Any Vets here in the forums at all? dog questions....need answering

puppy has been lethergic lately...not energetic...slight decrease in food intake...more snappy at my other dog......lazy...
She is sleeping way more....she is about 14 weeks old, on large breed puppy food diamond which is a natural based food, almost got all her shots...................thanks
She is sleeping way more....she is about 14 weeks old, on large breed puppy food diamond which is a natural based food, almost got all her shots...................thanks
you said its a she so, time of the month?
a cold
recovering after a recent shot
injured leg, wouldnt explain the loss of appetite though
just some ideas
hope things improve soon
you say she hasn't had all her shots and that you have been walking her, did your vet not say to not take her out of the house until she had had them all???, mine did so its a possibility she might have picked up something.
here's hoping for the best.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Aside from the mutt in the picture above my wife and I have a Malamute/Husky mix, and she eats EVERYTHING so we've had our fair share of vet bills becuase of it.
Was there anything in the water that you found her drinking? Rocks? Screws? old washers? anything? Ours swallowed some sort of metal object that she dug up in our yard (about the size of a 3 inch nail) that she wasn't passing even though it was small enough. She showed the exact same symptoms as yours is now and we think was poisining her and slowly shutting her down becuase she couldn't eat, drink or crap beuase of it. We ended up having her in the doggie ER for a few days and they put her on an IV which rehydrated her enough to move it through and once it was gone, she bounced right back in a day or two and was fine. So if this is the case, be prepared for a decent vet bill and don't shy away from getting her an IV because hydration can help alot of different things
Anyway, good luck man, and your doing the right thing by getting her in to see a vet who can figure it out pretty quick and take the steps needed to get her better.