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Its finally done

Hey guys thanks for your help with taking the surveys the project is finally all done, the survey results are up as well as the paper you can view all of it on my website for the class https://sites.google.com/a/mail.csuchico.edu/christiansapp/ Thanks for all your help guys


  • Hey it looks good man! It looks like you really put a lot of hard work into the project. I think you deserve a good grade on it. The only thing I will say is to proof-read your papers MANY times before submitting them (including giving it to other people if you have time). There are a few grammatical and spelling errors. Strong writing skills will take you a long way in your future careers. Even something as simple as emailing. Other then those critiques everything was really great. Good job!
  • Just checked it out. Very cool stuff.
  • newbiesmoker24:
    Hey it looks good man! It looks like you really put a lot of hard work into the project. I think you deserve a good grade on it. The only thing I will say is to proof-read your papers MANY times before submitting them (including giving it to other people if you have time). There are a few grammatical and spelling errors. Strong writing skills will take you a long way in your future careers. Even something as simple as emailing. Other then those critiques everything was really great. Good job!
    yeah tried to catch everything but i know some got by thanks for the reviews
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