Democrats leading in fundraising; Republicans catching up

This in interesting, to me anyway. As many of you know, the Dems like to say that Repubs are the party of money, etc, while the Dems are supposed to be the party that corporations hate, that somehow, Republicans are awash in money. Well, it turns out that for quite a few of the past elections, Democrats were the ones awash in money, and Republicans were the ones being heavily outspent. In fact, only in the 2010 elections are Repubs finally closing the gap on the Dems' massive warchests.
So much for the Democratic campaign line that the Republicans are the "party of money" - seems the opposite is true. Even with the new USSC ruling, corporations still give most of their political donations to Democrats; add on the fact that over 90% of Union donations are to Dems, and it starts to look like the Dems are the ones rolling in money, corporate and otherwise.

From the WSJ:
So much for the Democratic campaign line that the Republicans are the "party of money" - seems the opposite is true. Even with the new USSC ruling, corporations still give most of their political donations to Democrats; add on the fact that over 90% of Union donations are to Dems, and it starts to look like the Dems are the ones rolling in money, corporate and otherwise.

From the WSJ:
An alliance of Republican groups is launching a $50 million advertising blitz this week in a final push to help the GOP win a majority in the House, representing the biggest spending blitz ever by such groups in a congressional election campaign.
A group backed by Karl Rove is working on the 'House surge strategy.' The coordinated effort, which the groups have dubbed the "House surge strategy," tops what the official Republican House election committee expects to spend on television ads for the entire contest. It is aimed at the few dozen competitive races where Democratic candidates have significantly more money in the bank than their Republican opponents, eating into one of the Democrats' last financial advantages.
Democratic candidates, notably incumbents, have raised more cash than many of their Republican rivals in this year's most competitive House races, according to a Wall Street Journal tally of Federal Election Commission data. In the 40 races deemed toss-ups by the Cook Political Report, a political handicapper, Democratic candidates had a combined $39.3 million of cash on hand as of June 30, the most-recent filing deadline. Republican candidates had $16.5 million in the bank.
Steven Law, who runs two of the Republican organizations, American Crossroads and its affiliate Crossroads GPS, said the effort was "aimed at putting Republicans over the top by evening out the financial disparities and dramatically expanding the field of battle."
American Crossroads was set up with the help of former Republican White House advisers Karl Rove and Edward Gillespie.
The other two groups are the American Action Network, run by former Republican Sen. Norm Coleman of Minnesota, and the Commission on Hope, Growth and Opportunity, a relative newcomer to the scene founded by Republican campaign consultant Scott Reed.
In the Denver suburbs, a $1.5 million ad purchase by the American Action Network will level the playing field for Republican Ryan Frazier, who is taking on two-term Democratic Rep. Ed Perlmutter. Mr. Frazier had only $252,000 on hand as of July 21, while Mr. Perlmutter had a war chest of $1.3 million,
"Conventional wisdom was that Democrats would have a sizable financial advantage in the 2010 electionsthat will not be the case," said Rob Collins, president of the American Action Network.
The spending campaign underscores a phenomenon that emerged with force in the 2010 elections: Outside political groups, most of which don't have to disclose their donors, are rivaling the traditional dominance of political parties' official campaign committees. Many of these groups, including those launching the ad blitz, are less than a year old.
"The scales have tipped from the political party to the outside political organizations," said former Rep. Bill Paxon of New York, who once led the National Republican Congressional Committee, the party's House campaign arm.
Evan Tracey, head of Campaign Media Analysis Group, which tracks campaign-ad spending, called the combination of ad outlays by the groups "historic" in its size, an assessment echoed by other campaign-finance experts and officials.
Mr. Tracey said outside Democratic groups were running ads in nine House campaigns while Republican groups are advertising in 70.
The record fund-raising and spending was made possible in part by a Supreme Court decision that allowed companies and unions to donate unlimited funds to such groups. The decision also allowed ads by such groups directly supporting or opposing candidates to run in the weeks before the election, which had previously been off-limits.
Spending by outside groups thus far has focused on Senate races. The new Republican effort marks the beginning of an effort to defeat House Democrats.
In southern New York, Democratic Rep. Maurice Hinchey has raised and spent more than his rival, Republican George Phillips. Mr. Hinchey had $267,106 left in his campaign account as of Aug. 25 and Mr. Phillips had $34,727, FEC records show.
American Crossroads plans to drop $300,000 in anti-Democratic ad buys on the race, giving Mr. Phillips more money to play with than his incumbent opponent, who is currently favored to win.
In South Bend, Ind., GOP groups are launching a coordinated effort on behalf of Republican state House leader Jackie Walorski, who has $700,000 less in the bank than her rival, two-term Democratic Rep. Joe Donnelly, who has $1 million.
The American Action Network will spend $240,000 on broadcast TV ads in South Bend, while American Crossroads and its affiliate will buy $150,000 of ads on Chicago-area cable, which shares its media market with northwest Indiana.
The spending is coordinated to avoid overlap. "It's fair to say that the targets are coordinated so that we are all not tripping over each other," said a Republican involved with the effort.
Meanwhile, Democrats have received $482 million, or 53%, of the $911 million donated to all congressional candidates and political parties from corporate political-action committees or individuals who work for companies, according to the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics. Democrats have also collected 93% of the $49 million donated by labor unions.
The article and graph above were from the WSJ, and this article is from tomorrow's WSJ