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It Wouldn't be a Friday if Their Wasn't a Krieg Rant...

KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
ok, here's my little rant for this week...

Recovery Summer is really making a dent in our economy, don't ya think? Yesterday the DOW closed below 10,000. We are slipping backwards .. we are not "going forwards" or headed in the right direction, as Joe Biden claims. Today we are expecting to get new GDP figures. Predictions are that they won't be pretty. Couple this with the fact that one out of every 10 Americans with a mortgage is facing foreclosure. For the sake of those of you who are really struggling right now, I hope that this downward slide ends quickly. Unfortunately I have little hope of that happening until at least November.

We have two things happening. First we'll be getting some economic numbers today that are going to show that our country is very close to slipping into another recession. Look for growth figures around 1% ... perhaps less. Then we're going to get a speech from Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke will be making a speech on the economy today ... unlike that fool Joe Biden Bernanke will not be telling everyone that this is a "recovery summer" and that we should all rejoice in a growing economy. Bernanke will tell us that we're in trouble .. and may set out some things that need to be done to move us to economic health.

Unless you're one of America's all-too-many parasites that depend on your ability to use the government as an instrument of plunder .. this president has been a complete, total and absolute disaster for America's economy. Not only does our illustrious president have absolutely no private sector experience whatsoever ... he has a cabinet with the lowest level of private experience over the past 100 years.

This isn't just a midterm election coming up on November 2nd. It's a chance to correct a terrible mistake. You've heard the "fool me once" mantra I'm sure. OK .. we're past the "shame on you" bit. We've now moved on to "shame on me" part if you don't resolve - RIGHT NOW - to vote these dangerous fools out of power. Enough of this Hope and Change nonsense. It didn't work ... at least it didn't work unless you were hoping for a continuing recession, massive debt for your children to pay off, and suffocating unemployment.

This is a disaster, my friends. There's not much time left to save our Republic.

"Long ashes my friends."


  • cabinetmakercabinetmaker Posts: 2,560 ✭✭
    Two things I disagree with.

    1) We cannot slip back into a recession due to the fact we never slipped out of one in the first place.
    2) The turnaround won't happen until January, when the newly elected take office. (kinda like January 2006 when the "new congress in town" began wrecking the economy)
  • VulchorVulchor Posts: 4,848 ✭✭✭✭
    I do remember the "fool me once" mantra....and still love it every time I see G.W. **** f*uck it up. Almost as much as I love "Mission Accomplished" and the deregulations (that I know, didnt really happen, lol) to land us in the spot. BTW, One political group or another has thought the country was going down and beyond saving ever since this country was founded. These are rough times, but they have happened before and will happen again----its all cyclical. Of course, since all out jobs are going overseas because of breaks the companies get to leave does scare me. And BTW...small businesses are drying. Not because of the "liberals", but because weve allowed WalMart and other huge corporations too much freedom for too long. Thanks yourselves. And for the record, this was not directed at either of you guys before me....just me own little Friday rant.
  • lilwing88lilwing88 Posts: 2,812 ✭✭✭
    I don't know what this President has done to convince anyone that he's serious about fixing the economy. The very touchy subject of 'tax cuts' almost always immediately gets shot down by the left. The other day on Rachel "I-went-to-Stanford" Maddow's show she put up a very misleading and dangerous graph depicting the so-called cause and effect of tax cuts vs deficit increases. She was trying to say that the two were somehow related. I'm not an Economist, or even a college grad for that matter, and I knew something was fishy with this......... I don't have a link to it, but basically she showed that in recent years whenever there were large tax cuts, the deficit went way up. This is true, but not for the reasons she was insinuating. They have little to do with each other. In fact, these tax cuts were almost always followed by an increase in government revenue. The deficit is due to increased government spending by Congress. See, Congress saw a huge flow of cash coming in due to the tax cuts. So, now they're like a kid in candy store.... "Let's spend some tax dollars!!!! WOOO-HOOO!!!" Tax cuts can't control Congress spending it like it ain't theirs.... literally. If Rachel were honest with her viewers, she'd point out that tax cuts ONLY work when government spending gets cut also. But Congress doesn't want to hear that.....

    Also, I gotta bring up the Michelle Obama Vacation drama, because contrary to what some say, it IS relevant...... The summer months are when most local economies depend on increased revenue from tourism. What does it say about a President, who's wife goes on vacation (with 40-50 of her closest personal friends and relatives at the cost of millions) to SPAIN?!?!?!? How bout a nice trip to the Gulf where they could use a little bone thrown their way!?!?!?!?

    Mrs. President, you'll have plenty of time to travel all over Europe after your husbands first (and only) term is over.

    Common sense is definitely lacking in this administration.
    Guns don't kill people, Daddies with pretty daughters do…..
  • xmacroxmacro Posts: 3,402
    Unless you're one of America's all-too-many parasites that depend on your ability to use the government as an instrument of plunder .. this president has been a complete, total and absolute disaster for America's economy. Not only does our illustrious president have absolutely no private sector experience whatsoever ... he has a cabinet with the lowest level of private experience over the past 100 years.

    I saw a poll recently (maybe Rasmussen, I think) that asked people if they thought Gov't was the problem or the solution. Turns out those who support Obama see Gov't as the solution while those who disapprove of Obama see Gov't as the problem. In the end, it all really boils down to how much a person thinks Gov't can solve problems with other peoples' money

    I do remember the "fool me once" mantra....and still love it every time I see G.W. **** f*uck it up. Almost as much as I love "Mission Accomplished" and the deregulations (that I know, didnt really happen, lol) to land us in the spot. BTW, One political group or another has thought the country was going down and beyond saving ever since this country was founded. These are rough times, but they have happened before and will happen again----its all cyclical. Of course, since all out jobs are going overseas because of breaks the companies get to leave does scare me. And BTW...small businesses are drying. Not because of the "liberals", but because weve allowed WalMart and other huge corporations too much freedom for too long. Thanks yourselves. And for the record, this was not directed at either of you guys before me....just me own little Friday rant.
    1) Jobs are going overseas because it's cheaper over there, and too damn expensive over here. All Congress ever does is pile on more regulations and more taxes, which requires more time and money to comply with all those regulations (Yes Virginia, regulations suck not just because they constrict freedom, but because they cost money to comply with). The CEO of Intel recently came out, saying that the US has the second highest tax rate in the industrialized world - THAT'S why business is moving overseas, because Congress can't keep their grubby little hands off other peoples' money

    2) Small business is drying up because Congress can't stop taxing and spending other peoples' money - WalMart is a capitalist company, and they got where they are by cutting costs and passing those cost savings along to consumers. They didn't cheat or steal from anyone - they undercut their competition, thereby giving you and me, the consumers, better bang for the buck. Every small business owner in the world would give their left nut to be as big as WalMart.

    And BTW - those "big businesses" you hate so much are some of Obama's biggest donors - Goldman Sachs, GE, GM, SEIU/AFL-CIO (don't kid yourself - unions are 'big business' as much as any corporation) were ALL huge donors to his campaign, whereas small business typically donates to Republicans - don't you think that's a little odd? The big business you hate so much is a donor to the Dems and liberals that you love, but the small business you love so much donates to the Repubs you hate.

    /end rant

  • lilwing88lilwing88 Posts: 2,812 ✭✭✭
    Unless you're one of America's all-too-many parasites that depend on your ability to use the government as an instrument of plunder .. this president has been a complete, total and absolute disaster for America's economy. Not only does our illustrious president have absolutely no private sector experience whatsoever ... he has a cabinet with the lowest level of private experience over the past 100 years.

    I saw a poll recently (maybe Rasmussen, I think) that asked people if they thought Gov't was the problem or the solution. Turns out those who support Obama see Gov't as the solution while those who disapprove of Obama see Gov't as the problem. In the end, it all really boils down to how much a person thinks Gov't can solve problems with other peoples' money

    I do remember the "fool me once" mantra....and still love it every time I see G.W. **** f*uck it up. Almost as much as I love "Mission Accomplished" and the deregulations (that I know, didnt really happen, lol) to land us in the spot. BTW, One political group or another has thought the country was going down and beyond saving ever since this country was founded. These are rough times, but they have happened before and will happen again----its all cyclical. Of course, since all out jobs are going overseas because of breaks the companies get to leave does scare me. And BTW...small businesses are drying. Not because of the "liberals", but because weve allowed WalMart and other huge corporations too much freedom for too long. Thanks yourselves. And for the record, this was not directed at either of you guys before me....just me own little Friday rant.
    1) Jobs are going overseas because it's cheaper over there, and too damn expensive over here. All Congress ever does is pile on more regulations and more taxes, which requires more time and money to comply with all those regulations (Yes Virginia, regulations suck not just because they constrict freedom, but because they cost money to comply with). The CEO of Intel recently came out, saying that the US has the second highest tax rate in the industrialized world - THAT'S why business is moving overseas, because Congress can't keep their grubby little hands off other peoples' money

    2) Small business is drying up because Congress can't stop taxing and spending other peoples' money - WalMart is a capitalist company, and they got where they are by cutting costs and passing those cost savings along to consumers. They didn't cheat or steal from anyone - they undercut their competition, thereby giving you and me, the consumers, better bang for the buck. Every small business owner in the world would give their left nut to be as big as WalMart.

    And BTW - those "big businesses" you hate so much are some of Obama's biggest donors - Goldman Sachs, GE, GM, SEIU/AFL-CIO (don't kid yourself - unions are 'big business' as much as any corporation) were ALL huge donors to his campaign, whereas small business typically donates to Republicans - don't you think that's a little odd? The big business you hate so much is a donor to the Dems and liberals that you love, but the small business you love so much donates to the Repubs you hate.

    /end rant


    Guns don't kill people, Daddies with pretty daughters do…..
  • HaybletHayblet Posts: 2,429 ✭✭✭
    I really think Xmacro hit the nail on the head, well done Sir.
  • lilwing88lilwing88 Posts: 2,812 ✭✭✭
    Yea. I have a friend who's job is basically to outsource all of those jobs out to China, that Vulch is referring to. Only they don't do it because of some "breaks" they get from the government. Quite the contrary, they do it cuz they have no choice if they wanna stay in business and compete. He's not proud of what he does, but the reality is, is that his job and thousands of other jobs depend on his company turning a profit (which they still are btw.... one of the few)
    Guns don't kill people, Daddies with pretty daughters do…..
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭
    I do remember the "fool me once" mantra....and still love it every time I see G.W. **** f*uck it up. Almost as much as I love "Mission Accomplished" and the deregulations (that I know, didnt really happen, lol) to land us in the spot. BTW, One political group or another has thought the country was going down and beyond saving ever since this country was founded. These are rough times, but they have happened before and will happen again----its all cyclical. Of course, since all out jobs are going overseas because of breaks the companies get to leave does scare me. And BTW...small businesses are drying. Not because of the "liberals", but because weve allowed WalMart and other huge corporations too much freedom for too long. Thanks yourselves. And for the record, this was not directed at either of you guys before me....just me own little Friday rant.
    Two things real quick, can you give one example of deregulation that lead to the economic melt down?
    Secondly, what do you propose be done about Wal Mart? Would you like the government to set minimum prices they can sell items at? How have corporations like Wal Mart, by providing a service at a reduced price and greater convenience, hurt the economy as a whole? They have succeeded in the capitalist dream and have created 1.5 million jobs and have approx 3,500 facilities in the United States. Would you propose we eliminate half of those 1.5 million jobs just to make things fair for the mom and pop stores? And god knows Wal Mart is sooo greedy! They have only contributed:
    - More than $61 million in community grants.

    - More than $300 million in 18 years for Children’s Miracle Network.

    - More than $170 million in 18 years to United Way chapters.

    - $91 million in scholarships since 1979.

    - $5 million in Volunteerism Always Pays grants.

    - $20 million raised and contributed during the 2001 holidays.

    - Nearly $16 million given in response to the events of September 11.

    -helped raise and contribute $170 million to local charitable organizations in 2004 alone.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    The CEO of Intel recently came out, saying that the US has the second highest tax rate in the industrialized world - THAT'S why business is moving overseas, because Congress can't keep their grubby little hands off other peoples' money
    in january we will be seeing even more taxes, making us the HIGHEST taxed when it comes to corporate taxes.

    on the tax topic:
    as of midnight Dec. 31, the death tax returns — at a rate of 55% on estates of $1 million or more.
    55% !! just for dying!

    The lowest bracket for the personal income tax, for instance, moves up 50% — to 15% from 10%. The next lowest bracket — 25% — will rise to 28%, and the old 28% bracket will be 31%. At the higher end, the 33% bracket is pushed to 36% and the 35% bracket becomes 39.6%. …

    The marriage penalty also makes a comeback, and the capital gains tax will jump 33% — to 20% from 15%. The tax on dividends will go all the way from 15% to 39.6% — a 164% increase.

    Both the cap-gains and dividend taxes will go up further in 2013 as the health care reform adds a 3.8% Medicare levy for individuals making more than $200,000 a year and joint filers making more than $250,000. Other tax hikes include: halving the child tax credit to $500 from $1,000 and fixing the standard deduction for couples at the same level as it is for single filers.

    Letting the Bush cuts expire will cost taxpayers $115 billion next year alone, according to the Congressional Budget Office, and $2.6 trillion through 2020.

    of course the real problem isnt that we are not being taxed enough, its that the government is SPENDING TOO MUCH.

    much like Greece, Spain, Portugal, and all of the other countries failing right now.

    not that we couldnt predict this... back in 07 there was THIS article.
  • VulchorVulchor Posts: 4,848 ✭✭✭✭
    Im not going to debate here, or argue, or otherwise because everyone can spit out numbers or "facts" from their side...only to be shown contrary to the other. I am simply giving a different opinion here, I am sorry that I often mess up the **** and whining fest and stroke jobs that run so rampant here. Puro, I could talk about deregulation of banks, wall street, housing, etc. and you would in turn counter everything I say and with some type of stat that could be shown 180 degrees different, if I used a different source or bit of info---and frankly its not worth it to me, or to see the mounds of others agree to reinforce their already held beliefs. Im really not trying to be an ass here, but we will never get anywhere because our views our often too different for either of us to understand and sometimes even respect. Everyone can continue talking unabated now about how we are on the eve of our national destruction...people have been saying it for about 225 years now.
  • VulchorVulchor Posts: 4,848 ✭✭✭✭
    BTW, I agree Kuzi that Govt is spendin too much. And I am all for cutting spending on medicaid, entitelment programs, welfare, etc. HOWEVER, we better damn well also be cutting Social Security (or at least no yearly raises), Medicare, and especially the military budget.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    BTW, I agree Kuzi that Govt is spendin too much. And I am all for cutting spending on medicaid, entitelment programs, welfare, etc. HOWEVER, we better damn well also be cutting Social Security (or at least no yearly raises), Medicare, and especially the military budget.
    nothing to disagree with here.
  • TatuajeVITatuajeVI Posts: 2,378
    On the topic of tax rates: I was listening to a college lecture series on CD the other day, the professor is quite liberal (shocker!) but he was comparing US business and personal tax rates to previous empires and other such historical examples of other government. He was laughing at his own conclusion: even the most despotic of regimes or the most ruthless of dictators were never even close to the insane tax rates we have today. And, of course, he had to bring up that the American Revolution was mostly over a few cents of taxes being placed on stamps and the fear of the government regulating the Tea Industry. Oh the irony.

    At the height of Roman power under Caesar Augustus and many years later into the Roman Empire, the average Roman citizen paid in one year only two days wages in taxes. Pretty amazing.

    Vulchor: what I love about your rants about "Tea Baggers" is the complete misunderstanding of the movement. The core of the Tea Party is people like me that have one main idea - to make our Federal government smaller, less intrusive into business, and less intrusive into our personal lives. And, give these idiots in charge or our government less of our money. Because it is our money, and not theirs, and we know how to spend it more efficiently than they do. That's a movement everyone can get behind.
  • ejenne87ejenne87 Posts: 1,925 ✭✭
    make our Federal government smaller, less intrusive into business, and less intrusive into our personal lives. And, give these idiots in charge or our government less of our money. Because it is our money, and not theirs, and we know how to spend it more efficiently than they do.
    I try to stay out of these threads, but I was reading through because I'm bored and I have to say, I have never agreed more with anything posted in a thread like this than I do with this statement. Every time this topic comes up for discussion this is almost exactly what I say and just get blank stares in return. It's nice to hear it from someone else from time to time...
  • VulchorVulchor Posts: 4,848 ✭✭✭✭
    Tat----I do not agree with ANY of those things at what you percieve to be the "core" of the Teaparty. I in fact agree with them by in large. HOWEVER, what I do disagree with is what I think are their means to get there (to a lesser degree) and that I do not beleive that is at all what is fueling this movement, just the face they put on to appear legit (to a greater degree). And love how the "liberal SHOCKER" professor is criticised, as so many "liberals" seem to be because they are intelligent and have higher degrees.....No, no, I would much rather have Jim Bob and his 6th grade education leading the country because at least he knows family values and loves jesus. Not saying you meant this, but its funny how being educated can be such a bad thing. Not at all because those same "liberals" took the time and energy to learn instead of spouting *** of while living under a rock somewhere in northern Mississippi.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    Tat----I do not agree with ANY of those things at what you percieve to be the "core" of the Teaparty. I in fact agree with them by in large. HOWEVER, what I do disagree with is what I think are their means to get there (to a lesser degree) and that I do not beleive that is at all what is fueling this movement, just the face they put on to appear legit (to a greater degree). And love how the "liberal SHOCKER" professor is criticised, as so many "liberals" seem to be because they are intelligent and have higher degrees.....No, no, I would much rather have Jim Bob and his 6th grade education leading the country because at least he knows family values and loves jesus. Not saying you meant this, but its funny how being educated can be such a bad thing. Not at all because those same "liberals" took the time and energy to learn instead of spouting *** of while living under a rock somewhere in northern Mississippi.
    i think there was a wording issue there vulchor.... that or i dont understand the first sentence in your point above....

    though a degree IS important, it is not the ONLY thing. too many career politicians have ZERO real world experience to draw from. thats a huge problem in my book.
    some of the the above arguments are made from extremes.(though i do understand the point) nobody is asking for a man with 6th grade education to run office, but many are asking for people that have run a business, met a budget, and had to deal with the hard decisions made every day by many business people.

    i tend to agree with the basic ideas that the tea party had in the beginning. (small less intrusive government that spends less and taxes less) but my problem with the tea party is it was hijacked by people seeking political gain from it. iduno... i agree with many of the people in the tea party movement, but not many people that falsely claim to be a part of it while not living up to the ideals that the the party was conceived on.
  • VulchorVulchor Posts: 4,848 ✭✭✭✭
    Fair enough---and I can see both of those points and agree more than disagree.
  • fla-gypsyfla-gypsy Posts: 3,023 ✭✭
    Like it or not, the movement to squash this administration and congress and remove the Dem majority is gaining momentum and it will overrun the Dems come November. Their ineptitude is now on public display and can no longer be hidden by the Dem loving lame stream media. Ignoring what bulit this nation into the economic power house it is/was makes no sense. It is NOT Govt intervention and meddling into every aspect of our lives.
  • VulchorVulchor Posts: 4,848 ✭✭✭✭
    It will not overrun in November, you're wrong there----hopeful, and a tad right, but it will not overrun. There has been ineptitude for years, not just since the teabaggers. See the Iraq conflict we're in...you know, the mission accomplished one where we found the WMD's??? And afterall, after a yaer in office, how could Barack not yet correct all the problems he inherited right? The short sightedness and closed mined idea baffle me sometimes... continue burying head in sand.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    It will not overrun in November, you're wrong there----hopeful, and a tad right, but it will not overrun. There has been ineptitude for years, not just since the teabaggers. See the Iraq conflict we're in...you know, the mission accomplished one where we found the WMD's??? And afterall, after a yaer in office, how could Barack not yet correct all the problems he inherited right? The short and closed mined idea baffle me sometimes... continue burying head in sand.
    iduno.... there are some downright bad approval numbers for the house and the senate (not to mention the president), there is an anti incumbent sentiment out there, ive seen plenty of news stories out of both the left AND the right saying the democrats have a serious chance of losing at least the senate, maybe the house, (links below) and in the majority of smaller more local elections there seems to be a shift to the right. on generic ballots the GOP is ahead by a good amount on many.

    i dont think it is going to be a hard right swing, but it will bring congress a bit back to the center and away from the far left it is in now... maybe a split. republicans could take either the house or the senate. with any luck this will slow things down.

    i aslo find it interesting that you are quick to run from a thread when "it becomes personal between BOTLs" (as you put it before) but in the quote above (unless i totally misread it) you just called another "short sighted" and "closed minded" and then told him "continue burying head in sand" for expressing a not too far fetched idea that has been also expressed by many in the media:

    i understand that not every story i just linked to is saying massive sweeping control for the republicans. i am just pointing out that it is not a far fetched idea that there is a real chance that the republicans will come in and turn over the senate.
  • VulchorVulchor Posts: 4,848 ✭✭✭✭
    Not talking about gypsy....saying that mentality as a whole baflles me. He may share than mentality, but not talking to him directly.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    Not talking about gypsy....saying that mentality as a whole baflles me. He may share than mentality, but not talking to him directly.
    i musta got confused to what you were saying....

    are you baffled that people think there is a chance the republicans could take the senate back? or you dont understand why they would want them to?
  • fla-gypsyfla-gypsy Posts: 3,023 ✭✭
    The house will change hands, the senate is in play as well. I didn't expect O to fix all the problems, just not make them worse which he and those idiots Pelosi and Reid did as quick as they could. No one can fix all the problems because of the entitlement metality that exists in this country now. BTW, Vulchor you are quick to belittle anyone who does not agree with you, just saying bro!
  • VulchorVulchor Posts: 4,848 ✭✭✭✭
    I dont understand why they would want it Kuzi---and yes, the logical side of me totally understands....but my sensical side doesnt seem to follow suit. Also I do beleive it is impossible to take the Senate back barring some unforseen disaster....but that doesnt baffle me as much, thats just hope and I understand that.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭
    I dont understand why they would want it Kuzi---and yes, the logical side of me totally understands....but my sensical side doesnt seem to follow suit. Also I do beleive it is impossible to take the Senate back barring some unforseen disaster....but that doesnt baffle me as much, thats just hope and I understand that.
    You know Vulchor, I'm almost with you as far as I don't see how the Republicans sweeping in Nov. would help very much. I believe the Republicans are the lesser of two evils, but as long as the people keep putting people like John McCain in office over and over, there will never be a true change of the way things are done.
  • TatuajeVITatuajeVI Posts: 2,378
    I dont understand why they would want it Kuzi---and yes, the logical side of me totally understands....but my sensical side doesnt seem to follow suit. Also I do beleive it is impossible to take the Senate back barring some unforseen disaster....but that doesnt baffle me as much, thats just hope and I understand that.
    You know Vulchor, I'm almost with you as far as I don't see how the Republicans sweeping in Nov. would help very much. I believe the Republicans are the lesser of two evils, but as long as the people keep putting people like John McCain in office over and over, there will never be a true change of the way things are done.
    Agreed that not much will come of it, unless there is SERIOUS change within the Republican Party. We can look back at the previous 8 years and see the incredibly ignorant spending by the Republican Party when they were in power. It would be fabulous if they learned something with the power that they will have after this election. Yes, they will take the majority in the House, and possibly the Senate.

    Vulchor, my "shocker" comment about a Liberal professor was a sarcastic way of saying that the majority of college professors are liberal. Same goes with journalists. Common knowledge, though I am sure there are plenty of polls to back up this claim. Not to mention my own vast personal experience of being in college for the last 11 years on and off - I have literally never had a professor that was conservative. Ever. My snarky comment had nothing to do with education level - I've never seen anything showing a difference in average education level between liberals and conservatives.

    Also, the "Mission Accomplished" knock you always use is really over-played. Are you aware that W never stated that? It was a banner someone placed behind him during a speech in which W explained that the first part of the Iraq war was over (true ground combat between two militaries) and that there was a long, long road ahead. He was right on both counts. He never stated the war was over, and as I recall, the banner was not authorized by the White House - it was, as I recall, at either a Naval establishment or on a Navy ship.

    edited to add: yep, it was a Navy Aircraft Carrier. Debate exists as to who authorized the banner, and the meaning of the banner could definitely apply to the mission the Aircraft carrier itself that they did, in fact, accomplish. The banner was used for political gain by the Left, and you are continuing that statement (I can only assume) without the knowledge of the actual truth. Much like the Palin line of "I can see Russia from my house" that is constantly repeated (heh, even though it was a line from an SNL skit) politics is a nasty business and will repeat half-truths or lies over and over until popular culture believes them to be true.
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