Ploom: new high tech tobacco pipe, for cigar smokers?

Hello all,
First time posting. I'm the co-founder of a San Francisco company that recently launched a new pipe tobacco product called Ploom.
It heats special tobacco-containing capsules called "Ploom Pods" to just the point where they release a flavorful vapor, without burning or the side effects of combustion.
We've seen a lot of sales and interest from cigar smokers. The experience is quite different, but many cigar enthusiasts are surprised by the clean, intense tobacco flavor. This surprised us, too, since many of our blends have a good deal of top flavoring and were aimed more at the social cigarette or hookah smoker.
Due to the interest in pure tobacco, we're starting to work on lines with no added flavor. We've experimented with tobacco taken from some famous cigars, and the results are very promising. The process is more like steeping tea, so we can preserve the aroma of the unlit tobacco. Even non-smokers don't find the smell offensive. To the contrary, most everyone finds it pleasant, and it can be used indoors even most places where smoking is banned.
I wanted to get a discussion started online about how the product is perceived relative to cigars.
Also, we are looking for territory reps in all corners of the U.S. If you are interested or have any recommendations, please let me know.
For more info on the product and company, you can visit:
Disclaimer: As mentioned, I am representing the company. Apologies if I missed any policies regarding posting in this manner.
First time posting. I'm the co-founder of a San Francisco company that recently launched a new pipe tobacco product called Ploom.
It heats special tobacco-containing capsules called "Ploom Pods" to just the point where they release a flavorful vapor, without burning or the side effects of combustion.
We've seen a lot of sales and interest from cigar smokers. The experience is quite different, but many cigar enthusiasts are surprised by the clean, intense tobacco flavor. This surprised us, too, since many of our blends have a good deal of top flavoring and were aimed more at the social cigarette or hookah smoker.
Due to the interest in pure tobacco, we're starting to work on lines with no added flavor. We've experimented with tobacco taken from some famous cigars, and the results are very promising. The process is more like steeping tea, so we can preserve the aroma of the unlit tobacco. Even non-smokers don't find the smell offensive. To the contrary, most everyone finds it pleasant, and it can be used indoors even most places where smoking is banned.
I wanted to get a discussion started online about how the product is perceived relative to cigars.
Also, we are looking for territory reps in all corners of the U.S. If you are interested or have any recommendations, please let me know.
For more info on the product and company, you can visit:
Disclaimer: As mentioned, I am representing the company. Apologies if I missed any policies regarding posting in this manner.
It goes down good with the cigerret adicts who need to smoke inside, and with people trying to cut back.
Im assuming its stilll going to have the nicotine in there?
Tbh the actual smoking of a cigar is a very small part of the cigar experiance for me, i really enjoy the learning about differnt things, buying cigars, aging them, and being part of the cigar comunity.
EDIT: A bit of googling, and I found that these used to cost $30:
The concept of "vapor, not smoke" has been around for awhile - most noticably with potheads
The comments at the bottom of the Gizmodo reviews are hilarious. Seems a lot of the posters think tobacco, in any form whatsoever, is cancerous, disgusting, and should be banned - but marijuana is perfectly safe and should be legalized.
Quote of the day from the comment section of the Ploom review on Gizmodo:
Thanks everyone for the comments - this is very helpful. Just to clarify a couple of things:
Yes, the idea of not burning lets you use it indoors. But also, gentle heating is really a whole new (and potentially better) way to enjoy tobacco. It preserves the good aromas without introducing the bad. Think of steeping tea or coffee, versus burning it.
The price of the pods is for a pack of 12. So each pod comes out to ~50 cents. If you think of it as a short cigar session (it lasts 10 minutes), that's very reasonable. Vaporization is highly efficient compared to smoking, which lets us use the highest quality ingredients yet keep the price down.
But yes, the cost to get started is $39.95 for the Model One pipe, or $65 if you get a starter kit.
I can send samples to the first 5 people who PM me their address.
Ok, samples are going out to the first 5 who responded.
We had to skip a couple names because we can't currently ship to Canada and Washington state (all other states are ok). Sorry if either applies to you.
Hopefully the takers will provide some comments in the forum. Regards, Adam
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
I noticed that the pipe uses butane fuel instead of an electric heating element. I'm assuming there's a flame inside the flute/pipe then?
I like the idea of freebasing actual leaves a bit more than heating some kind of flavored juice.
One person is able to control their impulses and be responsible; the other type of person has little to no control over their impulses and cannot act responsibly (and please don't try to tell me there are "responsible drunks" or "responsible potheads" out there - we both know that's an oxymoron/a lie)
My point is that there's a difference between doing something to relax, and doing it to alter your perceptions/get high/get drunk; the former is responsible and is an activity that adults engage in; the latter is something that people with little to no self-control engage in.
That said, I've met people who smoked pot in the past, dropped it after college, and have gone on and done great things. Is it possible to smoke weed for relaxation and not it's THC/not to get high after college or as a part of your regular routine? I dunno, but I'm pretty skeptical, especially since every potheads I've met post-college are low-lifes who never got their life together. Maybe I just haven't met the right people, but in my life, I've never met someone with a good job who's going places in the world, who smokes weed.
We both agree on the point of excess. My contention is that you see any pot partaking as being instantly out of control, where I see it as being on equal ground as alcohol or any other psychoactive drug.
I'm not saying there's no truth to the things you said, but parts lean toward uninformed and holier-than-thou.
I'm not trying to start a fight either, I'm fully willing to agree to disagree and drop it.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
I've just never seen anyone smoke weed who didn't want to get high, but most people I know drink to relax, not to get drunk. That's the difference I see between alcohol and weed. umm . . . not sure where you pulled Fox, kool-aid, or any of your other arguments from, but what I said was that there's a difference between someone who drinks to relax and someone who drinks to get drunk - it's a problem of excess. I'm really not sure where you got the idea I thought alcohol was bad.