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Keeping the city safe over Christmas weekend

Seasons greetings to all BOTL's

Working nights all weekend keeping the city safe. Hopefully will have time during the night to enjoy a nice stick.

Best wishes to all



  • The SniperThe Sniper Posts: 3,910
    Merry Christmas to you also brother! Thanks again for all you do, and here's hoping the only fire you see all night is the flame of your torch as you fire up a good stick! Stay safe.

  • docedwardsdocedwards Posts: 319
    I no longer help keep the city safe but I'll being doing security all weeked. On duty till 6am and will be back on Christmas day at 6pm and work till 6am on Sun. Somehow, (with little sleep), I'll get in a little Christmas on Sat and Sun. Hope all you guys have a great one. I'll also be doing all-niters on the forums.
  • JZJZ Posts: 827
    Stay safe! I feel you brother, I'm patrolling the city, fighting crime, suppressing evil and keeping an eye for all the grinch's out there. .I work 6p - 6a as well.
  • bigjohn125bigjohn125 Posts: 476
    Me too. Stay safe brothers.
  • badge54fdbadge54fd Posts: 241
    First fire is done with for the night. Second alarm apartment fire. Praying for a quiet night for the rest.
  • One2gofstOne2gofst Posts: 583
    I was just thinking about this very thing over the holidays. Thank you guys for all you do. I will be in somewhat the same boat, in the future. I will graduate from Nursing School next December. My goal is to work ER or ICU/CCU, which would generally entail I work half the holidays in a given year. Next Chrsitmas may be the last one I don't work, but I am still excited about it. Thanks again for all you fellas do. Stay safe.
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