thinking about joining the army

any advice?
im currently in the 3rd year of doing a physics degree. but i hate it, i just want to get out and do something.
i fancy being an armourer.
i love shooting, and i love taking stuff apart and putting it back together again. which i do with all my air rifles/pistols(not allowed proper guns over here unless you jump through a lot of hoops)
and being an armourer sounds like it ticks all those boxes.
to be an armourer in the British army you have to join the army, im cool with that just need to sort my fitness out, (a lot)
just wondering if any of you guys had any pearls of wisdom that you could share with me.
only thing im concerned about is having a family, which is something ive always wanted.(im 21 now)
im currently in the 3rd year of doing a physics degree. but i hate it, i just want to get out and do something.
i fancy being an armourer.
i love shooting, and i love taking stuff apart and putting it back together again. which i do with all my air rifles/pistols(not allowed proper guns over here unless you jump through a lot of hoops)
and being an armourer sounds like it ticks all those boxes.
to be an armourer in the British army you have to join the army, im cool with that just need to sort my fitness out, (a lot)
just wondering if any of you guys had any pearls of wisdom that you could share with me.
only thing im concerned about is having a family, which is something ive always wanted.(im 21 now)
However, I do have to agree with the other guys on this one. Might as well finish your degree since you're so close. An "I almost had a degree" on your resume is useless if you're looking for a job. Besides, the Army will still be there after you graduate. Also, if you have a girlfriend or wife, being in the military will strain the relationship. Being apart for the military will require that the both of you are strong and able to bear the difficulties of not being together for long periods of time...and not everyone can handle it.
Also, there's really nothing special about being an armorer. Every soldier uses weapons (some more than others, depending on their job). All the armorer does that other soldiers don't usually do is sit at the armory and do paperwork accounting for equipment and weapons.
Whatever your choice, I'd support you. My advice, however, is to finish your education and do research on jobs in the military and enlistment benefits. Also, I suggest thinking about the potential strain on your relationships. Being in the military is great if you're single. But if you're married and have kids, it can suck. Knowledge is power, Sol. Think about it and see if the Army's the life for you.
EDIT: Almost forgot. Having a college degree enables you to go for the officer program in the US Army. Don't know what the British Army offers, but it's something to look into if you decide to enlist.
ive been having a look and it seems a bit more involved than just checking guns in/out, wether its to be bileved or not is a different thing, they are saying you get to do all the maintanace on all the guns starting off with small arms and working up, requres metle working abilitys, which will be taught.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
If having a family is something you want, don't do it. I've always said that the military is not condusive to raising a family. The divorce rate is high, you deploy a lot, etc.
I did 4 years, it wasn't for me. However, it did pay for all my school up to a graduate degree, and will probably pay for at least a part of a PhD. It also went on my resume and led to to a very good job, so it's all give and take. That being said, I'm 30 and have no wife or kids, that is something I've either put on hold or given up all together in order to have the lifestyle I want. It's all about balance and what you want to do.
If I could do it all over again would I still sign up? Not the way I did, I would have gone in as an officer. Just to give you an idea, an 0-3 with about 5-6 years experience makes as much if not more than an E-9 with 25-30 years of experience. Enlisted you make nothing, you work long hours, and are just a body.
Best of luck to you.
Since then I have keep up with my physics friends and guess what, they are ALL unemployed right now. I have had a great job for the past 4 years and get to do all sorts of crazy things that I never would have done with physics, like use a helicopter as my daily commuter, get paid to hike in woods all over North America, go to required firearm practice, and live in hunting and fishing lodges on the company dime.
Anyway, what I am trying to say is that you should find something that makes you happy. I would strongly strongly strongly recommend you finish some sort of degree but specifically something in the sciences. I found Physics to be a great learning experience that molds you more than you might think it does.