what he said ! More Cowbell! I have a Video I shot at the Scorpions Concert a couple weeks ago when Klaus Miene was playing the cowbell in a Song and You can here me tell my wife MORE COWBELL! ROTFLMAO ... That Blue Oyster Cult Clip on SNL is one of the Best and Most repeated EVER!
what he said ! More Cowbell! I have a Video I shot at the Scorpions Concert a couple weeks ago when Klaus Miene was playing the cowbell in a Song and You can here me tell my wife MORE COWBELL! ROTFLMAO ... That Blue Oyster Cult Clip on SNL is one of the Best and Most repeated EVER!
I took my dad to that tour for fathers day!!! Amazing concert!!!!
Christopher Walken is a funny guy, his inflecton is classic. Gary Busey, otoh, is funny too. Funny in a nervous smile, elbow the wife, wrap your arm around her while nodding and backing away kinda funny.
Funny, I was just telling my wife that CW was the creepiest guy in Hollywood...and guess what question was on Jeoprady that night..."Creepiest guy in Hollywood..." "Who is Christopher Walken!" LOL I *** you not.
That was funny. Jay Mohr is one of those guys I had never heard of and I wasn't sure how good he'd actually be until I watched a stand-up special of his and laughed my ass off the whole time. Good stuff.
"Long ashes my friends."
Proof: Strange Interview About 20 seconds in is when the crazy takes over.
I love Walken! I really love Jay Mohr impersonating walken.
"Long ashes my friends."