So I'm having a baby....Well not me my wife, but you get the idea.

So we found out yesterday that we are going to have a baby. Lets say it wasn't planned right now, but these things happen when they are ment to and we a very happy.
A few changes are going to have to happen. Like my motorcycle getting sold to pay off some bills and the rest getting used for a down payment on a more car with you know, seats and all that jazz. Cigar budget is going on the back burner for a while too. I will still be around, just smoking less I guess.
Well I just wanted to tell someone.
I'm excited and a little scared, mostly excited.
A few changes are going to have to happen. Like my motorcycle getting sold to pay off some bills and the rest getting used for a down payment on a more car with you know, seats and all that jazz. Cigar budget is going on the back burner for a while too. I will still be around, just smoking less I guess.
Well I just wanted to tell someone.
I'm excited and a little scared, mostly excited.
Congrats again and enjoy it!!!
Secondly....details on the bike? I'm looking for a new ride.
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
Open to offers. Man I am going to miss her. Was thinking about a lot last night. Got her when I moved to the US 6 years ago.
1. Don't wait till the last couple of weeks to pack your hospital might come a month early..say 1am in the morning...and you're stuck packing while your wife is freaking out.
2. Costco membership, If you don't have one, get one...buying diapers in the only way to go.
3. Store brand formula is just as good as name brand (unless your wife *** feeds that is)
4. When you finally make it home, and sitting on the couch looking at your new baby and wondering "What the hell do we do now?" Just remember that you aren't alone and this is the start of a wonderful new time for you and your new family...then it will be time for a bottle.
5. Get lots of sleep!
6. People usually look at me weird when I say this, but it is true. Do take lots of pictures, you can't have too many. The reason is because they do grow up fast, it just seemed like yesterday I was bring my first one home from the hospital. My dad told me this samething when my son was born, and the reason he gave was "The days go by slowly, but the years will go by fast". Yet again, he proved to me why he is the smartest man I know.
Congratulations again Ross!
"Long ashes my friends."
My Wife and I have a son that just turned 1 year old, it is sometimes trying but it is always worth it.
I also agree that you should take as many pictures as possible or movies.
You are going to have a blast.
I was scared when I first found out because I was worried how we would pay for the little bugger, but the good Lord has provided.
I work for a company that makes diapers so thanks for helping keep me employed!