
Thought it might be interesting to talk about blu-rays....some stuff I have picked up recently...just completed my 5.1 surround sound setup been waiting about a year to spring for the surrounds, so I am very excited to get them setup shortly...movies I have picked up recently, The Exorcist, haven't had a chance to watch took a quick look, looked real good....I am 3/4's of the way through Apoccalypse Now, very nice quality, weird note on this one...the distribution company in Canada screwed up on this one, all Canadian copies of the "Complete Dossier" collection are missing the 48 page booklet, the movies, orig version and redux are on the disc stamped "Special Features" not the one labelled "Feature Presentation", apparently the credit are missing on both versions, Redux may also be 6 mins shorter, so I will be replacing my copy once this is all fixed however wonder if it would be collectible? Today I just picked up the Alien Anthology, 8 versions of the 4 movies, this is supposed to be one of the best blu-ray productions yet, cannot wait to watch these...
I am in the same boat too. I have a HD projector instead of a TV but we dont currently have any HD devices so we were kicking around the idea of either a PS3 or a bonafied blu-ray player. Thoughts? All all players created equal? I would assume that the viewing quality does not change much from one player to another but I have no idea.
Tech nuts and nerds...this is my plea for your knowledge.