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Tatuaje Cojonu 2003

This is a huge, spicy, sweet, 500 horsepower smoke from Tatuaje. It was the first Cojonu blend released. Cojonu being colloquial Spanish for "ballsy"... for the first half or so, I would have hardly considered this a ballsy stick. Tasty, sure, but not even very spicy, much less powerful. Things really ramp up in strength just around the halfway point. For you full body lovers, this is a badass smoke, that you will definitely appreciate. Price tag is a little high, but smoke time is long. You really get something good with this one. Highly recommended. Full review with a ton of photos at the blog.



  • JCizzleJCizzle Posts: 1,914 ✭✭✭
    Great review. I've noticed I've had to change my smoking patterns with the few sticks I've smoked due to the way they've burned as well, another great thing about this hobby, everday is different.

    One quick question, what does "toothy" mean in regards to ash and wrappers?
    Light 'em up.
  • docbp87docbp87 Posts: 3,521
    Great review. I've noticed I've had to change my smoking patterns with the few sticks I've smoked due to the way they've burned as well, another great thing about this hobby, everday is different.

    One quick question, what does "toothy" mean in regards to ash and wrappers?
    If you look at a wrapper, and it has tiny, prominent bumps all over it (evenly distrbuted), as weird as it sounds, like little hair follicles (not hairy... that would be mold :P) all over it, that is tooth. Sort of a sand-paper texture. When ash shows tooth, it manifests as little white bumps, like little white ash beads that cling to the outside of the ash. Here is an example of a toothy wrapper, from member Kaeleria's website, Cigarobsession: Link to photo, to not kill his bandwidth lol
  • lilwing88lilwing88 Posts: 2,812 ✭✭✭
    I've only had the 2009, but very similar experience. Definitely full-bodied and very tasty. In fact, I may have another one today......
    Guns don't kill people, Daddies with pretty daughters do…..
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    Great review. I've noticed I've had to change my smoking patterns with the few sticks I've smoked due to the way they've burned as well, another great thing about this hobby, everday is different.

    One quick question, what does "toothy" mean in regards to ash and wrappers?
    If you look at a wrapper, and it has tiny, prominent bumps all over it (evenly distrbuted), as weird as it sounds, like little hair follicles (not hairy... that would be mold :P) all over it, that is tooth. Sort of a sand-paper texture. When ash shows tooth, it manifests as little white bumps, like little white ash beads that cling to the outside of the ash. Here is an example of a toothy wrapper, from member Kaeleria's website, Cigarobsession: Link to photo, to not kill his bandwidth lol
    ive also seen it in reference to larger bumps, not just those little ones. think a wrapper that is more "rugged"

    in general the pic Doc here posted is what i always thought of as "tooth"
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    i am not a huge fan of Tatuaje cigars. dont get me wrong, they are not bad. i do feel that they get more hype than they deserve and they have a slightly over priced sticker on em. as far as being a longer smoke, i always seem that i am upset at how fast these things burn. iduno.... maybe the couple dozen that i have had in the past two years have all been "bad sticks" but if thats the case then i wouldnt buy the brand.

    iduno... its just another case of personal taste i guess.

  • ellinasellinas Posts: 329
    so those bumps are mold???
  • docbp87docbp87 Posts: 3,521
    so those bumps are mold???
    ... no? What makes you think that?
  • ellinasellinas Posts: 329
    so those bumps are mold???
    ... no? What makes you think that?
    i misread something
  • docbp87docbp87 Posts: 3,521
    so those bumps are mold???
    ... no? What makes you think that?
    i misread something
    Oh, okay I see actually. Yeah not hairy. Hairy is what mold looks like on cigars, in patches usually. Tooth just looks like little hair follicles sometimes.
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