Interesting article......

Food Stamp Recipients at Record 41.8 Million Americans in July, U.S. Says
By Alan Bjerga - Oct 5, 2010 3:46 PM CT
The number of Americans receiving food stamps rose to a record 41.8 million in July as the jobless rate hovered near a 27-year high, the government said.
Recipients of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program subsidies for food purchases jumped 18 percent from a year earlier and increased 1.4 percent from June, the U.S. Department of Agriculture said today in a statement on its website. Participation has set records for 20 straight months.
Unemployment in September may have reached 9.7 percent, according to a Bloomberg News survey of analysts in advance of the release of last months rate on Oct. 8. Unemployment was 9.6 percent in July, near levels last seen in 1983.
An average of 43.3 million people, more than an eighth of the population, will get food stamps each month in the year that began Oct. 1, according to White House estimates.
My favorite part of the article is this little fact here: "Participation has set records for 20 straight months."
Things that make you go, "Hmmmmmmm".
The number of Americans receiving food stamps rose to a record 41.8 million in July as the jobless rate hovered near a 27-year high, the government said.
Recipients of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program subsidies for food purchases jumped 18 percent from a year earlier and increased 1.4 percent from June, the U.S. Department of Agriculture said today in a statement on its website. Participation has set records for 20 straight months.
Unemployment in September may have reached 9.7 percent, according to a Bloomberg News survey of analysts in advance of the release of last months rate on Oct. 8. Unemployment was 9.6 percent in July, near levels last seen in 1983.
An average of 43.3 million people, more than an eighth of the population, will get food stamps each month in the year that began Oct. 1, according to White House estimates.
My favorite part of the article is this little fact here: "Participation has set records for 20 straight months."
Things that make you go, "Hmmmmmmm".
Guns don't kill people, Daddies with pretty daughters do…..
Millions that the tax payers will never see again...... Sad to say that this sort of thing probably happens in almost every major urban area. Here in Chicago, it's pretty well known that Welfare fraud is rampant. Anything from faked disabilities to the runner type of scenario in your article. Food stamps aren't supposed to be used for anything other than groceries, formula and diapers etc. But the geniuses have figured out how to trade LINK cards (what they call food stamps in IL) for cash to buy booze and cigs. So many scams out there.
Always thought that was sane thinking
I worked in ghetto grocery store for 5 years and saw too many times a line full of Crab legs, Steaks, Chops and Sodas... MAXING out their foodstamp cards, and then having a separate transaction for Booze, Beer and Cigarettes...
No one wants anyone to starve. I would just like to see our government run more efficiently. Or is that too much to ask?
"Long ashes my friends."
I've been alive 33 years. Not very long, but long enough to learn a thing or two about a thing or two. I've spent 99% of my life living in Chicago. Not the suburbs. Not NW Indiana. But in the actual city itself (maybe that makes me sheltered from the rest of the world, but I would venture to say that a vast majority of the world population live their lives from start to finish in one general area). I don't even want to sit down and attempt the math that would bring me to the total amount of money I've contributed to the system. I'd probably start to cry...... I'm not gonna sit here and whine and moan about how I put into a system that systematically rewards those who have never contributed to anything in their lives. Cuz I know that if I don't like it, I can leave. Honestly, part of me does want to leave. A small part of me wants to get as far away as I possibly can from this God-forsaken hellhole of a city. I've watched a couple mayors, alderman, state reps and local congressmen come and go. Every single one of them more corrupt than their predecessor. I've sat back and watched a mayor of one of the greatest cities in the northern hemisphere systematically sell the city off to the highest bidder and have absolutely nothing to show for it. I've watched over-paid, undereducated "elected" officials squabble over table scraps. MY table scraps. All the while, living a life of luxury among the peons. In fact, I would surmise that if a serf from the 13th century was somehow catapulted into the future and landed in Chicago in the 21st century, he would feel right at home.............
But this is my home...... I kinda like it here. I would kinda like to live here a while longer and see it get better.
Do I think gov't, including local, state, and federal has EVER run efficiently? No. Not even on the 17th of September, 1787 at 6 o'clock pm in the afternoon did our gov't run "efficiently"........
I just want it to run "more" efficiently. To actually improve a little here and there. To actually do what it's supposed to once in a while.
But, I guess even that's too much to ask.
"Long ashes my friends."