My review of Oliva Serie G Toro.

6 x 50
I greatly enjoyed this smoke. Medium brown wrapper, with an earthy, barnyardy aroma, maybe a hint of wet dirt. I tried the lick of the cap, and it tasted sweet to me, almost like simple syrup or sugar. The draw was good, it lit easily and with no problems.
I took my time with this one, probably spent an hour with it and had a fantastic time. The flavor profile of this cigar was more complex than the few I've smoked thus far, so it was harder for me to pick out the flavors. The initial flavor was smooth and leathery, and that sugary taste continued for the initial part of the stick, mostly in the aftertaste. It was a different kind of sweet, like brown sugar.
I paid attention to the ashes this time--as some posters on here suggested--and I think I was smoking it too fast. This cigar was so tasty that I think I rushed it at first, but I slowed down quickly and got a nice, even burn going which enhanced the flavors. After that I was able to pick up hints of prunes or dates, and the brown-sugary taste faded into a drier, nuttier flavor, almost like coffee beans.
I have one more of these left and I'm taking it on the boat tomorrow for another go 'round, I'll definitely be smoking more of these after that as well.
I would like to mention how much I've enjoyed my time on this forum so far, and how this is the first hobby of mine that isn't competitive (after being involved in athletics for quite some time). It's great to relax and taste what you taste, read, share, and learn with you guys.
I also wanted to clarify some etiquette; is it proper to review ISOMs on this site or is that a no no? Forgive me but my ignorance on this perhaps blinds me at times.
Smoke on, my friends.

I greatly enjoyed this smoke. Medium brown wrapper, with an earthy, barnyardy aroma, maybe a hint of wet dirt. I tried the lick of the cap, and it tasted sweet to me, almost like simple syrup or sugar. The draw was good, it lit easily and with no problems.
I took my time with this one, probably spent an hour with it and had a fantastic time. The flavor profile of this cigar was more complex than the few I've smoked thus far, so it was harder for me to pick out the flavors. The initial flavor was smooth and leathery, and that sugary taste continued for the initial part of the stick, mostly in the aftertaste. It was a different kind of sweet, like brown sugar.
I paid attention to the ashes this time--as some posters on here suggested--and I think I was smoking it too fast. This cigar was so tasty that I think I rushed it at first, but I slowed down quickly and got a nice, even burn going which enhanced the flavors. After that I was able to pick up hints of prunes or dates, and the brown-sugary taste faded into a drier, nuttier flavor, almost like coffee beans.
I have one more of these left and I'm taking it on the boat tomorrow for another go 'round, I'll definitely be smoking more of these after that as well.
I would like to mention how much I've enjoyed my time on this forum so far, and how this is the first hobby of mine that isn't competitive (after being involved in athletics for quite some time). It's great to relax and taste what you taste, read, share, and learn with you guys.
I also wanted to clarify some etiquette; is it proper to review ISOMs on this site or is that a no no? Forgive me but my ignorance on this perhaps blinds me at times.
Smoke on, my friends.

Light 'em up.
the V was one of my go to cigars for a year or so.