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custom in wall humidor-pics

ok, shes beautiful. my father in law built this for me,. .....solid oak lined w/ spanish cedar. all shelves and aging drawere spanish cedar as well. lined inside w/ led cabinet lights, this is the wow factor. has a remote dimmer to adjust lighting. we have 200 at most in this. plus humidification sys. my fil had all the rough oak in his shop. all brass hardware, everywhere. its 24w x 4ft lx 12 in deep...........AMAZING imageimageimage


  • CanadianCanadian Posts: 54
    Beutiful I am jealous
  • kingjk729kingjk729 Posts: 2,576 ✭✭✭
    Thats freakin sweet .............. Iam so jealous
  • fuentejpsfuentejps Posts: 345
    thx guys, its 10x more than i expected, i look at it and im like WOW. im going to get distilled water today and put a few bowls in it to let it start seasoning slowly
  • DiamondogDiamondog Posts: 4,171 ✭✭
    Real nice!
  • Sol1821Sol1821 Posts: 707 ✭✭
    that looks cool. its now been added to my in wall list.
    other things include.
    gun cabinet, wine fridge, tv, and a fish tank.
  • The CankThe Cank Posts: 799
    My God that is beautiful ! Good work ! I would love to have something like that
  • sightunseensightunseen Posts: 2,129 ✭✭✭
    Wow, that's a beautiful piece of work.
  • doromathdoromath Posts: 576
    Beautiful piece. Your FIL has great talent, and you are a LUCKY man that he likes you!
  • zeebrazeebra Posts: 3,174 ✭✭✭
    Just love the fact that it is recessed into the wall. That sets it off right there!! Great humi!
  • cooch36cooch36 Posts: 714 ✭✭
    very nice bro
  • TatuajeVITatuajeVI Posts: 2,378
    That looks awesome. truly a talented FIL!
  • zeebrazeebra Posts: 3,174 ✭✭✭
    Oh, please get up some pictures once its filled up. Thanks!
  • TatuajeVITatuajeVI Posts: 2,378
    Oh, please get up some pictures once its filled up. Thanks!
  • martymcg43martymcg43 Posts: 396
  • ironhorseironhorse Posts: 469
    Put some damn cigars in that thing!!
  • fuentejpsfuentejps Posts: 345
    i'll post more pics when i get her filled. want to season slowly....... my fil are very close. very close to my mil too. its great. my fil isnt even a woodworker. he does some of everything. makes beer, wife, builds ***. he has incredible talent. oh and hes a member of mensa.
  • Russ55Russ55 Posts: 2,762 ✭✭✭
    Absolutely beautiful.
  • Sandman1amSandman1am Posts: 2,565 ✭✭
    that looks cool. its now been added to my in wall list.
    other things include.
    gun cabinet, wine fridge, tv, and a fish tank.
    Agreed it's cool and I want one! Sol with all that stuff in your walls you won't need to hang pics up.
  • Nick2021Nick2021 Posts: 938 ✭✭
    wow, nice humidor!
  • fuentejpsfuentejps Posts: 345
    I THREW A FEW DIGI GAUGES IN, THIS THING IS STAYING AT 67. no seasoning yet or beads or anything. drops when i open the door then right back up. must be sealed just very good
  • TatuajeVITatuajeVI Posts: 2,378
    I THREW A FEW DIGI GAUGES IN, THIS THING IS STAYING AT 67. no seasoning yet or beads or anything. drops when i open the door then right back up. must be sealed just very good
    I'm sure it helps that it's been incredibly humid lately. I would err on the side of caution with a humidor that large, but my guess is it won't take much to season it.
  • fuentejpsfuentejps Posts: 345
    I THREW A FEW DIGI GAUGES IN, THIS THING IS STAYING AT 67. no seasoning yet or beads or anything. drops when i open the door then right back up. must be sealed just very good
    I'm sure it helps that it's been incredibly humid lately. I would err on the side of caution with a humidor that large, but my guess is it won't take much to season it.
    i totally agree tat. ill be putting a bowl or 2 of distilled water in tonight. start to slowl;y season.
  • Poker_SlobPoker_Slob Posts: 1,269 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Wow, that looks fantastic!
  • HeavyHeavy Posts: 1,589 ✭✭✭
    Damn, that is incredible!

    Question for you: what was behind the wall where you installed it? Closet, dead space etc? Just trying to envision where the hell I could do something like that myself!
  • cabinetmakercabinetmaker Posts: 2,557 ✭✭
    Good job, very nicely done.
  • fuentejpsfuentejps Posts: 345
    CLOSET under the stairs....... sticks out about 8 inches into closet, being 12 in deep.
  • HeavyHeavy Posts: 1,589 ✭✭✭
    awesome. great idea. i'm jealous man!
  • bluezulubluezulu Posts: 136 ✭✭✭
    Very nice. When I purchase my next home a in-wall humidor is on the list.
  • fuentejpsfuentejps Posts: 345
    ITS so nice its totally out of the way, takes up no space. my wife loves it too.
  • fla-gypsyfla-gypsy Posts: 3,023 ✭✭
    That is freakin sweet!
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