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22-250 or .223 the ultimate toss up

GoldyGoldy Posts: 1,638 ✭✭
I need some help in picking out my next gun. I have a .17 and absolutly love it but I want to have more reach. I have always liked the 22-250 because it can be used for the 1000m shot but I cant decide between that and the .223. I'll list my pros and you can pick for me.

22-250 Pro - Badass. Long range, low kick, can hunt deer with it in UT

.223 Pro - Cheaper ammo, more selection of ammo, can legally hunt deer with it in MN and UT

Which ever one I get I want to add a stock with a thumb hole and get a bipod and nice scope. The goal is distance shooting. Anyone have any thoughts?


  • sppd81sppd81 Posts: 26
    Personally, I'm impartial to the .223, but for hunting, ever think about a .308? They're somewhat heavy, but throw some nice optics and a bipod on there and you'll get better accuracy and distance. Just my $.02.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭
    Yea, I'm a fan of the .223 and LOVE my mini-14. But if I had the money and could buy anything, I'd get the .308 because that baby will reach out and touch something. Much more knock down power and a great gun to hunt with.

    But between those 2, my vote is .223 without a doubt.
  • Jetmech_63Jetmech_63 Posts: 3,451 ✭✭✭
    I dig all my 223's. I'd like to get a 308 one day because it does have awesome ballistics. Also have a tack driving 204 which is a ton of fun but for overall versatility, 223 is hard to beat.
  • vegassparkyvegassparky Posts: 365
    I have a thompson center fire .308 for hunting, and love it. cool thread topic cause i am looking for a .223. toss up between a used colt the local shop has, or or a new panther arms. the colt is tricked out but the price is high. panther arms seem reasonably priced, and i can choose to outfit it with what i want.
  • kingjk729kingjk729 Posts: 2,579 ✭✭✭
    Coming from somebody that has both its a total toss up ................. If you hand load I'd tell you to go with the 22-250 and if not 223 .................. lets be realistic .... it sounds like you intend using it to hunt whitetail iam assuming and if you use either headshots are the way to go ...... i have seen alot of deer shot with 223 in the vitals and they just keep truckin so unless you want be out in the woods tracking all day...... my motto with either is "1 in the head and its dead" ...... now if you plan on long range shooting 22-250 has its advantages but if you know your ballistics you can make the same 400-600 yard shot with a 223 I have the NEF single shot handi rifle bull barrel with natural wood stocks in 22-250 and 223 and love them both .... i have a 6x24x50 nikon monarch scope on the 22-250 with the bullet drop compensator on it and a 4x12x40 cabelas alaskian guide series scope on the 223 ................ both are dead nuts on and the 223 is great to 300yards with minimal adjustments ................ I love both scopes but for less than half the cost of the nikon i really love the cabelas ..... i was told that zeiss manufactures the high end cabelas scopes and busnell makes the cheaper ones ....................... Hope this helps just my .02 cents
  • bigjohn125bigjohn125 Posts: 476
    if you want a good cross between deer hunting and varmit hunting, check out the .243. Light weight, long range, and enough umph for deer. Check it out.
  • One2gofstOne2gofst Posts: 583
    Between those two, it would come down to whether you reload, IMO. However, I wouldn't use either to hunt deer if I could help it. I would stick to at least .243 or 6mm for deer, and I'd rather shoot a .30 caliber than either.
  • GoldyGoldy Posts: 1,638 ✭✭
    Well I think I am going to get a .223 just because its more versital. I'm looking at Savage and they have some really nice thumbhole stocks for a decent price.
  • kingjk729kingjk729 Posts: 2,579 ✭✭✭
    Good choice ....My 30.06 is a Savage ultra lite , that I use as my primary hunting rifle.
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