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This would make a great SW Airlines commercial......

lilwing88lilwing88 Posts: 2,812 ✭✭✭
Wanna get away?

34 warships sent from US for Obama visit to India


After the shellacking he took this election week he could use a getaway. LOL!

The 3-day trip is estimated to cost tax payers $2 Billion dollars........ yet I have to beg, borrow and steal to take my kids to Disneyland for a weekend. Unfrickin real......

Link: http://www.ndtv.com/article/india/34-warships-sent-from-us-for-obama-visit-64459
Guns don't kill people, Daddies with pretty daughters do…..


  • fla-gypsyfla-gypsy Posts: 3,023 ✭✭
    Oh but theres more. This little trip includes 13 heavylift aircraft, the entire Taj hotel (800 rooms) and a 40 car motorcade. The most humorous reading was that that they were removing the coconuts to protect the Prez.
    I trust it does not cost the estimated 200 million a day that the Indian Govt is claiming. Even for this President that is over the top.
  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Posts: 2,048
    yeah....having him go over there i understand..but 3000 people with him...freakin bs....he has 5 hotels completely full, 40 jets will be taking everyone there and back...food and all....f-ing stupid....he is not in touch with americans at all......he will not win another presidency again..........i hate this guy....
  • HaysHays Posts: 2,337 ✭✭✭
    Joey, don't drink that Kool-aid dude. Current estimates (done by slightly more reliable sources than the Indian media) tell us that 100,000 troops in Afghanistan cost us about $180mil a day - now THAT, I can pretty much believe. The president going on a trip to India costing $200mil a day? Fat effing chance.
    ¨The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears, or the sea¨ - Isak Dinesen

    ¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
  • docedwardsdocedwards Posts: 319
    This administration and all the others certainly merit criticism at times but, it should be based on facts. There are only 422 rooms plus 40 suites at the Taj. The press, which make up a very large number of people attending will pay their own way. As far as military support any number given would be nothing but a wild guess. Those details are never released for any trip. And $200 million a day? Since the other claims are not fact, I can place no stock in that number either.
  • HaysHays Posts: 2,337 ✭✭✭
    This administration and all the others certainly merit criticism at times but, it should be based on facts. There are only 422 rooms plus 40 suites at the Taj. The press, which make up a very large number of people attending will pay their own way. As far as military support any number given would be nothing but a wild guess. Those details are never released for any trip. And $200 million a day? Since the other claims are not fact, I can place no stock in that number either.
    Hahaha certainly a much more logical manner of expressing the same point. +1 Doc
    ¨The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears, or the sea¨ - Isak Dinesen

    ¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
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