Surgery Tomorrow

Well life has been pretty crazy, haven't really had time to post lately. The little guy had his pre op today and gets the tubes in tomorrow morning.
Hopefully the tubes help him feel better. Starting to really get sick now(me that is...thinking about it). It will be horrible as I will be in there with him. But after I pay the stupid $3000 bill I can start to fill this beautiful 300 count the beautiful wife got me for my birthday.
Keep us in your thoughts as I'm a little worried about him being put under and my ability not to freak out!!! I need a stiff drink and a strong cigar.... or 2 that is..
Will let you know how it goes when we make it home.
Hopefully the tubes help him feel better. Starting to really get sick now(me that is...thinking about it). It will be horrible as I will be in there with him. But after I pay the stupid $3000 bill I can start to fill this beautiful 300 count the beautiful wife got me for my birthday.
Keep us in your thoughts as I'm a little worried about him being put under and my ability not to freak out!!! I need a stiff drink and a strong cigar.... or 2 that is..
Will let you know how it goes when we make it home.
Is your wife going to be there as well? Women can really be a TOWER of strength in situations like this. Our thoughts are with you and your family for tommorrow bro'.
Partake in your strong drink hopefully post surgery and smoke a special cigar, God Bless.
Thanks everyone for the prayers.