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World of Warcraft

Anyone here play this. Guys at work just got me into this on a 10-day trial but will prob purchase. wanted to see if any BOTL on.


  • robbyrasrobbyras Posts: 5,487
    I did the 10 day trial and got totally hooked, so I did NOT buy it... I knew I was gonna get deeply hooked on it so I passed... I think my wife is pretty happy I skipped out on it...
  • Russ55Russ55 Posts: 2,765 ✭✭
    I played it when it first started in 2004. I did about a 4 year run. Met some really great people, and some really not so great people. Once WAR went gold I quit WOW, but after about 6 months I realized that having a family and playing mmos doesn't work. For me at least. I've also realized I don't care for blizzard games and their development style. Be careful, games like that are extremely addicting. They are a hobby unto themselves completely separate from other computer games imnsho.
  • Garen BGaren B Posts: 977
    I played it when it first started in 2004. I did about a 4 year run. Met some really great people, and some really not so great people. Once WAR went gold I quit WOW, but after about 6 months I realized that having a family and playing mmos doesn't work. For me at least. I've also realized I don't care for blizzard games and their development style. Be careful, games like that are extremely addicting. They are a hobby unto themselves completely separate from other computer games imnsho.
    True that man, I played WoW from 05 to 08, did the raid thing and met some cool people along the way. If you want to have any free time whatsoever don't do anything more than the 10 day trial run, it's addicting as heck, I even had a friend who's engagement got broken off because the guy couldn't curtail his time on WoW.
  • Garen B:
    I played it when it first started in 2004. I did about a 4 year run. Met some really great people, and some really not so great people. Once WAR went gold I quit WOW, but after about 6 months I realized that having a family and playing mmos doesn't work. For me at least. I've also realized I don't care for blizzard games and their development style. Be careful, games like that are extremely addicting. They are a hobby unto themselves completely separate from other computer games imnsho.
    True that man, I played WoW from 05 to 08, did the raid thing and met some cool people along the way. If you want to have any free time whatsoever don't do anything more than the 10 day trial run, it's addicting as heck, I even had a friend who's engagement got broken off because the guy couldn't curtail his time on WoW.
    I dont usually get addicted to things that easily and can stop any time. if there werent like 8 of us hear at work starting this now and all building charcters i prob wouldnt stay. we will see after the 10 days is up.
  • Bobbo2009Bobbo2009 Posts: 915 ✭✭✭
    Anyone here play this. Guys at work just got me into this on a 10-day trial but will prob purchase. wanted to see if any BOTL on.
    I've been playing for around 4-5 years now. I got really addicted to it at first. I didn't got for teh hardcore raiding, but it still took up alot of my free time. Over the past couple of years I have freed myself from the addiction but I still play from time to time. usually I play on either Friday nights or Saturday nights. When my wife and kid are asleep. My wife is very happy now that I don't play seven nights a week. I'm pretty sure she wouldn't mind me getting back into it full time again if I were to quit cigars. Too bad for her. I like the cigars more than WOW! Good luck!
  • Garen BGaren B Posts: 977
    I dont usually get addicted to things that easily and can stop any time. if there werent like 8 of us hear at work starting this now and all building charcters i prob wouldnt stay. we will see after the 10 days is up.
    Shoot, have fun then! Having enough people to form up parties and such makes things a whole lot more fun and easier to level up too.
  • cabinetmakercabinetmaker Posts: 2,560 ✭✭
    Quit in 08, level 70 warlock & rogue in full T5, some T6.. The game became an obsession. Quit right before the lvl 80 expansion came out. Having a real life became much more important than raiding 7 days/week...
  • HaybletHayblet Posts: 2,429 ✭✭✭
    I quit about 6 months ago after a good 5 year run, fun game, raiding is stressful, and odds are you'll meet some very cool people so it's kind of a matter of how much you can withstand. Some guilds are over the top serious and yell at players for being bad (see www.Troxed.com assuming the site is still up and find the sound clips or sound boards...) and some guilds like the few I was in were casually serious, we'd joke around on vent till the poop hit the fan, but we also accomplished everything there was to do just were not the Server Firsts. Shy of a couple bosses I've seen all the content and was proud of the gear my Mage has, if you do get seriously involved into World of Warcraft, then I would suggest www.Elitistjerks.com for everything you need to know about everything class/lore/pvp/game mechanic related.
  • NYHCx516xNYHCx516x Posts: 728
    lol... im playing as we speak. casual player though. 2 or so hours a day, more on the weekends... sometimes no play for weeks on end, then a burst of playing.
  • JCizzleJCizzle Posts: 1,914 ✭✭✭
    A little too geeky for my taste.
    Light 'em up.
  • It's a really fun game if you can really control how much you play. I've been playing since launch back in 04 and have had a good time playing with lots of good stories and memories with friends IRL and online. Just seriously - don't make playing it a problem. I have a couple friends who recently started playing again and I haven't seen them in months because they arn't willing to go socialize because they'd rather play WoW.
  • minibeezyminibeezy Posts: 257
    Casual player here. I told myself I would never play it, seeing how addicting it was (and it is), but when my buddy got deployed to Iraq, WoW was his escape over there. I broke down and got the game so I could 'hang out' with him while he was overseas.

    Still play today with old friends who live in different parts of the country now. Not raiding anymore, but a nice little break here and then and fun to do something with people I can't just jump in the car and meet down at the bar.
  • NYHCx516xNYHCx516x Posts: 728
    It's a really fun game if you can really control how much you play. I've been playing since launch back in 04 and have had a good time playing with lots of good stories and memories with friends IRL and online. Just seriously - don't make playing it a problem. I have a couple friends who recently started playing again and I haven't seen them in months because they arn't willing to go socialize because they'd rather play WoW.
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