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JCizzleJCizzle Posts: 1,914 ✭✭✭
My workplace is plagued by a one-upper/tall-taler. This guy has done everything you have, only better. On top of that, he's done it all, period. He's had a BMW twin-turbo in Germany, at times he has an MBA (which he calls a "business master's"), he played college football (he's about 5'8", 200 lbs with no muscle), he's been a pro racecar driver, and his alleged possessions and lifestyle don't add up when considering his paycheck. He's also in the Army reserves and frequently deploys to Afghanistan for "missions." Oddly enough, he works in a position similar to mine instead of being the CEO like I'd expect.

Do you guys have a one-upper in your ranks?
Light 'em up.


  • j0z3rj0z3r Posts: 9,403 ✭✭
    Used to have one at my work. Once I pegged him for what he was, I just quit talking to him and barely acknowledged him...didn't stop him, but at least I didn't have to put up with him. Funny thing is, at the time I'd been an electrician for about 6 years and this guy claimed to have 20+ years experience, yet he was constantly making mistakes I wouldn't have made and not catching things I did catch...and to be clear, I'm not patting my own back and saying how good I am, just trying to illustrate how incompetent he is/was. Funny how the people who boast the most often have the least to back it up.
  • JCizzleJCizzle Posts: 1,914 ✭✭✭
    Exactly, they'll claim to know something, then demonstrate the contrary. I went on a fishing trip with a few co-workers--him included--and he kept talking about his boat "back home," but would ask stupid questions that any boat owner should know.

    Funny thing, these types of people will keep talking and talking even if you blatantly ignore them.
    Light 'em up.
  • DiamondogDiamondog Posts: 4,171 ✭✭
    My workplace is plagued by a one-upper/tall-taler. This guy has done everything you have, only better. On top of that, he's done it all, period. He's had a BMW twin-turbo in Germany, at times he has an MBA (which he calls a "business master's"), he played college football (he's about 5'8", 200 lbs with no muscle), he's been a pro racecar driver, and his alleged possessions and lifestyle don't add up when considering his paycheck. He's also in the Army reserves and frequently deploys to Afghanistan for "missions." Oddly enough, he works in a position similar to mine instead of being the CEO like I'd expect.

    Do you guys have a one-upper in your ranks?
    Sounds like small **** syndrome, unfortunately it strikes a lot of men...the owner of the company I work for suffers from this severely, except in his case it's so small you'd think it's a pu**y...
  • JCizzleJCizzle Posts: 1,914 ✭✭✭
    Maybe it is one or maybe he is one?
    Light 'em up.
  • ellinasellinas Posts: 329
    Don't you just want to hit those guys??? thankfully i've only met one of those guys once and he doesnt work with me. About 4 years ago my dad's friend brought her bf over and claimed he could throw a 95 mph fast ball, hit a a golf ball over 300 yds, luckily my dad was right there and he had played in a few pga tour events, so we called him out on that and made him look like an idiot. He also claimed he was a pro boxer in california .....but thankfully like i've already said...i've met only one of those guys
  • JCizzleJCizzle Posts: 1,914 ✭✭✭
    Oh god don't get me started on the "former athletes."
    Light 'em up.
  • Garen BGaren B Posts: 977
    Oh god don't get me started on the "former athletes."
    What, you mean you don't want to hear how he single-handedly won his state championship back to back and would have gone in the first round of the draft if that dude on the other team didn't take a low shot and blew out his knee? :P
  • lilwing88lilwing88 Posts: 2,812 ✭✭✭
    My workplace is plagued by a one-upper/tall-taler. This guy has done everything you have, only better. On top of that, he's done it all, period. He's had a BMW twin-turbo in Germany, at times he has an MBA (which he calls a "business master's"), he played college football (he's about 5'8", 200 lbs with no muscle), he's been a pro racecar driver, and his alleged possessions and lifestyle don't add up when considering his paycheck. He's also in the Army reserves and frequently deploys to Afghanistan for "missions." Oddly enough, he works in a position similar to mine instead of being the CEO like I'd expect.

    Do you guys have a one-upper in your ranks?
    That's nothing. I know a guy who's way more of a one-upper!...... LOL!
    Guns don't kill people, Daddies with pretty daughters do…..
  • Jetmech_63Jetmech_63 Posts: 3,451 ✭✭✭
    My workplace is plagued by a one-upper/tall-taler. This guy has done everything you have, only better. On top of that, he's done it all, period. He's had a BMW twin-turbo in Germany, at times he has an MBA (which he calls a "business master's"), he played college football (he's about 5'8", 200 lbs with no muscle), he's been a pro racecar driver, and his alleged possessions and lifestyle don't add up when considering his paycheck. He's also in the Army reserves and frequently deploys to Afghanistan for "missions." Oddly enough, he works in a position similar to mine instead of being the CEO like I'd expect.

    Do you guys have a one-upper in your ranks?
    That's nothing. I know a guy who's way more of a one-upper!...... LOL!
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    My workplace is plagued by a one-upper/tall-taler. This guy has done everything you have, only better. On top of that, he's done it all, period. He's had a BMW twin-turbo in Germany, at times he has an MBA (which he calls a "business master's"), he played college football (he's about 5'8", 200 lbs with no muscle), he's been a pro racecar driver, and his alleged possessions and lifestyle don't add up when considering his paycheck. He's also in the Army reserves and frequently deploys to Afghanistan for "missions." Oddly enough, he works in a position similar to mine instead of being the CEO like I'd expect.

    Do you guys have a one-upper in your ranks?
    That's nothing. I know a guy who's way more of a one-upper!...... LOL!
    damnit. i was totally about to post that joke.

    is that a preemptive one up?
  • Nick2021Nick2021 Posts: 938 ✭✭
    My workplace is plagued by a one-upper/tall-taler. This guy has done everything you have, only better. On top of that, he's done it all, period. He's had a BMW twin-turbo in Germany, at times he has an MBA (which he calls a "business master's"), he played college football (he's about 5'8", 200 lbs with no muscle), he's been a pro racecar driver, and his alleged possessions and lifestyle don't add up when considering his paycheck. He's also in the Army reserves and frequently deploys to Afghanistan for "missions." Oddly enough, he works in a position similar to mine instead of being the CEO like I'd expect.

    Do you guys have a one-upper in your ranks?
    I was a pro-racer too...when I played mariokart with my kids
  • RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Posts: 2,915
    My workplace is plagued by a one-upper/tall-taler. This guy has done everything you have, only better. On top of that, he's done it all, period. He's had a BMW twin-turbo in Germany, at times he has an MBA (which he calls a "business master's"), he played college football (he's about 5'8", 200 lbs with no muscle), he's been a pro racecar driver, and his alleged possessions and lifestyle don't add up when considering his paycheck. He's also in the Army reserves and frequently deploys to Afghanistan for "missions." Oddly enough, he works in a position similar to mine instead of being the CEO like I'd expect.

    Do you guys have a one-upper in your ranks?

    Growing up I quit hanging with my Best friend because of this... i ran into him a couple of years ago........ F>U>C>K Me he was WORSE LOL
  • Nick2021Nick2021 Posts: 938 ✭✭
    My workplace is plagued by a one-upper/tall-taler. This guy has done everything you have, only better. On top of that, he's done it all, period. He's had a BMW twin-turbo in Germany, at times he has an MBA (which he calls a "business master's"), he played college football (he's about 5'8", 200 lbs with no muscle), he's been a pro racecar driver, and his alleged possessions and lifestyle don't add up when considering his paycheck. He's also in the Army reserves and frequently deploys to Afghanistan for "missions." Oddly enough, he works in a position similar to mine instead of being the CEO like I'd expect.

    Do you guys have a one-upper in your ranks?

    Growing up I quit hanging with my Best friend because of this... i ran into him a couple of years ago........ F>U>C>K Me he was WORSE LOL
    Also, one-upper hunters are horrible...not sure if anybody has hunted with one, it can ruin a hunt FAST!
  • JCizzleJCizzle Posts: 1,914 ✭✭✭
    Never hunted but fished. This guy didn't catch any fish at all, mind you, but no matter what you caught, he had caught bigger better faster, etc. Mysteriously he didn't catch any that day...
    Light 'em up.
  • DiamondogDiamondog Posts: 4,171 ✭✭
    Anyone seen the SNL skit with the woman who does this in the skit??? Quite funny...
  • Hawk55Hawk55 Posts: 846
    LOL Winger!!!
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