Tatuaje Cojonu 2003

This is a huge, spicy, sweet, 500 horsepower smoke from Tatuaje. It was the first Cojonu blend released. Cojonu being colloquial Spanish for "ballsy"... for the first half or so, I would have hardly considered this a ballsy stick. Tasty, sure, but not even very spicy, much less powerful. Things really ramp up in strength just around the halfway point. For you full body lovers, this is a badass smoke, that you will definitely appreciate. Price tag is a little high, but smoke time is long. You really get something good with this one. Highly recommended. Full review with a ton of photos at the blog.

One quick question, what does "toothy" mean in regards to ash and wrappers?
in general the pic Doc here posted is what i always thought of as "tooth"
iduno... its just another case of personal taste i guess.