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What do you do when you smoke



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    ironhorseironhorse Posts: 469
    call up lassy's girlfriend and talk her into staying despite all the better looking and wealthier men there are out there. It's a daily responsibility but a botl's gotta do what a botl's gotta do.
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    sirfoster83sirfoster83 Posts: 783
    I also sit in silence and contemplate my escape to Brazil or DR without leaving a trace for my wife and kids to follow...... Thats only on bad days though.
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    jlmartajlmarta Posts: 7,881 ✭✭✭✭✭
    This time of year, when the weather is so perfect, I take my chosen stick for the day along with my cutter and lighter, put the harness and leash on my cat and take her for a walk. She's so full of P& Vinegar in the mornings it's necessary to burn off some of her energy.

    And, since it needs to be done every day, it's a great excuse to burn a daily stick, no?


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    LasabarLasabar Posts: 4,472 ✭✭✭
    call up lassy's girlfriend and talk her into staying despite all the better looking and wealthier men there are out there. It's a daily responsibility but a botl's gotta do what a botl's gotta do.
    Since YOU talk to her so damn much why don't YOU pay this damn cell phone bill!? ....and that black eye was on accident...
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    stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Posts: 4,317
    I usally smoke on my commute. So I try to focus on driving.
    Otherwise I write.

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    cabinetmakercabinetmaker Posts: 2,560 ✭✭
    I will do anything while smoking, but I try to limit my smoking to the times when I'm awake.
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    jship079jship079 Posts: 621
    1 sit around and solve all the worlds problems
    2 sit around with a botl and solve all the worlds problems
    3 sit around with my wife and solve all my familys problems
    4 Read my Bible and pray for all these problems
    5 just veg and enjoy the greatness that is a well made cigar
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    docbp87docbp87 Posts: 3,521
    99% of the time I smoke at night, after work and dinner. So usually around 11. I sit out in my truck, with my laptop and a bottle of water. I take notes on pretty much every cigar I smoke, even if it is one I have had many times before. For me, this greatly increases my enjoyment of the subtle nuances in each stick. I like smoking late at night because I always get peace and quiet. No noisy housemates or neighbors harassing me, and during the summer it is the only time that the temperature and humidity drop low enough to be outside for any extended period of time. I either watch movies or listen to music.
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    HeavyHeavy Posts: 1,591 ✭✭✭
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