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so my roommate moved out with her dog, and I never replaced her and my husky has been ever soooo lonely around the house...so i got a new puppy today...8 week shepard


  • LukoLuko Posts: 2,003 ✭✭
    love shepards but have always been nervous about having them around my other dogs, kids, etc. They're so smart, loyal, etc. Like I said, just leary of them around kids. They're always so alpha.
  • doromathdoromath Posts: 576
    Awesome news Joey! Enjoy the new addition and get some pics up!
  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Posts: 2,048
    ill get the pics up here soon....and shepards arent too bad of alpha dogs, just depends on how you raise them....huskys are notorious for being the alpha as well so it will be interesting
  • LukoLuko Posts: 2,003 ✭✭
    ill get the pics up here soon....and shepards arent too bad of alpha dogs, just depends on how you raise them....huskys are notorious for being the alpha as well so it will be interesting
    interesting...keep us posted how they get along. both are awesome breeds. I have a dog that is a black lab greyhound mix. Fastest, most athletic dog you could ever imagine. I'm becoming a fan of mutts.
  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Posts: 2,048
    yeah mutts are great dogs...and i never dis them at all....I just am a purebred dog kinda guy...always have been and always will be.....but i do have friends with mutts and they are great dogs though!
  • doromathdoromath Posts: 576
    My step-dad used to breed and train G. Shephards for showing. I grew up hearing so many stories about them. Even though I've never had one, they have a fond place in my heart. He's coming in town for my wedding this weekend, I'll be sure to show him the pics if you get them up :)
  • LukoLuko Posts: 2,003 ✭✭
    yeah mutts are great dogs...and i never dis them at all....I just am a purebred dog kinda guy...always have been and always will be.....but i do have friends with mutts and they are great dogs though!
    I was too and had a purebred golden retriever that was the best dog I'd ever had and then she died at 6 from lymphoma. As I'm sure you know, purebreds can be more prone to genetic illnesses and lymphoma is particularly high in goldens...so I went the mutt route.
  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Posts: 2,048
    yeah thats a downfall of purebreds but only time will tell.....and ill def get pics up in the next two days!
  • Garen BGaren B Posts: 977
    yeah mutts are great dogs...and i never dis them at all....I just am a purebred dog kinda guy...always have been and always will be.....but i do have friends with mutts and they are great dogs though!
    I was too and had a purebred golden retriever that was the best dog I'd ever had and then she died at 6 from lymphoma. As I'm sure you know, purebreds can be more prone to genetic illnesses and lymphoma is particularly high in goldens...so I went the mutt route.
    This makes me miss my golden retriever back in CA. Goofy as heck and is the biggest pansy @$$ you'll meet but he's a great dog.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭
    Garen B:
    yeah mutts are great dogs...and i never dis them at all....I just am a purebred dog kinda guy...always have been and always will be.....but i do have friends with mutts and they are great dogs though!
    I was too and had a purebred golden retriever that was the best dog I'd ever had and then she died at 6 from lymphoma. As I'm sure you know, purebreds can be more prone to genetic illnesses and lymphoma is particularly high in goldens...so I went the mutt route.
    This makes me miss my golden retriever back in CA. Goofy as heck and is the biggest pansy @$$ you'll meet but he's a great dog.
    Well Garen you are welcome to come take my dog for a few days if you're just missing something goofy as hell! haha And he has the pansy part down too.
  • Garen BGaren B Posts: 977
    Garen B:
    yeah mutts are great dogs...and i never dis them at all....I just am a purebred dog kinda guy...always have been and always will be.....but i do have friends with mutts and they are great dogs though!
    I was too and had a purebred golden retriever that was the best dog I'd ever had and then she died at 6 from lymphoma. As I'm sure you know, purebreds can be more prone to genetic illnesses and lymphoma is particularly high in goldens...so I went the mutt route.
    This makes me miss my golden retriever back in CA. Goofy as heck and is the biggest pansy @$$ you'll meet but he's a great dog.
    Well Garen you are welcome to come take my dog for a few days if you're just missing something goofy as hell! haha And he has the pansy part down too.
    I dunno man, Boris makes my dog look like he took sleeping pills. By the way, how was sleeping out in the yard?
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭
    Garen B:
    Garen B:
    yeah mutts are great dogs...and i never dis them at all....I just am a purebred dog kinda guy...always have been and always will be.....but i do have friends with mutts and they are great dogs though!
    I was too and had a purebred golden retriever that was the best dog I'd ever had and then she died at 6 from lymphoma. As I'm sure you know, purebreds can be more prone to genetic illnesses and lymphoma is particularly high in goldens...so I went the mutt route.
    This makes me miss my golden retriever back in CA. Goofy as heck and is the biggest pansy @$$ you'll meet but he's a great dog.
    Well Garen you are welcome to come take my dog for a few days if you're just missing something goofy as hell! haha And he has the pansy part down too.
    I dunno man, Boris makes my dog look like he took sleeping pills. By the way, how was sleeping out in the yard?
    Not bad, had a couple rabits come up to cuddle so I was warm at least. haaa I get that same threat every week at least twice, then she remembers who pays the bills!
  • Luko:
    ill get the pics up here soon....and shepards arent too bad of alpha dogs, just depends on how you raise them....huskys are notorious for being the alpha as well so it will be interesting
    interesting...keep us posted how they get along. both are awesome breeds. I have a dog that is a black lab greyhound mix. Fastest, most athletic dog you could ever imagine. I'm becoming a fan of mutts.
    I have the exact same mix! Except mine is a sloth. He would rather sleep than run. When he does run, he's effing fast. My dad's shepard/rott and my golden/rott can't keep up with him.
  • robbyrasrobbyras Posts: 5,487
    so my roommate moved out with her dog, and I never replaced her and my husky has been ever soooo lonely around the house...so i got a new puppy today...8 week shepard
    NICE! you gotta get some pics up... we have 2 dogs, Boxer and a Cavalier, and we keep talking about getting a new puppy... but 3 dogs might be over the limit..Shepards are awesome! Congrats!
  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    G. Shepards are great dogs! I told my wife if we ever get anymore dogs, I am getting a German Shepard. A nice manly dogs, not these stupid poodle mixed dogs that have attitude problems that she always gets. G. Shepards are great family dogs too, should be a problem raising him with your other dogs since you're getting him so young.

    "Long ashes my friends."

  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Posts: 2,048
    lol..thanks guys! I may try breeding the husky with the shepard..he has a racoon face and black white colors, I think they will cute pups one day...we will see one day! lol....
  • jship079jship079 Posts: 621
    If you have a GSD and a husky and neither are fixed your ass is in for some all out brawls come heat when the pup is older. I have had my GSD for about three years before I started having kids and she is so great she is the best dog I have ever had just a bit to high strung. Have fun you have to dogs that need alot of love and exercise
  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Posts: 2,048
    yeah in the summer ill shave the husky down so he is not so hot like i did last summer....and i try an get them to the dog park often as i can so they can get out...and im starting to work out aagin so ill be running on nightly basis and taking them withme
  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Posts: 2,048
    here are pics

    image By joeyjoe21_8 at 2010-11-02
    image By joeyjoe21_8 at 2010-11-02
    image By joeyjoe21_8 at 2010-11-02
    image By joeyjoe21_8 at 2010-11-02
    image By joeyjoe21_8 at 2010-11-02
  • LukoLuko Posts: 2,003 ✭✭
    Awesome dog, joseph.

    In other forum member dog news, I had to have one of our dogs put to sleep tonight. We got Daisy from the shelter when she was about 5 or 6. She had been severely abused and malnourished nearly to death. She was a real handful but had six or so good years with us. She had become blind and recently fell down our steps and really messed her neck up. It was tough, but the right decision. RIP, Daisy.
  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Posts: 2,048
    bummer bro..im sorry to hear about that...its hard putting any animal down
  • undulacundulac Posts: 1,129
    The 3rd picture down, your dog has a "what the hell did you just do dad?" kind of face going on.

    Luko, sorry to hear about your loss.
  • j0z3rj0z3r Posts: 9,403 ✭✭
    That's an adorable pup, good looking Husky too, love the ice-blue eyes.

    Sorry to hear about your loss Luko. Losing a member of the family is always tough, and I've never viewed my pets as anything but family members, just more furry than the rest. We've loved each pound puppy we've had, our dogs seem to acknowledge and appreciate the second chance and have been great pets through the years.
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