Dominican Play by Play
Posts: 1,224 ✭✭✭
Just boarded my flight in Chicago en route to te DR. Lots of factory visits this week and also will be looking at some new tobacco strands. While Santiago is not the quaint cigar town Esteli nicaragu is, it is still a great place to see top cigar makers and I have grown a bit fond of certain types of Cuban seed tobaccos grown in the Dominican. Will keep you guys posted along my adventure and try to post pics whenever possible.
"Long ashes my friends."
I like to walk around with the BIGGEST wad of cash so that they know that I'm rich, and thus powerful so they know to leave me alone... The $6800 in my pocket is not worth the hassle of dealing with a potential head of state or movie star...
Also, I wear the brightest and loudest outfit that I can, basically anything that is the exact OPPOSITE of what the local culture is... That way they KNOW you're a tourist and know to leave you alone...
Lastly, find a "HOT TOPIC" in the local country and brazenly criticize it and violently protest it... That way they know that you are interested in their culture and see you as a "Friendly"...
These happy travel tips brought to you buy Lassy!
The DR is great. The decline in exports here has clearly impacted some of the factories but in my few days here this far I have spent time with the folks at La Aurora, General Cigar, Pinar del Rio, Matasa (quesada), Victor Sinclair, Jochy Blanco (leaf grower and respected cigar maker), a machine made factory, and Agusto Reyes. Lots of good blends smoked. You may be seeing the resurection of an old favorite of mine "Pueblo Dominicano". There are several great blends being considered. Stay tuned. For those guys who like the unique stuff, I scored a small allocation of the old La Aurora 100 Anos from the original release years ago. Great smoke and one that has become increasingly hard to find. These may not go up on the site and may be reserved for sale through our consultants only. Additionally, I found some boxes of la aurora preferido corojos from 2003 that have aged nicely. I have some of these coming in which should be a very nice treat.
The rest as they say are trade secrets LOL. I dont want my competitors reading this and stealing my ideas but there are some great finds at AMAZING PRICES you guys are going to go nuts for!! Headed home tomorrow. Being here reminds me that I need to come down to the DR more often. Some great cigar makers that are very talented.
i LOVE those smokes.
how does it compare to the original blend? and how do they compare to the second run of them? who was the original blender and is the same blender doing the work on this one?
Ive been looking for these cigars for a while and i thought they were gone for good.
this is a good day, with good news.
"Long ashes my friends."