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Storing acids

Bought the acid kuba kuba dd from friday was wondering about storing them. I know you should not store them with natural cigars, but what about using a different tray in my wineador. Would this be okay or should I use a completley different humidor? Also I usaually rest my cigars for a few months before trying them is this the same with the acids?


  • ironhorseironhorse Posts: 469
    As long as they aren't touching, its not a giant deal so long as you plan on smoking your stock inside of 1 year. I had a acid next to one of my regulars for about 7 months before someone said not to keep them togethor, and I didn't notice a thing when I lit it up.
  • wwhwangwwhwang Posts: 2,878 ✭✭✭
    I would suggest putting infused cigars in a separate humidor. I have a Gurkha Grand Reserve in my infused humidor and it's the only cigar in there. Even though it's sealed and tubed, my humidor still smells like cognac.
  • docbp87docbp87 Posts: 3,521
    As long as they aren't touching, its not a giant deal so long as you plan on smoking your stock inside of 1 year. I had a acid next to one of my regulars for about 7 months before someone said not to keep them togethor, and I didn't notice a thing when I lit it up.
    No way. Cigars as pungently infused as Acids need to be stored in a separate humidor altogether.
  • undulacundulac Posts: 1,129
    Ziplock unless you plan on having infused cigars on hand at all times. The cedar will suck in the oils and I wouldn't want to use it for normal sticks again.
  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    just get a ziplock w/ a humi pillow, all u need...don't put them in your humidor along with your other sticks....unless you want those to have an infused touch :)

    "Long ashes my friends."

  • tkohlertkohler Posts: 70
    I understand the concept of storing infused cigars in a separate humidor, IF you have a small humidor. If you have a large humidor, cabinet, coolerdor, or wineador, the minuscule scent that comes from an infused cigar you probably wont even notice when opening a large humidor. IMO storing infused cigars is only an issue if you've got a small humidor, as the small scent that does come from the infused cigar will have a larger effect on a smaller volume of air. In short, store it in your wineador, preferably just a bit away from any other sticks that are uncello'd. If their all cello'd, stick it in with the rest and don't worry about it.
  • thanks this seems like the best solution for me I have three diffenent levels in my winador and all the cigs in cello if I keep the infused cigars on a different tray I don't think that it should be much of a problem
  • Sounds like you've got the space to make it work.  I've had some flavor crossover before and it's not great, but again you should be good
  • KCWKCW Posts: 1,334 ✭✭✭
    I would not store Acids in the same Humidor. Zip Locked w/ a Waterpillow is the only way IMHO. (Unless you want your other sticks contaminated.)
  • HaybletHayblet Posts: 2,429 ✭✭✭
    does the "copper legend" fall into this as well?
  • kaspera79kaspera79 Posts: 7,257 ✭✭✭
    does the "copper legend" fall into this as well?
    Yes copper legend will bleed off that distinct aroma into your humidor and affect other non-infused cigars. " Keep 'em seperated"
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭
    Yea, I'd just play it safe if you have any sticks in your humi that you really value... Any good cigar shop won't even store infused cigars in their walk-ins, and those are a lot bigger than any wineador! Here is my suggestion where Acids should be stored however. LOL

    trash can ny Pictures, Images and Photos
  • zoom6zoomzoom6zoom Posts: 1,214
    Sorry, that's too far away. I don't feel like taking an Acid trip.
  • MrMokeMrMoke Posts: 321 ✭✭
    I bought a 20 count "Acid" humidor for around $20

    Put a gel humidifier and a digi hygro in it.

    And, keep all my infused sticks in that, including some beedies that an Indian friend gave me (they are not infused, but stink cos of the wrapper they use), if you know what they are!!!

    Store infused sticks in a completely different humidor than anything else. Candela, Maduro, Oscuro, Habano wrappes can all be separated by cedar dividers; and, there's a degree of safety and separation provided by cello, if they have it, but you don't want your puros tasting of Iced tea or whatever, unless that's what they were meant to taste of, so keep 'em separate, the cost is relatively small considering the damage you may do!

    If you don't have an extra, small, humi right now, put em in a baggie with a humi pillow till you get one or smoke em, I'm kinda thinking you should not age infused cigars , they are going to lose more of the flavor they have been designed to have than what they will gain from aging the tobacco

    Anyone have additional thoughts on this final point?

  • KCWKCW Posts: 1,334 ✭✭✭

    If you don't have an extra, small, humi right now, put em in a baggie with a humi pillow till you get one or smoke em, I'm kinda thinking you should not age infused cigars , they are going to lose more of the flavor they have been designed to have than what they will gain from aging the tobacco

    Anyone have additional thoughts on this final point?

  • HaybletHayblet Posts: 2,429 ✭✭✭

    If you don't have an extra, small, humi right now, put em in a baggie with a humi pillow till you get one or smoke em, I'm kinda thinking you should not age infused cigars , they are going to lose more of the flavor they have been designed to have than what they will gain from aging the tobacco

    Anyone have additional thoughts on this final point?

    Well I kind of have to somewhat disagree, I had a Tabak Especial bout 2 months ago that had around 6 months on it and it was far better than any I had smoked from the "original" batch
  • One2gofstOne2gofst Posts: 583
    Anyone who tells you that it is OK to store flavored/infused cigars in the same humidor with your other sticks has been smoking more than just cigars.
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