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Conflicts with neighbors while smoking?

Been wondering about this, not that this has happened to me.

Anyone living with close neighbors have problems when you smoke your cigars outside? I'm thinking of people that live in condos or apartments.



  • RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Posts: 2,915
    Been wondering about this, not that this has happened to me.

    Anyone living with close neighbors have problems when you smoke your cigars outside? I'm thinking of people that live in condos or apartments.

    F*#^ um.... if there is No law about Smoking its there crap. I make my house payments and its my yard High and Mightys can go Piss up a rope.
    on the Otherhand I have met a couple Neighbors that are BOTL that I wouldnt have know if I hadnt been smoking !
    Good luck
  • RaschNutsRaschNuts Posts: 882
    i live in an apt complex where we have a big deck that goes around the building every one hangs out on. I normally smoke out side my apt on that. no one has complained yet.
  • SchroozSchrooz Posts: 165
    I live in an apartment with a patio adjacent to a sidewalk that leads to a busy fitness center. None of my neighbors have complained but I hear people coughing when they walk by as I smoke. I am sure these people are customers of the fitness center. I can't blame them. I myself hate it when I inhale smoke blown back into my face. I do not want to be rude, though, so I try and time my puffs that way I don't engulf anyone in a cloud of smoke. I think I will smoke mostly late at night when there's no foot traffic.
  • Jetmech_63Jetmech_63 Posts: 3,451 ✭✭✭
    I live around old geezers. The broad to my left loudly shuts her windows about 3 minutes after I light up and my neighbor Ralph always says " I smell you Vinny" to which I've run out of creative responses to so o jut ignore him. But the woman with the windows is kind of amusing, turned it into a game. She's a beeyatch anyway..... Annoying ass dog too
  • sightunseensightunseen Posts: 2,130 ✭✭
    My girlfriend's place has an awesome deck for smoking. One time, when I was indulging, her neighbor in a townhouse next door came out on her balcony and asked if I could blow the smoke another way because she had her windows open and it was getting in. I told her that I'll try but I can't control which way the wind blows. Idiot thought I was a fcking wizard or something that could control the weather.
  • One2gofstOne2gofst Posts: 583
    I have my own house so I don't really have any issues with neighbors, per se. When smoking in public I do try to be considerate of others. Yes, if it isn't illegal and against the rules, I can do it. But you also are much more likely to have a positive outcome if you try to be considerate of others.
  • cooch36cooch36 Posts: 714 ✭✭
    My girlfriend's place has an awesome deck for smoking. One time, when I was indulging, her neighbor in a townhouse next door came out on her balcony and asked if I could blow the smoke another way because she had her windows open and it was getting in. I told her that I'll try but I can't control which way the wind blows. Idiot thought I was a fcking wizard or something that could control the weather.
    Thats funny right there!
  • shamrockedshamrocked Posts: 285
    I've never had any issues. My patio is at the back of the complex and faces a wall to an open hillside. My neighbors are never outside or really at home that much. If they were I'd still try to be considerate but as mentioned I can't control the wind.
  • cooch36cooch36 Posts: 714 ✭✭
    NO issues I'm polite in public and respectfull to others that don't smoke as it wasn't that long ago that I didn't.
  • docbp87docbp87 Posts: 3,521
    My girlfriend's place has an awesome deck for smoking. One time, when I was indulging, her neighbor in a townhouse next door came out on her balcony and asked if I could blow the smoke another way because she had her windows open and it was getting in. I told her that I'll try but I can't control which way the wind blows. Idiot thought I was a fcking wizard or something that could control the weather.


    Moments ago I was out in my truck smoking, and happened to be parked on the side of the house (house is on a corner, normally park out front) and this man from next door comes over to me and asks if I'm waiting for someone, like I was some kind of stalker/murderer/burglar... I told him, No... I live right there *points at house*... he goes "Oh, well at least blow your smoke towards your own damn house."

  • xmacroxmacro Posts: 3,402
    Yup; I live in a condo with a bunch of old folks; in this condo is a pool that's almost never used (maybe once a week by some elderly person taking a 2-minute dip). One of the things I (used) to enjoy doing was to go out into the pool around 8pm, lighting up a cigar, and reading a book by the side of the pool while I tapped my ash into a nearby ashtray.

    Then the maintenance guy in charge of complaints gets one about me "laying on a float and smoking a cigar in the pool" - it was never mentioned that 1) I don't have a float, 2) I used an ashtray, 3) No one was around, 4) I never left any mess behind except water when I exited the pool, 5) No one ever said *** to me while I was doing this for a few weeks.

    Still, there's not much I can do; although he won't say who it was, the complainer is an owner of a unit, and I just rent, so they get preference over me in any kind of dispute that comes up before the Board. As much as I'd like the tell them off, it's not worth the hassle, so I just go smoke near the grill area where there's a few ashtrays, and no one can complain about anything.

  • undulacundulac Posts: 1,129
    One recommendation for you fellas. I suggest that you go outside and smoke naked. Then your neighbors will complain about that an you kindly oblige and put cloths on. Then if they complain about the smoke again, just tell them it's the cloths or the cigar and they can only pick one.
  • fla-gypsyfla-gypsy Posts: 3,023 ✭✭
    My nearest neighbor is 300' away. I doubt they would even notice.
  • The SniperThe Sniper Posts: 3,910
    Been wondering about this, not that this has happened to me.

    Anyone living with close neighbors have problems when you smoke your cigars outside? I'm thinking of people that live in condos or apartments.

    F*#^ um.... if there is No law about Smoking its there crap. I make my house payments and its my yard High and Mightys can go Piss up a rope.
    on the Otherhand I have met a couple Neighbors that are BOTL that I wouldnt have know if I hadnt been smoking !
    Good luck
    Im with Ozwaldo on this one - give what you get. If they're polite, be polite back. If they @ssholes about it when they step to you, give it right back. Ask them if you dont tell them where to be a douchebag, why do they think they can tell you where to be a cigar smoker?

  • Stryker808Stryker808 Posts: 269
    Ive actually made friends smoking outside my place. A couple guys have come over seeing me enjoy my cigar and libation, and started up a conversation. A few times it lead to some new smoking buddies.
  • HaysHays Posts: 2,337 ✭✭✭
    I live in an apartment with a patio, with a patio directly above and two patios across a sidewalk. The neighbors across the sidewalk smoke cigarettes, so they won't complain, and I haven't heard a peep from any of the other neighbors. I don't know a single one of my neighbors, and as far as that's gone with complaints, I guess that's ok.
    ¨The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears, or the sea¨ - Isak Dinesen

    ¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
  • AdcuriumAdcurium Posts: 179 ✭✭
    Red, I see you're using my brother-in-law's picture as your new avatar!
  • gmill880gmill880 Posts: 5,947
    My girlfriend's place has an awesome deck for smoking. One time, when I was indulging, her neighbor in a townhouse next door came out on her balcony and asked if I could blow the smoke another way because she had her windows open and it was getting in. I told her that I'll try but I can't control which way the wind blows. Idiot thought I was a fcking wizard or something that could control the weather.


    Moments ago I was out in my truck smoking, and happened to be parked on the side of the house (house is on a corner, normally park out front) and this man from next door comes over to me and asks if I'm waiting for someone, like I was some kind of stalker/murderer/burglar... I told him, No... I live right there *points at house*... he goes "Oh, well at least blow your smoke towards your own damn house."

    Yeah , I would have definitly told him to run along and f_ck himself !!!
  • beardedcanadianbeardedcanadian Posts: 86 ✭✭
    I haven't had any of my neighbors complain...my house is about 2000' from my nearest neighbor, so if they did complain I would charge them with tresspassing. ;-)
  • tkohlertkohler Posts: 70
    Can't we all just get along? With our neighbors I mean... Really it just comes down to common courtesy. If they don't like the smoke blowing in their windows, close the window for a few hours while I enjoy a cigar. Do I complain when your kids are outside screaming their balls off in the street? Nope, I just close my window or put on my headphones for a few hours. Do I complain when you come home drunk and parked like an *** half on the sidewalk? Nope, I just laugh and say hi as I walk by smiling, because I (err, I mean my roomate) had just done it two nights ago. Do you complain when I'm in my driveway yelling expletives while hammering away under my car? Nope, you don't, you just go inside and close your windows, while telling your kids "it'll be ok, he's just angry right now".

    Granted, I don't 'hang out' with my neighbors, and they all may hate me (our house is full of people half their age), but we do get along :-D
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    My girlfriend's place has an awesome deck for smoking. One time, when I was indulging, her neighbor in a townhouse next door came out on her balcony and asked if I could blow the smoke another way because she had her windows open and it was getting in. I told her that I'll try but I can't control which way the wind blows. Idiot thought I was a fcking wizard or something that could control the weather.
    lol, funny. I have a neighbor that is about 2 houses behind me and their freaking dog barks all f'ing day. It's so annoying. I've gone over there before and told them that they need to do something about it and they just said, sure, okay. Haven't yet. It's a freaking yappie small *** dog. Which I really hate as they are ugly and just freaking noisy. Whenever I walk my dog I pass their house and peg the Fer with my airsoft pistol. Yeah it's not a good thing to do but hell, the damn thing needs to be put down. I have a next door neighbor who has called the cops but they don't do ***. It sucks.
  • I have no problem with being considerate to others but I absolutely will not be courteous to a cigarette smoker that **** about my smoke, when theirs is much more toxic.
  • zoom6zoomzoom6zoom Posts: 1,214
    Still, there's not much I can do; although he won't say who it was, the complainer is an owner of a unit, and I just rent, so they get preference over me in any kind of dispute that comes up before the Board.
    Go all legal eagle on them.

    The Confrontation Clause of the Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution provides that "in all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right...to be confronted with the witnesses against him." Yes, I know this isn't a criminal case, but most people don't know their Constitution.
  • Usaf06Usaf06 Posts: 11,515 ✭✭✭✭✭

    "I drink a great deal. I sleep a little, and I smoke cigar after cigar. That is why I am in two-hundred-percent form."
    -- Winston Churchill

    "LET'S GO FRANCIS"     Peter

  • ForMudForMud Posts: 2,336 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Wow, had to go back 10 years to find something to complain about.

  • CAcigarguy007CAcigarguy007 Posts: 2,076 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2020

    When I lived in an apartment I'd go down by the car ports, set up a chair (that I kept in the trunk for easy access), and puff away. Didn't really have to but most of my neighbors didn't smoke and were families so I felt like a jerk smoking the joint out.

    Currently, one of my neighbors smokes cigarettes and the other an occasional cigar and he often has visitors who partake in some of California's finest green herbs. That real sticky icky..lol. I always joke to my wife "neighbors are killing skunks agian"...lol. I also live in a different area where there are more smokers in general vs my old area where people look at you like you're a registered sex offender (palpable disdain) if you partake in tobacco products.

    I definitely smoke it up much more than my neighbors, I use my Rec-Tec often as well, but it's mostly a live and let live sort of situation. Our yards/houses are pretty big also so if the smoke was bothersome it would be easy to close the back and open the front or side.

  • CAcigarguy007CAcigarguy007 Posts: 2,076 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @CigarDisciple said:
    I have no problem with being considerate to others but I absolutely will not be courteous to a cigarette smoker that **** about my smoke, when theirs is much more toxic.

    A little self righteous indignation on display...lol. VOC's are VOC's, cigars produce much more smoke. Even Vegas is restricting where you can smoke them (can't at a lot of table games anymore). Same with cruise ships, only in the outside smoking areas, not allowed in the casino.

    That said, I wouldn't sweat a hypocrite cigarette smoker either. I'd tell them that I'll put it out. Of course that would be when I was finished but technically I wouldn't be lying..😆. Pound sand is generally my position but I'm courteous when reasonable but won't allow someone to tell me I can't exsist.

  • TX98Z28TX98Z28 Posts: 2,448 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @CigarsStink said:

    @phobicsquirrel said:
    sightunseen:My girlfriend's place has an awesome deck for smoking. One time, when I was indulging, her neighbor in a townhouse next door came out on her balcony and asked if I could blow the smoke another way because she had her windows open and it was getting in. I told her that I'll try but I can't control which way the wind blows. Idiot thought I was a fcking wizard or something that could control the weather.

    lol, funny. I have a neighbor that is about 2 houses behind me and their freaking dog barks all f'ing day. It's so annoying. I've gone over there before and told them that they need to do something about it and they just said, sure, okay. Haven't yet. It's a freaking yappie small *** dog. Which I really hate as they are ugly and just freaking noisy. Whenever I walk my dog I pass their house and peg the Fer with my airsoft pistol. Yeah it's not a good thing to do but hell, the damn thing needs to be put down. I have a next door neighbor who has called the cops but they don't do ***. It sucks.

    Cigars STINK, How would you like it if I sprayed lacquer all the time and you had to breath toxic lacquer?

    Theres nothing better than sitting outside minding my own business, smoking a cigar and smelling that highly relaxing, freshly sprayed, lacquer fence...Ahh...just makes me wanna go back in and grab another one to smoke.

    If you quote me do the @TX98Z28 in your text or I won't be notified of your quote, Thanks.
  • deadmandeadman Posts: 8,855 ✭✭✭✭✭

    When I smoked cigarettes and traveled abroad I would always ask about smoking. No matter what country it was they would look at me like I was crazy for even asking about smoking outside.

  • Gray4linesGray4lines Posts: 4,691 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @CigarsStink said:

    @phobicsquirrel said:
    sightunseen:My girlfriend's place has an awesome deck for smoking. One time, when I was indulging, her neighbor in a townhouse next door came out on her balcony and asked if I could blow the smoke another way because she had her windows open and it was getting in. I told her that I'll try but I can't control which way the wind blows. Idiot thought I was a fcking wizard or something that could control the weather.

    lol, funny. I have a neighbor that is about 2 houses behind me and their freaking dog barks all f'ing day. It's so annoying. I've gone over there before and told them that they need to do something about it and they just said, sure, okay. Haven't yet. It's a freaking yappie small *** dog. Which I really hate as they are ugly and just freaking noisy. Whenever I walk my dog I pass their house and peg the Fer with my airsoft pistol. Yeah it's not a good thing to do but hell, the damn thing needs to be put down. I have a next door neighbor who has called the cops but they don't do ***. It sucks.

    Cigars STINK, How would you like it if I sprayed lacquer all the time and you had to breath toxic lacquer?

    You stink

    LLA - Lancero Lovers of America
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