Joya de Nicaragua Celebracion review

Over all the flavor profile on this cigar was very unique, which I
have found to be the case with a good number of JdN cigars I've had recently. Very
pleased with how this one turned out. The price is also very low on these, so get them
while and when you have a chance. Great smoke to have on hand to enjoy. I will be
interested to see how these pair with different beverages in the future, I can imagine
a lot of rums and bourbons would go well with the pastry like profile this cigar has
for the majority of the length of burn. Good smoke!

Full review posted on the blog. Link in my sig.

Full review posted on the blog. Link in my sig.
this cigar is quickly becoming one of my favorites. its is my go-to at the moment.
... from the guy who just bought a box of Avos because they were my "go-to"
seriously though... check this cigar out.