Perhaps a growing dictator??
Sarah Palin... yes I said it. I dunno, this article is rather interesting.. There are a lot of red flags, and it seems like this sort of "lies and secrets" thing that Palin and now the would-be governor in Arizona thrive on seems to really work. I don't get how people who don't debate or at least come out in an open forum and when do can't form any complete sentences or really use facts can be so popular. Anyway I'm sure you'll flame the hell out of this but in any case try to read the article. I was actually surprised to hear that the author went into this a pro-palin.
Sarah Palin... yes I said it. I dunno, this article is rather interesting.. There are a lot of red flags, and it seems like this sort of "lies and secrets" thing that Palin and now the would-be governor in Arizona thrive on seems to really work. I don't get how people who don't debate or at least come out in an open forum and when do can't form any complete sentences or really use facts can be so popular. Anyway I'm sure you'll flame the hell out of this but in any case try to read the article. I was actually surprised to hear that the author went into this a pro-palin.
Not only that, if Obama or Pelosi made this same speech, they would be lauded as heroes and saints by the mostly leftist media (excluding Fox News).
Disclaimer: I'm not a dem or rep loyalist. I find myself somewhere in the middle of the political spectrum but leaning towards the right.
many of the concepts within that article could be said about Hillary Clinton as well... or any other politician/pundit.
what i found most interesting about this article was the first comment in the comments section. it starts out:
"To me, Sarah Palin is a dangerous woman. She is filled with hatred and is by far the most RACIST WOMAN in AMERICA...."
now... im no huge fan of palin. in fact, i dont care at all about her. but this just made me laugh. the race card being thrown at the political right is so tired and old its almost laughable. not only that, the commenter never explained why he/she thought this way. no quotes. no theories on why. no policy that palin wrote referenced. nothing. (the commenter did say "Palin says these things in a way that goes right to the edge of being explicitly racist. Right to the edge, without having to hear people say oh shes such a racist, when in fact she really is." but again not a single quote or explanation to back it up)
if you are gunna take the time to type out a paragraph as long as this person did, at least take the time to make it worth reading. "being white" does not make one racist. i fear that the commenter believes that it does.
again, whatever. i wouldnt expect much more out of a reader of Vanity Fair.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
but seriously, i agree.
and one more quickie about palin...
i dont think she has the ability to be a dictator. yeah... she can get a crowd to react, but thats not all it takes to be a real dictator. she doesnt have it.
politicians understand that fear and worry motivate.
palin is using scare tactics.
people on the left are using scare tactics to counter her scare tactics...
big deal.
Palin is not someone to be feared. she will end up as a one time blip on the political radar.
As for Palin, seriously, dictator? I think she's well meaning, misguided, naive, and remarkably easy on the eyes. (there, I said it! meant it, too. Let the wrath of NOW be on my head!)
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
I laughed so hard, I almost peed my pants!
Stupid is as stupid does, and unfortunately America has a whole lot of stupid floating around. On ALL sides of the political and social specturm. Peoples own views however make it much easier to see the idiots by the river trying to swim up the waterfall, than see that the people in your own camp are trying to make a canoe out of toilet paper.
both sides have their nut-jobs.
these little jabs at each other are what eventually turn into name calling.
cant we play nice for even a moment?
it IS true that both sides have their nut jobs. pointing them out over and over again does nothing more than alienate others. if we are gunna get passionate about things here lets at least make it over policy or theory; not over something that we all agree on like "politicians are stupid"
lets all get off our collective high horses, quit throwing out jabs and reasons to hate each other and discuss ideas and solutions, not why some people are stupider than others
and in all fairness, nobody is claiming that bush did a good job.
bush (or any other individual) is not an accurate representation of any political party. bush does not speak for all republicans just as pelosi does not speak for all democrats just as bob barr does not speak for all libertarians.
Bush's 8 years are over. he is not coming back. there is no need to run against him.
side note:
the word "stupider" did not set off my spell check.
he he he.... "stupider"