white ass down and put on one HELL of a show! haha
In general, I think illegal immigration should be prevented, and anyone present in this country illegally should not be rewarded for having broken the law. This is -- or was until recent years -- a country held together by the rule of law; it's one of the core principles of our nation, and the continued health of our nation depends on widespread respect for it. The problem with illegals is: you can't demonstrate your respect for the rule of law by violating the law.
Put differently, you can't join the social contract by violating its terms.
So if there are people here illegally who want to become citizens and work to improve their lives and their families' futures, I'll be happy to have them . . . once they go back to their country of origin and show respect for the law and for the very notion of citizenship by immigrating here legally. Until then, whatever they may contribute, however hard-working and productive they may be, it's all built on a foundation of disrespect for the rule of law and for the will of the people, and that's deeply offensive.
Well I'll be damned! We found something we totally agree on! It irritates me that they want to come over here but have no respect for our laws. I agree that if they wish to take the legal steps to become a citizen of our great nation then I welcome them with open arms. Being in TX many of my closest friends are Mexican and they too understand this point of view. This is one area that I disagree with McCain on. He authored an Amnesty Bill that I think was horrible idea and President Bush supported it and similar Bills.
i too expect everyone to follow the laws. Furthermore, i expect the President of all people to uphold the constitution, not try and make laws to get around it.
the constitution is there to limit the Federal Government. It already too big/powerful as it is. I have a feeling that it will continue to grow and will consume every American out there unless another party can step up, or unless there is another bloody revolution.
The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions, that I wish it always to be kept alive.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.
Both Thomas Jefferson
As everyone also knows, it would have been futile to bother bringing charges in the House, because the Senate was divided 50-49, with one Dem in the hospital for most of the term, the 1-vote majority consisting of Joe Lieberman, and the Senate GOP voting in near-absolute partisan lockstep to support anything and everything the president did.
There's also the fact that this has been the weakest Democratic congressional majority in history. They rolled over for Pres. Bush at an alarming rate. I know conservatives like to point out that the only thing less popular than Pres. Bush is the Dem congress. This is true. However, if you look at the internals of those polls, you find that the reason the congress is so unpopular is that it's incredibly unpopular with Democrats, specifically because it has been so weak-kneed.
Ok, so you have argued with me and with Kuzi, but I'm still yet to hear what Law President Bush broke... I'm with Kuzi on this one, if there were legal grounds for an impeachment they would have tried. Yes there were many people who didn't agree with the choices made, but they weren't legal arguments.
I'll let what I've said stand on its own, regarding the first and the last. I just don't have time to also discuss the middle one.
back to the post at hand
This lady is in for a rude awakening if obama wins
he will try to get the "fairness doctrine" with will limit what a private company can say...There is talk on Senate sites about expanding the Fairness Doctine to include non-broadcast media which could mean US. this forum, and other forums that have thoughts that dont lean to the left
he will raise taxes on EVERYONE (if you dont think that look at his senate voting record) thus controlling our money more than we are controlled now
he will try and bankrupt the coal industry via cap-and-trade. even if the industry doesnt fail electricity cost will skyrocket because over half of the nations electricity comes from coal.
oh, and remember SCHIP with the tobacco tax that could be up to $10 a cigar? that will probably make a come back. .
If bush was the liar you take him for, he could easily have had chemical weapons planted in Iraq so they could be 'discovered. ' ... Instead, he owned up to the fact That the intelligence was faulty. ...intelligence that almost the entire world agreed on and not just gatherd by us.
but while you are doubting, grab your ankles.
And yes... You can COUNT on a tax increase across the board by 2010 if not sooner... Yes time will tell.
The difference between Bush and Clinton was that Clinton lied under oath. Bush just relayed the SAME faulty intel that Clinton had. It wasn't anything he made up and dreamed up, it was the exact same crap from the previous 8 years.
And as to your comment about being strip searched at airports, how can you even complain about something like that. If we are all slightly inconvienenced so that some nut job doesn't fly a plane into a building killing thousands of people then I'm gonna strip my blinding white ass down and put on one HELL of a show! haha
A Glimpse of Things to Come...