Ines Sainz

This is the chick that Ozzie posted in "good traders" thread. Shes the chick that had the whole harassment thing with the Jets locker room. She does have one sweet asssssssssss
Here is a preview, you can thank me with the cigar you smoke tonight! ....

Here is a preview, you can thank me with the cigar you smoke tonight! ....

It takes a LOT to turn my affections away from my beloved Kimmy Kardashian in the keester department, but this young lass has most definitely got my full and undivided attention!!!
I agree...I mean, if we're talking perfection here, her ass has a bit too much 'sticky-out' for my taste. From a dead-on rear view it's not bad, but from the side view it sticks out way too much. IMHO.
Just giving you guys the benefit of my many long years of observation.
Either way the media shouldn't be allowed in a locker room. That's why they have a press room. Some people say that women shouldn't be allowed in mens locker room etc. but when was the last time you saw any media in a womens locker room? It's stupid and the league needs to look into that instead of investigating what was said to her in the locker room. There are naked men in their showering and changing and lets get real anyone who has been in a locker room before knows the conversations always tend to go a certain way. They aren't talking about politics in there.
Keep the media out of the locker rooms. Now granted she had problems outside of the locker room too but I wasn't focusing in on that. That yes should be dealt with like an adult instead of some over paid kid who plays a game for a living.