Another Example of Why the US is losing...
Seems to be the norm anymore. Large investments in overseas expansion for US based companies. Been happening for years. Thanks to Reagan/Bush/Clinton/Bush. And it seems at least for the short term that Obama will put his name on the list of presidents who have done nothing to get manufacturing back in the US. Though there was a bill put forth before October in congress that would take the tax incentive from business's to out-source and give it to companies to build here but it was blocked by the GOP and some dems. It is fundamentally destroying this country.
Seems to be the norm anymore. Large investments in overseas expansion for US based companies. Been happening for years. Thanks to Reagan/Bush/Clinton/Bush. And it seems at least for the short term that Obama will put his name on the list of presidents who have done nothing to get manufacturing back in the US. Though there was a bill put forth before October in congress that would take the tax incentive from business's to out-source and give it to companies to build here but it was blocked by the GOP and some dems. It is fundamentally destroying this country.
The odd thing is, China is currently trying to grow it's middle class, to encourage domestic demand; this means wages will be increasing. The effect? Manufacturing will soon be moving out of China and into Laos/Vietnam/Africa, where it'll be cheaper.
You are absolutely correct, even if it is not comprehended by some. We are the ones who wish to have cheaper goods. It is the reason that this type of commerce keeps leaving. If I was the owner of a company and I could produce my product cheaper somewhere else and in turn sell it cheaper to keep demand up I would jump on it in a second.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Also, manufacturing is only part of what makes a nation strong - by and large, it's the type of work that's done. Example: Which pays more - a job assembling headlights, or a job researching drugs? Of course it's the latter - why? Because it requires more of an education.
True story - after WWII, an American diplomat was visiting the Japanese embassy, and he was talking to the premier. He recommended that, for Japan to pull itself out of debt, that the Japanese economy produce table napkins, plastic drink umbrellas, and other cheap things that can be easily mass-produced with cheap labor. Did the Japanese take this advice? No - they started researching electronics, and high-technology - and today the tiny island nation is the world's third largest economy.
My poing: manufacturing of cheap goods is a dead end - it has limits, and the workers are paid *** for wages; while manufacturing of high technology pays better wages. If you want manufacturing in the US, it can't be the stuff we've been doing for so long - steel, tires, etc - they're all cheaper to make in China. If you're dead-set on manufacturing in the US, it's gonna require a smarter worker, one who can handle cutting-edge technology, because the old manufacturing jobs just aren't coming back If you wanna get into it, it's partly tax structure, and partly economies of scale. On the one hand, people who earn below ~ $40,000 typically pay zero taxes, but then again, it costs a good bit to live in the USA. A Mexican can get a haircut for $0.25; and American can't get a haircut for less than $10. So it's really a bit of both.
Oh, and if you wanna end the italics, just put those pointy brackets around "/i"
Your idea would only create hyper-inflation, not jobs. You say we are a 3rd world country in some ways already, please explain that. The Govt has no, and should not have any say in how a private company orders it's priorities outside safety and health regs and to protect the workers and criminal activity. The power to regulate is limited by the US Constitution and rightly so. Our nation's commerce is built on the idea of private ownership. Your economic ideas are interesting albeit not capitalist at all, I will have to dig up my books on economies to see where that would fit.
Welfare was mentioned and I see it is "welfare" when I talk about incentives to make a "build" american initiative but it's okay when the same is used for private industry to take it overseas. Seems to be the norm. While it be anything private, but when govt is mentioned or anything to keep something in this country welfare is a bad word.
Puro, your a cop right? Now what if you were told you could do whatever you wanted to do to get a perp? Would you be respectful, use restraint, maybe even think twice about force? probably not. Even if you were never told it, it was never mentioned. But no, you have rules and laws to follow as well. The same thing is with business. Going back to the early teens of the 20th century, even before that business has never had a good sense of guidance, only when it came to profits. Govt is there to ensure that the people are protected and have some representation. It's govt's job to look out for the common wealth. Business is there to make money. People, at least to me, are worth much more.
I can't be certain you feel this way, but if you do think that govt is so bad that it should keep out of private industry than how do you think black people were able to work? How were people able to get a safe work environment (something china doesn't offer)? How were people able to get fair treatment? How did people get a full work week? Well that is all due to govt impeding into the private sector. You knock the min. wage but you may not know this but for someone making the federal min wage (states can differ) that person would be below the poverty level. Now I know your a cop and probably make decent money (at least here in oregon) now how would you like making a bit uner 12,000? How could you live? Maybe you have kids, and get a couple hundred bucks a month extra? That's if you can as you have kids and babysitters are so expensive? I mean you can knock the min wage but it is something, just something for people. And you know what? More and more people are getting min wage jobs. Is it there fault? maybe, but I'm sure many take what they can get.
I know you fight me on everything, as you are a republican and I lean more libreral. However what does the GOP do for us, me, you, the commons. What plans and what bills have they passed that has made life easier or better for us? they've already hampered most effort to get our country out of the gutter. They back BP and say the white house is shaking them down. The stopped heavy restrictions for wall street, they stood in the way of benefits for people being unemployed. They call healthcare reform socialism when it's not. That bill, all it did was put small restrictions on "private" insurers to not boot people for being sick, having a condition in the past, they must use 85 percent of premium money go to actual care. Any real changes that would have really changed anything were tossed as the GOP wouldn't budge and some wanna-be dems were weak kneed. I dunno, that's spilt milk.
Basically I don't see many members of congress mentioning manufacturing being brought back to America on the GOP side, oh yeah because non do. On the Dem's side, not all but many. Pelosi's mentioned it and fought for it. I know obama has. There are a lot of technologies out there that can be used to build our base back. However if the GOP keeps getting what they want and keeping the US from competing than our short lived presence in the world will dissipate. hell even on the dem side people are retarded on the issue. China/Germany/ and other countries are jumping on new tech to fuel the future and we are still suck on coal, gas, and oil. WTF? why? Because huge industries make money off of it and don't want to lose it. However what baffles me is that why do these same companies not do both? They'd make even more money. I dunno.
Hyper inflation? I doubt it. business's would have to maybe understand they can't pay ceo's mega millions and their workers less then live able wages. You seem to be all about protecting the business but when it comes to protected this country/people/family's you could care less. One thing you should know, we elect people in govt, we have no say in private industry. those people who we elect run the govt therefore what kind of govt we have is soley our fault. So when you voted for bush in 2000, and 2004 you voted for the kind of govt we all had. You were part of the hell we all endured. when people vote for these nutjobs that are the teabaggers running in races all around the country that want to do away with medicare, public school, privatize SS, do away with the 14th amendment, handcuff people for inquiring about something they said, avoid interviews, take millions from private industries who are trying to hurt the citizens of this country, oh the list goes on and on.
Also the power to regulate is not limited in the constitution. Where is that? We do not have a capitalistic society. The free market does not exist. Fascism is more what comes to mind, although maybe some sort of hybrid of it. Look at the money that has flooded this election cycle. The Chamber of Commerce comes to mind. Money seems to run our politics and is on steroids.
Since you cannot discuss this rationally and cannot refrain from the assinine name calling our conversation is over. Care to make any predictions on how the mid-terms will turn out?
And just to correct a few things that you are either mistaken on, or just flat out lied about:
Someone making minimum wage in this country does NOT make a little less than $12,000. They actually make a little over $15,000. Yes this is a very low wage, but if we are going to site facts lets at least get the correct. Minimum wage is $7.25.
You're view of the healthcare law is very slanted. This law does much more than what you stated, and the number 1 thing it did was cause insurance rates to skyrocket! This is obvious from posts from our members here that have had their insurance rates shoot off the charts, and also mine did as well.
This health care law also forces citizens to purchase insurance which as we will see probably in 2011, is illegal and unconstitutional, not to mention WRONG! It is NOT the governments job to tell me that I have to have insurance. Also now according to the head of the CBO, their latest projections show that the health care law will encourage many people not to work because the government will take care of them. This is something the democrats always claimed was a lie told by the republicans and that the CBO backed them up during the debate over the legislation... It's funny because the closer people look at this law the more of the truth comes out.
Congressional Budget Office Director Douglas Elmendorf - For the economy outside the health sector, the most significant impact of the legislation will be through the labor market. We estimated that the legislation, on net, will reduce the amount of labor used in the economy by roughly half a percent, primarily by reducing the amount that people choose to work."
Also you keep talking about how the republicans are the ones calling for corporate welfare and giving money to failing companies, but look at the voting record for the bail outs of the bank industry and auto industry and you will see a LOT more democrats voted for those pieces of legislation than did republicans...
And one last thing you got wrong and you have continued to falsely claim over and over again, I am NOT a republican. I'm not a registered member of any political party. I don't follow party lines and I don't agree completely with any one line of thinking.