Prayer Request

Guys as you know I don't air much of my personal business on here but I received sad news this morning. I awoke to an email from one of my good friends wife. Another one of my friends has given his life in service of this country of ours. Marine Corporal Derek Wyatt of Akron, Ohio gave his life on Dec 6th 2010 in the Helmand Province of Afghanistan. His wife gave birth to their son on Dec 7th. On my facebook for those of you who are friends with me on there it says Sergeant Derek Wyatt because I'm hearing different things on if he was promoted or not. I hadn't spoken with him recently so I'm unclear on that. I ask that you please keep him, his family and newborn son in your prayers. Next time you light one up if you are willing to, please dedicate it to his memory for what he did for us. I will miss you like crazy brother and you will never be forgotten.......
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
I am thinking of lighting up a GOF in his honor.
Couldn't have said it any better. I'll be sending my thoughts and prayers along the way as well.