I also have a fondness for the everliving (possibly undead) canned meat. Thinly sliced, fried in butter it makes a great breakfast side with scrambled eggs.
If you have an Aldi's near you try there imitation spam ............ Its delicious .... fried on a sandwich with some horseradish mustard............ the original is good too but the aldi's verision is 1.29 all the time
If you have an Aldi's near you try there imitation spam ............ Its delicious .... fried on a sandwich with some horseradish mustard............ the original is good too but the aldi's verision is 1.29 all the time
Just know, that I will NEVER try this stuff...
"Hey! There's some Cheap crap!"
"Oh no! Don't buy that cheap crap! Go to this cheap-ass store and buy some "Imitation Cheap Crap"....
I think I tried it once at a friends house as a kid, but I don't think I liked it. I don't see myself revisiting it. I guess I look at meat like I look at cigars, or alcohol. It's not the most healthy thing in the world, so if I'm going to have some, I'll have something good. But hey, to each their own.
If you have an Aldi's near you try there imitation spam ............ Its delicious .... fried on a sandwich with some horseradish mustard............ the original is good too but the aldi's verision is 1.29 all the time
What the hell is the world comming to when SPAM needs a generic brand what could be in that WOW!!
If you have an Aldi's near you try there imitation spam ............ Its delicious .... fried on a sandwich with some horseradish mustard............ the original is good too but the aldi's verision is 1.29 all the time
What the hell is the world comming to when SPAM needs a generic brand what could be in that WOW!!
EWWWWWW. Generic SPAM?! I think I would rather chew through the tin.
If you have an Aldi's near you try there imitation spam ............ Its delicious .... fried on a sandwich with some horseradish mustard............ the original is good too but the aldi's verision is 1.29 all the time
Just know, that I will NEVER try this stuff...
"Hey! There's some Cheap crap!"
"Oh no! Don't buy that cheap crap! Go to this cheap-ass store and buy some "Imitation Cheap Crap"....
No, Thank, you
What has the world come to when Lassie is the voice of reason??? LMAO!
"Oh no! Don't buy that cheap crap! Go to this cheap-ass store and buy some "Imitation Cheap Crap"....
No, Thank, you
What has the world come to when Lassie is the voice of reason??? LMAO!
LMAO so true!
I actually bought SPAM intentionally once, about 2 years ago. I figured, what with all the hoopla about it, I had to try it even as an experiment. I tried it straight from the can, and wasn't a fan... Then I tried frying a slice in butter - have to say, it wasn't bad. I wouldn't actually buy it again, but if I literally had no other option, it isn't something I'd complain about.
¨The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears, or the sea¨ - Isak Dinesen
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
"Oh no! Don't buy that cheap crap! Go to this cheap-ass store and buy some "Imitation Cheap Crap"....
No, Thank, you
What has the world come to when Lassie is the voice of reason??? LMAO!
LMAO so true!
I actually bought SPAM intentionally once, about 2 years ago. I figured, what with all the hoopla about it, I had to try it even as an experiment. I tried it straight from the can, and wasn't a fan... Then I tried frying a slice in butter - have to say, it wasn't bad. I wouldn't actually buy it again, but if I literally had no other option, it isn't something I'd complain about.
Spam is The Other WHite meat! I used to Love that S>H>I>T With Mustard and some Onion! Yeah ....Ive actually been to the spam museum in Austin Mn What a Hoot
If you have an Aldi's near you try there imitation spam ............ Its delicious .... fried on a sandwich with some horseradish mustard............ the original is good too but the aldi's verision is 1.29 all the time
Just know, that I will NEVER try this stuff...
"Hey! There's some Cheap crap!"
"Oh no! Don't buy that cheap crap! Go to this cheap-ass store and buy some "Imitation Cheap Crap"....
No, Thank, you
What has the world come to when Lassie is the voice of reason??? LMAO!
I am always the voice of... umm... Something...
I'm maybe the voice of your inner child that will say anything at any time... Kind of Embarassing, but when everyone else leaves you crack up laughing for what I say is the TRUTH!
I'd rather eat a **** covered in burnt hair than eat spam again.....lol
+ 1 more!
If you have an Aldi's near you try there imitation spam ............ Its delicious .... fried on a sandwich with some horseradish mustard............ the original is good too but the aldi's verision is 1.29 all the time
Isn't spam already an imitation to begin with?
Imitating an imitation just seems wrong, esp. when its meat!
God...spam isn't even fit for dog food. Spam's almost as disgusting as the Egg and Cheese Omelot from the MRE's I always had to eat in the Army. I actually tried to feed the omelot to the ants and they wouldn't touch it.
You guys know that Spam was originally just pork shoulder meat that butchers sold to the poor for 2 cents a pound, right? Now, it's expensive poor man's food!
On a side note, when light beer was first made, it was intended for women. Sales sucked, though, so beer companies decided to call light beer "manly". Just FYI for all you Bud and Miller Lite fans :P
I do not love it, but it is thoroughly edible. Really enjoy a SPAM Musubi every now and again. In college I ate a whole can of Turkey SPAM straight out the can with a spoon. Lets just say sliced, fried regular SPAM is much better.
How, I wonder, is generic Spam any different than Rocky Patel doing a knock-off of his own cigars and calling them 'counterfeits'?
Same principle, no?
Since Aldi's does not carry NAME BRAND items ....... Hormel the maker of SPAM is also the private label manufacture for the Aldi version ....... so its not really generic spam but for some reason IMHO it tastes better.
Here in Hawaii, we are the biggest consumer of SPAM because it was a war time food...and we were very limited to what food was being brought in on the barges at that time. Needless to say I love it and am lucky enough to have SPAM and eggs on our breakfast menu at all the mcdonalds, burger kings, and jack in the cracks! For those of you that haven't tried it, fry some up nice and crispy and try it as a side with your eggs and grits or whatever the hell you guys eat up there! (I stepped up to the plate and tried those Rocky Mountain Oysters in Colorado once!) SPAM is gourmet compared to that stuff!
FYI I will not and never have tried it
I still get THIS stuck in my head at times...
"Hey! There's some Cheap crap!"
"Oh no! Don't buy that cheap crap! Go to this cheap-ass store and buy some "Imitation Cheap Crap"....
No, Thank, you
I actually bought SPAM intentionally once, about 2 years ago. I figured, what with all the hoopla about it, I had to try it even as an experiment. I tried it straight from the can, and wasn't a fan... Then I tried frying a slice in butter - have to say, it wasn't bad. I wouldn't actually buy it again, but if I literally had no other option, it isn't something I'd complain about.
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
Spam is The Other WHite meat! I used to Love that S>H>I>T With Mustard and some Onion! Yeah ....Ive actually been to the spam museum in Austin Mn What a Hoot
I'm maybe the voice of your inner child that will say anything at any time... Kind of Embarassing, but when everyone else leaves you crack up laughing for what I say is the TRUTH!
Same principle, no?
Imitating an imitation just seems wrong, esp. when its meat!
You guys know that Spam was originally just pork shoulder meat that butchers sold to the poor for 2 cents a pound, right? Now, it's expensive poor man's food!
On a side note, when light beer was first made, it was intended for women. Sales sucked, though, so beer companies decided to call light beer "manly". Just FYI for all you Bud and Miller Lite fans :P
Since Aldi's does not carry NAME BRAND items ....... Hormel the maker of SPAM is also the private label manufacture for the Aldi version ....... so its not really generic spam but for some reason IMHO it tastes better.