Latin America Play by Play

Headed down south again. I just got to the Chicago airport and my flightt boards in about an hour or so. If all goes as planned I will arrive in Managua about 9pm this evening. Staying at Hotel Camino Real across the street to avoid driving on the roads at night then making the 90 minute stretch to Esteli in the morning. Tuesday I am going to head over the boarder to honduras for a quick overnight trip. It has been several years since I have been to Honduras so I am pretty excited. Not visiting has not been due to a lack of desire, but rather a safety issue. Honduras has become much more dangerous over the last 24 months. Still, I am excited to visit some of my favorite factorries and see what has changed. With any luck, Hondurras will be back on my radar as a regular place to start visitinng again!!
333 pounder here and I only fly if I can get a aisle seat so I can lean out into the aisle. Have fun Alex.
Awesome Alex, have a great trip and be safe. Hopefully everything goes smoothly in Honduras.
Love reading these. Hope your internet connection is good so we can get pics and what not.
"Long ashes my friends."
"Long ashes my friends."
I heart Honduran Tobacco.
i cant wait to read all about it.