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Mother F@ck Me

jsnakejsnake Posts: 5,979 ✭✭✭✭✭
Well guys life is so fun and full of challenges.

The weather has changed extremely lately and my wife turned off the air conditioning and of course let the house get way hot. Didn't think about it but the humidors got up to over 75 degrees. I check them almost everyday and what do I see but some powdery tobacco. Sure enough a dead beetle inside the lid. 3 of my 5 humidors had a single beetle in each one. I think I was lucky and caught it at the start. Only a couple sticks were victims. Everything else is in the freezer and has been thoroughly checked twice. Humidors have been cleaned and moved into the much cooler basement. Lesson learned but very discouraging. Got the sticks from the same guy so I will let him know. Should have kept them together. Crazy thing is one was a very expensive $30 stick. We are talking big name cigars I wouldn't expect this from but hey it can happen.

NOTE: IF YOU JUST PICKED UP CIGARS FROM ME NO WORRIES!! The cigars I am sending are new arrivals to the house and have been kept in quarantine and separate from everything else. Brand new boxes! My large humidor was not affected and I think because with the larger capacity the air flow is better. I am not letting go of anything in the freezer. I have more to offer up but these are all from my large humidor and my separate humidor bag. They have been thoroughly checked and I will be pulling everything out again to triple check these before sending anything out. My Gurkha Spec Ops were picked up Wednesday and the Oliva V box was brand new and in the large humi. Cracked it open and they are perfect. Please don't worry. I feel kind of scummy and dirty now.

To top it off the same day I get a notice in the mail that my insane ex wife has requested more child support so the state wants to rape me and raise it $500 which will ruin us. I get paid Friday and after paying the bills and holding 3 over we have $60 left. I have been working my rear end off so for all of my hard work I will get punished and have to pay more. Of course she doesn't work and her husband doesn't work. The only income they have for themselves, my 2 boys, and their 2 kids together is my child support. I am supporting another family of six all by myself. They also have no vehicle. Think I am done playing games and trying for custody again. I am a man so I am already screwed. I don't have the money for it but my boys are worth it.

About a week ago my internet accounts and wireless network at home got hacked to the extreme. I have no idea how they did it since my password was insane and no way anyone could guess it. I also had my network security on. Needless to say the computer is shot and I spent several hours cleaning things up. Trying to transfer files so I can reformat Windows on the computer. When they hacked my internet they disabled my webcam and my computers wireless ability.

Having a bad week. I needed to vent and let you guys know what was up. Please no one bomb me to make me feel better. I have way too many cigars as it is and with cigars in the freezer I feel pretty crappy about things. I have a ton of new stuff and don't need anything. If you feel the need bomb someone in my honor especially if they have a f#$king b!&ch piece of s&^t a#$ sucking mother wh@r# of an ex wife.


  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,917
    Dang, sorry to hear this BOTL. Hope things improve for you soon.
  • wwhwangwwhwang Posts: 2,878 ✭✭✭
    I sincerely hope you get custody of your kids. You're already providing for them. No logical reason that you should have to be an extra welfare money source for the ex-wife and her boyfriend. I'll be praying for you and your family, Jake.
  • stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Posts: 4,317
    Praying for your family man.

  • xmacroxmacro Posts: 3,402
    Here's hoping everything turns out alright for you. I know it doesn't need to be said, but tell your lawyer to get off his ass and try to get your kids back. I speak from experience when I say a single dad can raise his kids up just fine; don't let your crazy ex have the kids if you can help it at all

    Anyways, good luck to you, both with the cigars and with your family
  • FourtotheflushFourtotheflush Posts: 2,555
    Go for it and do everything you can to get your kids back.
    You will kill 2 birds with 1 stone. 1 you will get your boys back and 2 you will eliminate the child support!
  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Posts: 2,048
    dude im sorry about all your troubles you are having.....I hope that stick didnt come from me cuz I checked my cabinet which got above 76 the other day and I have no beetles..... And why doont you fight your ex in court and tell them whats going one....worse comes to worse I would sue to get full custody of your kiddos which would eliminate the child support lol.
  • Garen BGaren B Posts: 977
    Praying for you and your family man. Things will start looking up soon man.
  • Pacman84Pacman84 Posts: 2,832 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Sorry to hear that bro. Keep your head up and you'll see that things will change for the good.
  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    Sorry to hear it Jake, everything will work out, things always seem to. Your Ex is a ****

    "Long ashes my friends."

  • cabinetmakercabinetmaker Posts: 2,560 ✭✭
    Prayers incoming, we all have bad days/weeks/months but you'll get through it. You're not in it alone :-)
  • Nick2021Nick2021 Posts: 938 ✭✭
    Damn, sorry to hear! The cigar beetles should be a quick fix...hopefully, everything works out on the child support too! Keep your head up, things will get better for you!
  • xmacro:
    Here's hoping everything turns out alright for you. I know it doesn't need to be said, but tell your lawyer to get off his ass and try to get your kids back. I speak from experience when I say a single dad can raise his kids up just fine; don't let your crazy ex have the kids if you can help it at all

    Anyways, good luck to you, both with the cigars and with your family
    My dad raised me by himself. I think I turned ok.
  • Sending good thoughts your way Jsnake.
  • minibeezyminibeezy Posts: 257
    Sending thoughts your way. Keep your head up.
  • fla-gypsyfla-gypsy Posts: 3,023 ✭✭
    Hate to hear that
  • jsnakejsnake Posts: 5,979 ✭✭✭✭✭
    New details.

    So this weekend I only pick up one son because the 14 year old has his first date ever for the homecoming dance and I want him to go have fun. Wife and I buy him a suit, shoes, a belt. His stepdad gives him money for dinner and my exwife is in the background screaming "tell him youre real dad gave you money for dinner" over and over. She also keeps calling me a "punk a$$" in front of my son. To top it off she calls me a "stupid **** a$$" Not a typo but exactly how she said it.

    Sunday night she refuses to pick up my son at 7pm like the court order says. She wants to pick him up early and after 10 years of us compromising and bending over backwards for them I said no and put my foot down. She threatened to call the police, DFS, the school. Needless to say I had no choice but to drive him 40 minutes to school in the morning as she flat refused to pick him up. In a voicemail she calls my son "it" and "the kid".

    Last night I call to talk to the kids and she refuses to let me talk to them as order by the court. She starts cussing and screaming about court and calling the police so I hung up on her. Her husband calls my wife trying to intimidate her and telling her about how they will get a free lawyer and make sure we spend all of our money in court. Funny thing is not one of us has ever said anything about taking them to court. Not to them or my boys.

    Last night my son posts about his older brother being arrested so my wife got to thinking and started looking up court cases where they live. Come to find out in 2008 my exwife's current husband was arrested and convicted of domestic assault against her and I never knew anything about this. He was also charged with property damage and witness tampering but those charges were dropped when he pled guilty.

    I called a lawyer today. I think with violating every part of our court order, the domestic violence, them both being unemployed, them being evicted from their residence last year, etc. is enough to show they are unstable. My kids attendance records for school are terrible. She also told my sons that she was pregnant and had a miscarriage because of my wife and me. I think I told you guys before she has claimed her dad died twice and she lied and told my sons she was dying from cancer.

    What do you guys think?
  • Hawk55Hawk55 Posts: 846
    I think Krieg summed it up...but he was being nice!
  • stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Posts: 4,317
    I'm not going to berate your ex because I don't think that will help your case.
    But if things are as you say, I pray that the right thing is done concerning your children.

  • Sandman1amSandman1am Posts: 2,567
    Jake you know what you need to do in order to win your case, document everything and keep all records of what has happened. You know that you never can tell what the judge will say that day in court until you are there but build your case and when the time is right strike hard but do it in a timely fashion and continue to be the adult in the relationship. I feel for you brother and my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. You have my number you can call if you ever need anything.....oh shizer I think I forgot to return your phone call from a few days ago. My fault brother my dad was in town....I will get back to you soon.
  • ScottTDawgScottTDawg Posts: 206 ✭✭
    Jake you know what you need to do in order to win your case, document everything and keep all records of what has happened. You know that you never can tell what the judge will say that day in court until you are there but build your case and when the time is right strike hard but do it in a timely fashion and continue to be the adult in the relationship.

    +1. Take her back for custody. If you can't pay for all the lawyer costs up front maybe you can set up a payment schedule. I know they are expensive but it would definitely be worth it in the long run.

    My thoughts are with you. Keep us informed.

  • kaspera79kaspera79 Posts: 7,257 ✭✭✭
    I'm not going to berate your ex because I don't think that will help your case.
    But if things are as you say, I pray that the right thing is done concerning your children.

    Stephen captured my thoughts exactly.. I truely hope things work out for you and your children.
  • cabinetmakercabinetmaker Posts: 2,560 ✭✭
    If the courts don't give you your kids back after all that, .... then they should just not even exist.
  • jsnakejsnake Posts: 5,979 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Well guys I have put all of my documentation together and it is 3 inches thick and I can't even guess how many pages. I was thinking I should have documented more but I guess I have much to work with. There is so much to all of this. It is weighing heavily on me for many reasons. I am praying that I do the right thing and that the outcome will be the best for my kids.
  • ENFIDLENFIDL Posts: 5,836
    I'm really sorry to hear this bro! More prayers for ya!!!
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