I picked these up at a boutique cigar event a few months back. It stands for Rico y Raro. I thought they were absolutley fantastic! wonderful flavor, middle of the road strength but a rich flavorful smoke.
found an ad for these "the perfect balance of flavor and strength have been captured in one cigar. made in Esteli, Nicaragua with 100% Nicaraguan grown cuban seed tobaccos including 2 1/2 leaves of the finest ligero tobacco grown anywhere" impulsively... bought a box.
"Long ashes my friends."
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
"the perfect balance of flavor and strength have been captured in one cigar. made in Esteli, Nicaragua with 100% Nicaraguan grown cuban seed tobaccos including 2 1/2 leaves of the finest ligero tobacco grown anywhere"
impulsively... bought a box.