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sightunseensightunseen Posts: 2,130 ✭✭
Anyone fans? I just finished the entire series (it's been a long journey). I'm kind of sad that it's no longer on TV.


  • Rob1110Rob1110 Posts: 1,577 ✭✭✭
    Loved the first 3 or 4 seasons. Beyond that, it got a little too into the conspiracy theory stuff.
  • stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Posts: 4,317
    On season 4 on netflix right now! I love this show!

  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    Favorite series!!! I love it. Yeah I was a bit on the edge after season 7, I mean season 8 had some cool stand a lone episodes, though the conspiracy got a bit screwy. The super soldiers line I didn't enjoy too much. btw, rumor is there is going to be another movie finishing the prophecy on the 2012 colonization. I hope it gets filmed. I was bummed when the 2nd movie came out and didn't follow the story.
  • sightunseensightunseen Posts: 2,130 ✭✭
    The series got pretty intense at around the 7th season. I'm just glad I never watched it when it was on TV. I would've gone crazy waiting for new episodes to come out every week.

    Somewhat related. Scully is hot.
  • docbp87docbp87 Posts: 3,521
    In the process of rewatching the whole series... for the 5th time. One of my favorite TV series.
  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    X-files was great...If you get the Chiller channel, they're showing it and also the Millennium series.

    "Long ashes my friends."

  • stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Posts: 4,317
    X-files was great...If you get the Chiller channel, they're showing it and also the Millennium series.
    Millenium was another great series!
    Picked up the boxset a few years back.

  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    I love the 1st season but then when carter left it I couldn't stand it.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    In the process of rewatching the whole series... for the 5th time. One of my favorite TV series.
    wow. I've watched it probably 4 times over the years. It's a long series.
  • sightunseensightunseen Posts: 2,130 ✭✭
    Anyone have a favorite episode? I have a few, like the one when Mulder gets warped to an alternate reality through the Bermuda Triangle.
  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    Anyone have a favorite episode? I have a few, like the one when Mulder gets warped to an alternate reality through the Bermuda Triangle.
    I like the one where mulder switches bodies with that guy from Area 51, it was a two part episode. Oh, and the one where he finds out what happened to his sister.

    "Long ashes my friends."

  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    X-files was great...If you get the Chiller channel, they're showing it and also the Millennium series.
    Millenium was another great series!
    Picked up the boxset a few years back.

    Same here, my two favorite episodes are:

    Somehow, Satan Stood Behind Me

    The Curse of Frank Black

    Have you joined the "Back to Frank Black" campaign? It's an effort to get a movie made, so far Lance has said he's interested, and so has Carter.

    "Long ashes my friends."

  • stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Posts: 4,317
    Anyone have a favorite episode? I have a few, like the one when Mulder gets warped to an alternate reality through the Bermuda Triangle.
    ...Oh, and the one where he finds out what happened to his sister.
    You know how many times that happened throughout the series? HAHAHAHAHA

  • stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Posts: 4,317
    X-files was great...If you get the Chiller channel, they're showing it and also the Millennium series.
    Millenium was another great series!
    Picked up the boxset a few years back.

    Same here, my two favorite episodes are:

    Somehow, Satan Stood Behind Me

    The Curse of Frank Black

    Have you joined the "Back to Frank Black" campaign? It's an effort to get a movie made, so far Lance has said he's interested, and so has Carter.

  • Garen BGaren B Posts: 977
    Somewhat related. Scully is hot.
    +10 to that!

    Was and still am a fan of the show but didn't see the second movie.
  • Hawk55Hawk55 Posts: 846
    +11 loved the series...I want to believe!!!!
  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    Anyone have a favorite episode? I have a few, like the one when Mulder gets warped to an alternate reality through the Bermuda Triangle.
    ...Oh, and the one where he finds out what happened to his sister.
    You know how many times that happened throughout the series? HAHAHAHAHA

    True...but the real one...you know the one where he sees the ghosts of his sister and a whole bunch of other little kids? I can't remember the title, but it was a very good episode...and I'm not talking about the clones..etc....

    back to frank black

    "Long ashes my friends."

  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    Ok, I managed to find the episode. It was called "Closure", and here is an episode summary:

    Episode Summary

    After arresting the murderer of Amber-Lynn LaPierre and discovering a mass gravesite containing the bodies of dozens of missing children, a man comes to Mulder and claims to have had visions of other victims who aren't buried at the site. Despite Scully's objections, he takes Mulder on a journey which reveals what truly happened to his sister.
    Probably my #2 favorite.

    "Long ashes my friends."

  • denniskingdennisking Posts: 3,703 ✭✭✭
    I was a faithful weekly watcher and loved the show. i totally miss it and hope that there is another movie. its still hard for me to see Duchovny in any other role and not think of Mulder. I loved the Conspiracy episodes and that subplot was the whole reason I watched the show.
  • sightunseensightunseen Posts: 2,130 ✭✭
    Ok, I managed to find the episode. It was called "Closure", and here is an episode summary:

    Episode Summary

    After arresting the murderer of Amber-Lynn LaPierre and discovering a mass gravesite containing the bodies of dozens of missing children, a man comes to Mulder and claims to have had visions of other victims who aren't buried at the site. Despite Scully's objections, he takes Mulder on a journey which reveals what truly happened to his sister.
    Probably my #2 favorite.
    Yea, that was a very good episode. Pretty heavy stuff.
  • GoldyGoldy Posts: 1,638 ✭✭
    Garen B:
    Somewhat related. Scully is hot.
    +10 to that!

    Was and still am a fan of the show but didn't see the second movie.

  • GoldyGoldy Posts: 1,638 ✭✭
    When I was in highschool I would spend summer nights watching the X files on my 13 inch TV until I was sufficantly freaked out then tried to go to bed. With that said my wife and I are currently chewing through season 2.
  • LukoLuko Posts: 2,003 ✭✭
    Wow, haven't thought about X-Files in a while. In college, my roommate taped every season as the episodes aired and I used to make fun of him. Then, since I skipped a lot of class and drank a shitton of beer, I had some time on my hands. I watched the first episode and then starting plowing through them till I had watched every episode of every season. Loved it.

    I watch Fringe now and really liked the first season...it was cool like X-Files. Season two of Fringe is kinda suckin.
  • jsnakejsnake Posts: 5,979 ✭✭✭✭✭
    X-Files is awesome and I still love watching reruns. Have seen and owned them all on dvd. If you like X-Files you will probably like Fringe. Season 2 of FRINGE is AWESOME Luko you knucklehead ;P
  • The SniperThe Sniper Posts: 3,910
    Garen B:
    Somewhat related. Scully is hot.
    +10 to that!

    Was and still am a fan of the show but didn't see the second movie.

    Love love love love love love LOOOOOOOVES me some SCULLY!!! :-D

  • ENFIDLENFIDL Posts: 5,836
    I love the X-Files! So happy netflix finally added them to the instant! And yes Scully is amazing! lol
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    Ok, I managed to find the episode. It was called "Closure", and here is an episode summary:

    Episode Summary

    After arresting the murderer of Amber-Lynn LaPierre and discovering a mass gravesite containing the bodies of dozens of missing children, a man comes to Mulder and claims to have had visions of other victims who aren't buried at the site. Despite Scully's objections, he takes Mulder on a journey which reveals what truly happened to his sister.
    Probably my #2 favorite.
    Yea, that was a very good episode. Pretty heavy stuff.
    yeah it was one of my favs. I have too many episodes I really liked. I loved the mythology to the show. Those episodes are in my favorite list. I did sort of get dis-engaged with it after season 7. As for a stand-alone episode I liked gamer (I think that's the name) where mulder goes into a video game.
  • robbyrasrobbyras Posts: 5,487
    hope you don't mind if I jump in...I LOVED the first few seasons of the show, then I kinda drifted from it, went to college and what not... I think I actually have the first few seasons on VHS somewhere...

    my favorite episode was the one in the northwest when the logging crew disappeared... they were cutting down these old trees and the little green bugs came out...they'd basically come out at night and eat anything that that wasn't in the light... I remember Milder and Scully standing in the light of a dying light bulb waiting for sunrise... was a great episode...

    i didn't realize they were on netflix instant... might have to pull that one up...
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