
Yup, tomorrow. Here we are ... just one day away. The next 48 hours are surely going to be interesting. It seems certain that the Democrats are going to lose the House of Representatives. The question is by how much. Most analysts think the loss will be in the neighborhood of 50 seats. Some say it could be up in the 70s.
This is by far the most important election in my lifetime. Granted, I haven't been around as long as some of you guys but getting rid of Jimmy Carter was important ... but beginning the process of moving these radical leftist Democrats out of power may be even more important. This could be another voter revolution. Tomorrow stands as a tribute to our founding fathers. We are able to engage in revolution without leaving bloody footprints on icy roads or taking bullets in the chest. We can do this at the polls ... but you have to show up for the fight. This revolution cannot be fought from a seat in front of a television set.
Democrats know they're toast ... and are now trying to spin defeat. Now there's something wonderful to behold ... Democrats spinning defeat. Spinning it how? Democrats are now admitting that they're going to get routed, but that it is all because of the economy. In a way they're saying that yes, they're going to be hit hard ... but it's all Bush's fault. Later this week we'll be hearing Democrats telling us that the economy caused them control of the House because the people were impatient and just wouldn't give the Democrats the time they needed to straighten out the mess that George Bush left for them.
Democrats also have another spin. They're losing in this midterm election because the voters just aren't all that bright. This is a line that has been promoted by both Barack Obama and by John Kerry. From these two we've heard that the voters just don't understand facts and science. They're scared and angry. Remember Obama's "clinging to guns and religion" line? The spin here is that if the voters were just more appreciative of what the Democrats have done for them .. .and if they were just a bit smarter ... and if they didn't fall for simple-minded slogans so often ... they would be keeping the Democrats in power so that all the problems created by the evil Republicans would be solved.
But what about Republicans? Hopefully they don't think that these voters are actually for them, do they? Voters are voting for Republicans for one reason ... they're NOT Democrats. As soon as the 112th Congress convenes in January the Republicans will be on instant probation. A repeat of the debacle after 1994 and the Republicans will likely never get another chance at this. It will be time for a 3rd party.
But what really IS driving this election. Democrat consultant Pat Caddell says that this is the single greatest rejection of a president in his first term in our history. Gotta love that .. but why? ObamaCare, that's why. Yes, there is high unemployment, but not high enough to explain this level of voter dissatisfaction. Maybe we ought to listen to the consultants ... the Democrat consultants ... on this one. ObamaCare. That was the killer. More than any other single issue this election is about the Democrat's attempt to seize control of your health care. Yes ... joblessness does play a role. Barack Obama made the tactical decision to focus on getting his healthcare bill passed - by any means necessary - rather than fulfilling his promise to focus on our economy like a laser. People struggling to find work didn't get it. They had this insane idea that maybe The Community Organizer should worry more about the economy than his grandiose plan for a health care takeover. Well ... ObamaCare was everything to The Chosen One, and now the voters will choose someone else.
This is by far the most important election in my lifetime. Granted, I haven't been around as long as some of you guys but getting rid of Jimmy Carter was important ... but beginning the process of moving these radical leftist Democrats out of power may be even more important. This could be another voter revolution. Tomorrow stands as a tribute to our founding fathers. We are able to engage in revolution without leaving bloody footprints on icy roads or taking bullets in the chest. We can do this at the polls ... but you have to show up for the fight. This revolution cannot be fought from a seat in front of a television set.
Democrats know they're toast ... and are now trying to spin defeat. Now there's something wonderful to behold ... Democrats spinning defeat. Spinning it how? Democrats are now admitting that they're going to get routed, but that it is all because of the economy. In a way they're saying that yes, they're going to be hit hard ... but it's all Bush's fault. Later this week we'll be hearing Democrats telling us that the economy caused them control of the House because the people were impatient and just wouldn't give the Democrats the time they needed to straighten out the mess that George Bush left for them.
Democrats also have another spin. They're losing in this midterm election because the voters just aren't all that bright. This is a line that has been promoted by both Barack Obama and by John Kerry. From these two we've heard that the voters just don't understand facts and science. They're scared and angry. Remember Obama's "clinging to guns and religion" line? The spin here is that if the voters were just more appreciative of what the Democrats have done for them .. .and if they were just a bit smarter ... and if they didn't fall for simple-minded slogans so often ... they would be keeping the Democrats in power so that all the problems created by the evil Republicans would be solved.
But what about Republicans? Hopefully they don't think that these voters are actually for them, do they? Voters are voting for Republicans for one reason ... they're NOT Democrats. As soon as the 112th Congress convenes in January the Republicans will be on instant probation. A repeat of the debacle after 1994 and the Republicans will likely never get another chance at this. It will be time for a 3rd party.
But what really IS driving this election. Democrat consultant Pat Caddell says that this is the single greatest rejection of a president in his first term in our history. Gotta love that .. but why? ObamaCare, that's why. Yes, there is high unemployment, but not high enough to explain this level of voter dissatisfaction. Maybe we ought to listen to the consultants ... the Democrat consultants ... on this one. ObamaCare. That was the killer. More than any other single issue this election is about the Democrat's attempt to seize control of your health care. Yes ... joblessness does play a role. Barack Obama made the tactical decision to focus on getting his healthcare bill passed - by any means necessary - rather than fulfilling his promise to focus on our economy like a laser. People struggling to find work didn't get it. They had this insane idea that maybe The Community Organizer should worry more about the economy than his grandiose plan for a health care takeover. Well ... ObamaCare was everything to The Chosen One, and now the voters will choose someone else.
"Long ashes my friends."
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
"Long ashes my friends."
"Long ashes my friends."
"Long ashes my friends."
"Long ashes my friends."
Why can't we stick to actual issues and topics rather than resorting to attacking a person's catch phrases or a parties campaign? I know it would require some thought and actual intellect, but wouldn't that be a much more stimulating conversation?
P.S. This comment is not aimed at any one person or either side of the debates. Just a comment on the overall tone of things here lately.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
"Long ashes my friends."
A superpower is a state with a dominant position in the international system which has the ability to influence events and its own interests and project power on a worldwide scale to protect those interests. A superpower is traditionally considered to be one step higher than a great power.
"Long ashes my friends."