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Padilla Miami

Not a bad smoke..

I had that last night with a nice Jim Bean Black, neat.

I enjoyed that...

Going with something from the Rocky Patel sample pack tonight.

Might stick with the Jim Bean or move over to the Glenfedderich


  • Jetmech_63Jetmech_63 Posts: 3,451 ✭✭✭
    Love Padilla Miami, they had it on the daily deal last year and I bought 5 of em, still my favorite padilla. I like it with Bushmills Black Bush, but to each his own.
  • wwhwangwwhwang Posts: 2,878 ✭✭✭
    Not just an ok stick, in my opinion. I love these. I wish I had more of these. Tasted like cinnamon buns and french toast. Makes me sad that that was my only one :(
  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    Padilla miami's are a great smoke, ccom had a weekend blitz of them little over a year ago and I stocked up on 20 sticks. Still have a few and they're aging nicely.

    "Long ashes my friends."

  • Duder2Duder2 Posts: 926
    I didn't like this stick much till it had a good amount of time on it. After 9 months or so they are really good IMO.
  • My favorite stick. I like the Toro the best.
  • cacmancacman Posts: 22
    Prefer the Dominus over the Miami
  • OK, I had another one of the Miami sticks last night with a nice merlot. I must say, This is a great stick. I ordered them when they had the the 5 stick deal a week or so ago and had to light one up when it came in. I really must pick up a box of these. I going to let the other 4 age for a bit and work on my other stash and i continue to complie and order. I have the box of RP Suns aging and on te way is the Deisel unlimited. i should have room for 2 maybe three more boxes of something, so after the holidays and my Disney trip, a Miami order must get placed. Find them/grab them/light them up if you haven't already.. Absolutely worth it. Oh, i hade a Romero Y Julieta Reserva Real on the golf course on Thursday, It was a nice stick, very consistant, not disappointing just a bit too mild for me. I did think that it was going to be perfect for Golf with all the moving araound and i was correct. if I remember, Ccom has an 8 stick package deal for $39, so far tey're worth adding for the price.
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