urbino:My name is Tim, but people call me . . . Tim.
Rob1110:I think mine's obvious. It's Joshua....nah, I'm Rob.
la-henry: Rob1110:I think mine's obvious. It's Joshua....nah, I'm Rob. Aw hell, now you're gonna get people confused.
urbino: la-henry: Rob1110:I think mine's obvious. It's Joshua....nah, I'm Rob. Aw hell, now you're gonna get people confused. You're one to talk, Phil.
la-henry:Holy crap, how did you figure out my real name!!!
urbino: la-henry:Holy crap, how did you figure out my real name!!! Two words: FISA.
Lasabar:"There are those that would call me..... tim" (monty python) But my real name is Nate... Or Nasty Nate, or Lassy, or Lazy JUST DON'T CALL ME LATE FOR SUPPER! And porn name would prolly be Buck Johnson
kaspera79: Lasabar:"There are those that would call me..... tim" (monty python) But my real name is Nate... Or Nasty Nate, or Lassy, or Lazy JUST DON'T CALL ME LATE FOR SUPPER! And porn name would prolly be Buck Johnson Where 'ya been Buck ? Working on your next ****... Let us know how that works out for you.
madurofan:I still use the RRS!
madurofan:I rated the one the other day "Ehh"
madurofan:This 'ehh' sounds more like 'ink' if you 'nk'. If that makes any sense. I do say eh? quite often though, you know eh?
i was actually going to kid around and tell you either what my sisters call me or my old college frat pledge name but I' decided to keep those to myself.
But my real name is Nate... Or Nasty Nate, or Lassy, or Lazy JUST DON'T CALL ME LATE FOR SUPPER!
And porn name would prolly be Buck Johnson
Please refer to me as Buckles!!!
Hey Maddy ! Cut that out. Everybody here knows you aren't Canadian eh?