Blu-ray Disc player HELP!!!

Hey guys I have been thinking about getting a Blu-ray Disc player. I have a Samsung 46 inch 1080p LCD. Knowing that cable is only broadcast in 720 I would like to put my TV to it's full potential. I do not know much about the Blu-ray technology and could use some help.
Is the picture quality that much different from a DVD player?
Is there a difference in the brand, quality, price, picture, etc?
Where is a good place to start looking for these?
I've noticed that the discs cost quite a bit more then DVD's even to rent. Are they coming down in price?
I saw some players that were on "sale" over the past few months. I know you get what you pay for is usually my motto but know that sometimes there really are great deals on certain items. Thanks in advance for any help that you can give me.
Is the picture quality that much different from a DVD player?
Is there a difference in the brand, quality, price, picture, etc?
Where is a good place to start looking for these?
I've noticed that the discs cost quite a bit more then DVD's even to rent. Are they coming down in price?
I saw some players that were on "sale" over the past few months. I know you get what you pay for is usually my motto but know that sometimes there really are great deals on certain items. Thanks in advance for any help that you can give me.
Now, I don't run I usually buy but a lot of blu-rays are coming down in price. I just got Clash of the Titans for $12.99 on Amazon. I got Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince on blu-ray with DVD and digital Copy or $14.99 when the DVD by itself was like $22.99+. It depends on what you are buying. Rest assured that even if you get a DVD it will be upconvereted and look better, at least in my experience.
Now, with all that said there are more expensive blu-ray players that claim to use commercial grade upconverters. I would love to see one but given the price it's not going to happen any time soon. They are supposed to be the same chips that broadcasters use.
Hope this helps.